24- Trust

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I woke up the following day beside Jasper as he put the book he was reading down.

"Morning," I told him, sleepily.

"Morning, Puppy," Jasper said with a smile on his face.

I got up and began getting ready as Jasper quickly changed and headed downstairs. I grabbed random clothes and did my makeup before heading downstairs and going into the dining room.

"Good morning, Emma," Esme sweetly said, setting down food on the table for me.

"Morning, Esme." I sat down at the table and began eating as Edward walked into the room.

He sat down next to me before saying, "Thank you for trusting me with Bella."

"Of course," I told him with a smile on my face. "I'll always trust you."

As I finished up my breakfast, Jasper walked into the room. "Come on, time for school."

"School is stupid," I said, following him through the house to the front door.

"Get used to it," Emmet told me as he followed me out the front door.

"At least you all already know everything, so you can just tune out the teachers."

"You're just overdramatic," Edward told me.

At that, Alice laughed loudly, causing us all to turn to her in confusion. "It's nothing," she said sweetly, getting into Edward's car. Noah followed her in as Edward got in the driver's seat. Jasper, Rosalie, Emmet, and I climbed into Emmet's Jeep, my favorite of all the vehicles the Cullens own.

With our two cars set, we all drove off to school, talking about random nonsense the whole way there. When we arrived, we pulled into our spots and pilled out.

"What is she doing?" Rosalie muttered angrily.

I followed her gaze to see Bella making her way over to our group. Edward stepped forward to talk to her.

All she said was, "We need to talk," before stomping off into the forest.

Edward didn't even think; he just followed her into the forest.

"Alice?" Noah asked, hoping she could shed some light on what was happening.

Alice smiled before saying, "She knows." And with that, she walked off to class, leaving the rest of us to our own thoughts.

I could feel Jasper tense beside me as many different emotions coursed through each of our family members. I grabbed his hand, hoping to help him calm down as Rosalie's anger grew.

"How does she know?" She asked angrily.

"I don't know," I told her honestly, looking over toward the forest where neither Bella nor Edward could be seen anymore.

Our family coasted through school that day, just barely paying attention to what was going on. All of our thoughts were on Edward and Bella–alone in a forest.

To be fair, if anything were to happen, the forest would be a good place for her to die. Easy to clean up, hard to blame Edward as the killer.

It wasn't until lunch when Alice told everyone that Bella did not die in the woods and would not die anytime soon from Edward. She explained that Bella already suspected everyone to be vampires because Jacob told her the legends, thinking they were false. Her beliefs were confirmed after she read a Quileute legend book on vampires and wolves the night before. Edward also revealed he could read minds when they were at dinner. All of this caused her to confront Edward about the whole situation this morning.

So, with a bit of room to breathe, we all continued on with our day, ready to go home. Once we did get home, it was a nightmare.

Edward didn't even have a moment to explain himself. 

Rosalie was pissed that he told her they were vampires. Emmet tried his best to hold her back, but Rosalie ended up punching Edward hard before Noah helped and dragged her away.

Esme and Carlisle were shocked at the news, but they did their best not to react. It was something they guessed was coming, though they thought it would happen later on.

Alice was a bubbly mess, already excited to become best friends with Bella as she saw in her visions.

Jasper and I did our best to stay out of it. Our relationship wasn't exactly normal; who were we to judge what Edward was doing.

That night as I ate dinner, Edward once again sat down next to me to talk. "You didn't freak out." He said to me.

"No, I didn't. But then again, my secret wasn't revealed." I told him before pausing. "Wait, was it?"

"No, I told her you were also a vampire, but a different kind."

"That's a good lie. I don't want to tell her the truth and have the Quileutes be mad at me."

"That's what I figured." He paused and took in an unnecessary breath. "But I really did want to thank you. You've not doubted me once in this whole thing, and you've trusted me in all I've done even when everyone else doesn't."

"Well," I told him. "I know what it's like to have everyone mad at you, and I don't think you deserve that. Until you prove to me that I can't trust you, I will."

Edward smiled at these words before bringing me into a hug. "Thank you."

"Of course."

His Wolf Pup - a Jasper Hale StoryWhere stories live. Discover now