Introducing Agent Twilight

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A little present for my kids! Since I wanted to. This MIGHT be updated along with my other books as I go through the list. Like this book, current project, and repeat! And one more thing, HUGS! Or air hugs if you don't like physical contact.

A car makes its way onto the highway, swiftly weaving through the turns. "How much longer till the Embassy?" A man in the back of the car asks the driver. "I believe it'll be around 20 minutes, sir." The man behind the wheel replies in a neutral tone. The driver leans his foot onto the break as to slow down. The driver notices that the brake is loose and panics. 

The driver's face turns into a look of panic, and he tries again, looking down and taking his eyes off the road. "The brake's not working." The driver says and the man in the backseat is taken aback by this. He leans to grip the driver's shoulder. "Hey, Driver, you idiot, watch the road!" The man demands.

The two men are both surprised when they suddenly fly off the road bridge, falling to the ground and creating an explosion, killing them both.  "One of our diplomats perished in a car accident in Ostania." A man in the meeting room announces.

"But we believe it to be an assassination by East's far-right political party. They are plotting war against our nation of Westalis." He continues, his face growing darker with each word. "We must do everything we can to figure out their plan."

"Let's let him take care of it." A man suggests, holding his chin in thought. "The best agent we have. Twilight."

In an alleyway, a nice car is parked, and two men stay a few meters away behind it. One of the men pulls out a folder from inside and hands it to the other man. The contents of the folder are pulled out to show a man's hair slipping off as the man who has the folder explains. "Proof that the foreign minister wears a toupee. I even have the negatives." He tosses said negatives and the other catches it easily.

"Well done." The other man smiles, and he is shown to be someone powerful. "Now we can force him to resign." He turns to his car and waves. "I look forward to doing business with you again." He says and gets into his car and drives off.

The investigator turns around, only to be met with the same man behind him. The important man holds a handout as he smiles smugly. "Hey. How about you hand over the goods now?" he asks. The investigator holds onto his face in horror as the realization that he has tricked strikes him.

The man pretending to be the client is driving and reaches for his face.

Code name: Twilight.

The face comes off and it shows to be a mask. The man shows to be a rather handsome man with light hair and stunning eyes. His gaze is cold, going well with his focused face.

A spy. In an era in which the nations of the world were waging a fierce war of information just out of sight, this man survived the battlefield by being a master of disguise, a man with a hundred faces.

Later that night, Twilight is eating dinner with a woman at an expensive restaurant. "So, Daddy's been in such a bad mood lately because someone stole his toupee pictures, or whatever. What even? Ugh, I'm so mad." The woman rants as Twilight is eating his food. "Hello? Are you listening, Robert?" She asks frustratedly. "Hm? Yes, that's rather unfortunate." He mutters, clearly not interested. 

Cheering catches the woman's attention, and she looks over to see a proposal happening. She smiles softly at this, and she speaks again. "So, Robert... do you think we'll also-" 'Robert' is quick to interrupt. "Karen, let's break up."

Karen is dumbfounded by this and swerves her head to her now ex-boyfriend. "I'm afraid I can't sense any intelligence in your conversations." He plainly explains as he dabs his mouth with a napkin. He gets up, grabs his coat, and leaves. "Farewell. May you find happiness." Karen slams her hands on the table to get up and yell, "Hey, Robert, wait! You can't just do that to me!"

Sorry, Karen, but I have no further use for your family.

Twilight inspects the toupee pictures as he takes off his glasses.

As of tonight, I'm also done with the mask known as Robert.

He throws the pictures and clothing into a barrel fire nearby.

Marriage? Conventional happiness? I got rid of those aspirations, as well as my identity, the day I became a spy.

On another day, Twilight arrives at the train station. He sits right next to an older man reading a newspaper. Twilight and the man swap papers and the former leaves, saying meow.

Must be Cipher C.

"The train bound for Berlint is now departing from track 5." The speakers announce. Twilight gets onto the train focuses on the paper and starts deciphering the words into the intended message.

Good day, or perhaps, good evening, Twilight. Well done on your last mission. Thanks to you, the minister lived another day, to the great benefit of our country. Now, then, I have your next mission. Your target is the leader of the National Unity Party, Donovan Desmond. He is a great threat to the truce between the East and the West. Your mission is to get close to him and probe any seditious activities. In order to achieve this, you will get married and have two children.

Twilight spits out the coffee he's drinking onto the newspaper. "Sorry, what?!" He nearly shouts in bewilderment.

Desmond is an extremely cautious man who appears in public. He only appears at social gatherings held at the elite private school his sons attend. These events are formal get-togethers for the upper echelon of industrial and political leaders. You will have your children enroll in this school and infiltrate one of the social gatherings. The enrollment deadline is drawing near, meaning you have one week to pull this off. One must be 17, and the other must be 6.

Twilight sets down the cup of coffee and rips the paper. "You expect me to produce a child within seven days?!" He yells angrily. He notices he caught people's attention and coughs. "Please excuse me."

Operation Strix. This operation is the key to maintaining peace between East and West... and perhaps, the world. A hero who casts no shadow, the great deeds you and your fellow agents do shall never see the light of day. You will never earn any medals nor make it to the papers. Even so...never forget that everyone else's day-to-day lives are possible because of your blood, sweat, and tears. Very well. I abandoned my identity when I became Twilight. I will play the part of a father with two children if I must, for the sake of a better world.

The same group of people at the table are gathered around again. "Any luck?" The leader asks, his hands put together in front of his face. A woman sighs and shakes her head. "No, sir. We still don't even know the sex, hair color, nor even their voice."

The leader's gaze hardens. "We need to find them. They may do heroic deeds, but their publicity is a problem, not to mention we don't know what their endgame is. Bank robberies, mugging, even hostage situations, they always stop it."

Over a city, a figure is positioned with one foot propped to the edge of the roof. A classic assassin outfit with a hood and a face mask going around the head along with goggle covering their eyes, making them unrecognizable to anyone. They scan the night sky before hopping off the building.

"We must continue to figure out who Mesanychta is. And quick. We don't know what they're capable of."

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