38- A Night on the Rez

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I pulled up to Sam's house with tears in my eyes. As I parked, I began doubting my decision. Sam had said I could come over whenever I wanted, but I never spent the night on the Rez.

I parked the car as Sam walked out of his house and straight to my door. He pulled open the door to see tears streaming down my face.

"What did they do?" He asked me, pulling me out of the car into a hug.

"Edward freaked out and told me to leave, and Jasper has been gone for a day, and I didn't know where else to go," I told him, wrapping my arms around him.

"Let's go inside." Sam grabbed my bag and led me inside.

I sat on his couch as Emily walked into the room. "Oh, no," she said, joining Sam by my side. "What happened?"

And so I told them everything about Bella's birthday and Edward's terrible mood. Both of them sat with me, understanding that I was dealing with a lot.

"I'm sorry, Emma," Sam told me. "Know you can always stay here, as long as you want."

"Yeah, this place is already where the whole pack hangs out," Emily said with a small smile on her face.

"Thank you, guys," I told them.

"Now that you've calmed down a little, why don't we all try and get some sleep?" Sam suggested.

He led me to an empty room with a bed and let me spend the night in his house. I laid awake for most of the night before passing out from exhaustion.

I woke up the next morning to the smell of pancakes.

The smell confused me as I lay there for a minute, trying to remember where I was. As my memories from the night before resurfaced, I felt my mood worsen. I quickly grabbed my phone to see no notifications, meaning Jasper probably hadn't gone home yet.

I eventually got out of bed, changed my clothes, and walked toward the kitchen where Emily was making breakfast.

"Morning, Emma," she said with a small smile.

"Morning," I mumbled back. I was trying not to be rude, but a lot of emotions were running through my mind at one time.

"So," Sam said, walking into the room. "No word from Cullen?"

"No, he didn't text me at all." I sat down in a random chair as I spoke. "I'm starting to get worried."

"Listen, if there is one thing I've learned about the Cullens, it's that they can take care of themselves just fine." Sam was trying to ease my nerves, but it wasn't working. Until I saw Jasper, I was going to be on edge.

"Pancakes are ready!" Emily placed a plate of pancakes on the table, only for Sam to start eating right away.

I sat silently as I watched Sam and Emily interact while eating breakfast together. One pancake later, I excused myself and went back up to the room with my stuff in it. I sat in silence for a while, just trying to process everything that had gone on the last couple of days.

Then Sam yelled, "Don't you have school?"

My eyes widened at Sam's words as I quickly grabbed my car keys and phone before running through the house. "Yes, I do, thank you!" I yelled. I ran out the front door and got into my car.

As I buckled, I could hear Sam yell, "Drive safe!" I quickly put my car into drive and sped to school.

I got to school only one class period late, which impressed me. As I pulled into the parking lot, I looked to see none of the families' cars were in the lot. I looked up to the sky to see it as cloudy as ever, meaning they chose to ditch for a reason other than the sun.

I went through my first few classes with nothing going wrong until Bella stopped me outside the cafeteria before lunch.

"Where is your family?" She stopped me a ways away from everyone else so no one could hear us.

"They're not here," I told her, trying to step around her.

She stepped in front of me, not letting me leave. "Why are you here, and they're not?"

I was already fed up with Edward, and now Bella was pissing me off even more. "Just because Edward likes you doesn't mean I have to tell you everything that goes on in our lives."

As I finally stepped around her, planning on leaving, she grabbed my once injured wrist. "How did he hurt you so easily, and why don't you act or look like the rest of them?" She wasn't curious; she was trying to get something out of me.

That was my breaking point.

I could feel my anger levels rise as I looked at Bella. I glared so hard that she let go of my arm on her own. I turned around from where I was, walked straight back to my car, and drove away without a second thought.

I drove straight to Sam's house, not wanting to deal with anyone anymore. Of course, when I got there, every other wolf was there as well.

"Why are you here so early?" Sam's words caused everyone to look at me as I walked in the door.

"Bella was asking stupid questions, and it pissed me off, so I left."

"Did you talk to them at all?"

"They weren't there." I threw my bag down in a random spot, still feeling angry.

"Relax, Emma," Paul said, causing me to look at him. "We don't need you phasing in the kitchen."

"Unlike the rest of you, I know how not to do that," I told him, storming out of the kitchen.

I walked down the hall to the room Sam had let me stay in and shut the door behind me, just wanting a second to breathe.

After ten minutes, there was a soft knock on my door. "Emily made lunch if you want some. I'll even order all the boys to stop talking if you want me to." Sam's words made me smile. He had never used his alpha voice on anyone, but I had a feeling he would if I asked him to.

"Thank you," I told him as I opened the door, "but I think I can handle my own."

"Your funeral," he said with a smile, walking back toward the kitchen.

"Or Paul's," I said, following him.

The rest of the day, the entire pack stayed over, and we all hung out. The few times I had met them before, they had accepted me with welcome arms. This time was no different, and their nonsense helped distract me from the chaos in my life. However, as the day went on, this aching feeling started forming in my chest, reminding me how much I missed Jasper and the rest of the Cullens, but mostly Jasper.

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