111- Not His Imprint

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Time passed quickly in Forks, quicker than I would have liked it to. Before I realized it, months had passed in happiness.

April was an exciting month since there was a wedding between Jacob and Bella. Everyone attended, and it was nice to see the two so happy. Bella had shocked us all by asking me to be her maid of honor. I agreed and ended up spending more time with her because of it. She had changed a lot since she had dated Edward, and I didn't dislike her as I had before.

Her mom and step-dad came out for the wedding, and it was the first time I had met them. I could see immediately why Charlie didn't like them and why Bella was the way she was. Her mother was crazy, and I could barely stand to be with her for a few minutes. She kept making weird comments amount Bella's childhood, and we all very quickly realized that Bella had basically raised herself and her mother was stuck in her wild teenage years.

The ceremony itself was super beautiful. Emily had helped design it, and we all helped create the venue as we had with Jasper and I's wedding. Once again, all of the pack and vampires were invited, The Denali's included. There were more human guests since Bella had made some friends in high school. Before the wedding, I think I had the most meaningful conversation I had ever had with Bella.

I watched Bella fidget nervously in her seat as her mother finally left us alone after pestering Bella about the idea of marriage. "You okay?" I asked her.

"Yeah," she responded, her voice shaky. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"You're nervous and anxious," I told her, feeling her emotions.

She sighed before turning around to look at me. "I forgot you copy their powers."

I stood up and made my way closer to her, wanting to help calm her down. "So, what's got you so frazzled?"

"I'm freaked out about marrying Jacob. That's like, such a defining thing," she told me, and I could tell what was up immediately.

"Your mom psyched you out, didn't she? She got in your head, and now you're thinking marriage is stupid because it doesn't always work out."

"Are you reading my mind now?" She asked me, annoyed.

"No, I can just tell," I told her. "And you don't need to worry about her. You and Jacob are perfect for each other."

"I'm not his imprint." Her voice sounded so quiet, and I realized why she was so scared.

"You think Jacob will leave you if he finds his imprint." It wasn't a question. It was a statement.

She didn't answer. All I got was a silent nod from her, confirming my suspicions.

"He's not going to do that," I told her confidently, hoping she would believe me. "He loves you, and only you. Even if he finds his imprint one day, she'll probably be nothing more than a close friend or a sibling. It could be a relationship like Charlotte and Seth."

She smiled a little at the mention of the two kids. "I guess you're right," she said, finally calming down by herself.

"And if anything ever happens, just tell me, and I'll kick his butt."

That got a laugh out of her, helping her finally relax. "Thank you, Emma. It means a lot to have you here today."

"Trust me. There's nowhere else I'd rather be today."

Before I knew it, I stood next to Bella as she told Jacob her vows. I could feel the love coming from both of them, and I knew they would be happy together. With a smile on my face, I watched the two of them finally get married.

"For the first time ever, I present to you, Mrs. and Mr. Black."

The reception was fun until I had to speak to a few humans I hated who still happened to be Bella's friends.

The five teenagers looked uncomfortable as they talked to each other while staring at the cake Esme had made for the wedding. Without realizing it, I walked right past them, making one of them call out to me.

"Oh, hey Emma!"

I stopped in my tracks, immediately recognizing the voice. I turned to greet the teenagers, not wanting to be rude. "Hey Jessica," I responded. "Wow, it's great to see you all again."

"You too," Mike said, clearly uncomfortable that I joined their conversation.

"So, what have you been up to?" Angela asked me. "I feel like I haven't seen you since..." she trailed off, not remembering when she saw me last.

"Graduation," I said, letting her know that was when we last saw each other. "And I've been fine. Mostly just spending time with my family. How about you guys?"

"We've been good," Lauren answered.

"Mostly just college and work, but good," Tyler added.

"It's strange that Bella and Jacob are getting married, isn't it?" Angela asked, obviously wanting me to react a certain way.

"Why?" I questioned.

"Wasn't she just with Edward?" Angela asked me. "And now she's getting married super soon after high school, seems suspicious."

I paused before answering, not understanding what they meant. "It's been, like a year, since we graduated high school," I told them. "I married Jasper last summer, and I never thought that was weird."

"You married Jasper?!" They exclaimed, very shocked at that information.

"Why weren't we invited?" Lauren asked me, very upset.

"You're not my friends," I told her honestly. "I didn't want you there."

Seeing as that was a good place to end the conversation, I left to go find literally anyone else. I ran into Edward, who was sitting alone since Bree had left early with Emmet and Rosalie. All three of them didn't feel like sticking around for long, and they went back to the house to wait for the rest of us.

"You good?" I asked him, sitting down next to him.

"Yeah," he replied, looking at me. "You good? I heard your conversation with the losers."

"Yeah, I'm good," I told him with a smile. "You think I was too harsh?"

"Not harsh enough." We both sat in silence for a moment before Edward spoke up again. "I know this is super selfish, but would you mind using my power and then blocking everyone out of both of our heads because I might lose it if I have to listen to Bella's mom's thoughts for one more minute."

"Of course," I said immediately, liking that I could help him now. "Is there anyone you want to still hear?"

"Maybe you guys," he answered. "Noah's inner monologue right now is highly entertaining."

I laughed at his answer before concentrating as I had practiced. I focused on his power, let it take over, and then blocked everyone out of my mind except Edward. From there, I felt Edward using his powers and blocked out all of the humans, wolves, and Denalis from his mind, giving him temporary peace. I let that feeling sink in for a moment, so I could continue it without thinking about it.

He sighed contentedly, saying, "Thank you."

"Anytime," I told him. "Just tell me when you need a break like that. I can help now; I want to as much as I can."

"You should go find Jasper. He seems to be stuck in a conversation with Bella's mom."

"Will do," I answered, standing up to go find him.

I found Jasper and managed to get us out of a conversation with Bella's mom. After a while of talking to random people, the two of us ran into Bella and Jacob.

"Hey," Bella said, a smile on her face. She held onto Jacob's arm and looked stunning in her wedding dress. I had never seen either of them look so happy, and I was so glad they were this happy.

"Hi!" I said happily. "Congrats, you guys."

"Thank you," Jacob told us. "I'm so glad you guys are here."

"We are, too," Jasper responded.

We talked for a moment before Bella and Jacob were whisked away. The rest of the reception usually went by. Food and cake were served, people made toasts, Bella's mom sang a very uncomfortable song, and then Bella and Jacob left for their honeymoon.

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