70- Game Night

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As spring break came to a close, we had to go back to school. It seemed like everything had finally calmed down, and we could just have fun being a family again.

We decided it was best if Bree didn't go to school with us, so she became close friends with Rosalie and Emmet while the rest of us would go to school. Edward spent all his time with us again, and he finally looked happy.

We hardly saw Bella anymore. Every now and then, we would pass her in the hall where she would suddenly talk loudly about Jacob, but that was it.

Time seemed to fly by, and before I knew it, we were halfway through May. That was when I decided we needed to do something fun.

"We haven't all gotten together in a long time," I said as I sat and watched Emmet play Mario Kart.

"What are you talking about?" Jasper asked me as he looked up from his book. "We're literally all her right now."

"She means with the wolves," Edward told him. I looked over and saw him sitting with Bree on his lap as she attempted to beat Emmet in Mario Kart. "And I think it's a great idea," Edward added.

"Are you sure they won't mind me, though?" Bree asked, her golden eyes focused intently on the screen. "I did kinda try and attack them."

"Oh, trust me," Emmet said, his eyes not leaving the screen. "We've had plenty of fights with them, and they still like us."

"Is there anything we can invite them to?" Esme asked.

"We could have a Mario Kart tournament," Emmet suggested.

"You do know other video games exist, right?" I asked him.

"What about a game night?" Jasper suggested. "And we can pick a board game and play all together as we sometimes do."

"The last time we did that, we got in a fight," Noah told him.

"We could play card games," Alice suggested. "Those seem easier, and you can play them with a lot of people."

"Perfect!" Carlisle said happily. "Why don't you invite them over for a card game night on Saturday?"

"Can you specifically say Bella is not invited?" Rosalie asked me.

"Rose," Esme said in a warning tone. "That is mean."

"I can just say imprints only," I told her, quickly typing a text to Sam.

"That is mean, don't do that," Esme told me.

"Well, it's too late; I already sent it."

"You're insane," Edward told me with a smile. "They're going to be upset."

"No, they're not," Jasper told him. "They hate Bella."

"Yes!" Emmet yelled out, jumping up from the couch. "I won!"

"Emmet, if you act like that every time you win, you can't tell them not to when they do," Carlisle said calmly.

I laughed as I felt my phone vibrate. Sam had texted me back quickly, saying that they would all come over and that Bella and Jacob were planning on going on a date that night anyway, so they weren't going to come.

That Saturday, everyone was gathered in our dining room, ready to play games. We started with a simple game of Uno, assuming that would work out well. Three hours later, we were sadly mistaken.

"Don't you dare," Edward said, glaring at Seth as he set down a plus 2 card, making Edward draw 2 cards. "Oh, you're the worst!"

"It's all I had," Seth told him, "and you know that Mr. Mind reader."

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