87- I'm Getting Married

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I woke up alone in my room. It took me a few seconds to figure out where Jasper was until I realized the reason why he was gone.

"I'm getting married today," I mumbled to myself, a smile wide on my face.

I quickly got up as Alice and Rosalie walked into my room. The two of them walked over to me and gave me a celebratory hug.

"Alright," Alice said, pulling back. "I need you to stay in here all day, and Jasper is staying in Edward's room. I figured we could start getting ready in a few hours."

"Sounds perfect, Alice," I told her gratefully. "I honestly don't know what I would have done without you."

For a few hours, I wasted time doing random stuff with whoever came into my room until Seth came in. He seemed tense, but I couldn't figure out why.

"What's up?" I asked him, patting the space next to me on our couch.

He walked in and sat down before leaning into me. "I have to tell you something important," he told me. "I just told Jasper, and he took it well, but I need you to know as well."

"Hey, you're scaring me," I told him. "What's going on?"

He looked at me with a slight smile, but I could feel his anxiety. "I used to think of you as my sister, but I don't anymore."

"Oh?" I asked, feeling disappointed that he didn't feel like that anymore. "How come?"

He took a deep breath to steel his nerves before rushing out, "I think of you as a mother figure, and I told Jasper I think of him as a father figure."

I paused for a moment, taking in what he had just said before I wrapped him in a hug and pulled him close. "I thought you were going to say something bad, Seth," I told him.

"You're okay with this?" He asked timidly.

"Of course," I told him, finally letting him out of my hug. "Why would I ever freak out about this? You know we love you."

His worry finally washed away as he slowly smiled up at me. "You guys are just always there for me, making sure I'm okay, and then after yesterday, I realized that that's how I look at you guys. And I felt like I just had to tell you, and I didn't want to wait until after you guys got back from your honeymoon."

"Well, I'm glad you told me," I said to him. "Wait, don't you have a mother?"

"I do," he told me. "But I don't hang out with her a lot, and she's been hanging out with Charlie Swan a lot recently, which is great for her, but I feel more connected to you guys ever since I phased."

"Well, don't ex your mom out of your life," I told him, "but you will always be a part of our family."

"Thanks, Emma."

Alice knocked on the door before letting herself in. "I hate to break this up," she told us, "but it is time to get ready."

"I'll go hang out with Jasper again," Seth said, smiling slightly. "I'll see you out there."

As Seth walked out of the room, Rosalie, Bree, Emily, and Esme walked in with Alice. "You ready?" Rosalie asked me.

"Yeah, I'm ready," I told her.

The six of us started to get ready in my room. We could get ready at super speed, but I wanted to remember every moment of this. Rosalie and Alice started working on my makeup and hair as Esme and Bree worked on their own and helped Emily.

"So," Rosalie started saying while curling my hair, "is Seth going to be around a lot more?"

"Rosalie!" Esme yelled, turning to look at her. "Be nice."

"I am being nice," she replied calmly. "I'm just wondering."

"I have a feeling he will be," I told her, a small smile on my face.

"He cares about you two a lot," Emily told me, a knowing smile on her lips.

We worked on getting all of our hair and makeup perfect before Alice pulled out our dresses. All the girls wore similar green dresses, which perfectly matched the boys' ties. We had picked everything out earlier, and Alice knew everyone's sizes, so she knew everything fit.

As soon as they got their dresses on, they all helped me put mine on.

It was perfect.

It had off-the-shoulder sleeves that sat gently on my arms. The top was like a corset around my waist before proofing out into a giant skirt. It was a ball gown dress, and it was covered in intricate floral designs sewn on. It perfectly reached the floor, and once I put my shoes on, you would be able to barely see them. It was everything I had ever asked for.

"Oh, Emma," Esme whispered. "You look perfect."

"Hold on!" Alice yelled. "Finishing touches!" She ran around the room, grabbing a small tiara, placing it on my head, and putting earrings in my ears.

"A tiara?" I asked Alice, confused.

"Jasper insisted, and he said he'll tell you why later," she told me.

"Knock, knock." We all turned to see Carlisle standing at the door. "Wow, Emma. You look stunning."

"Thank you," I responded quietly, shocked that everything was happening so suddenly.

"You guys ready?" He asked us all. "Jasper's already downstairs and in place."

"One last thing," I told him, a smile on my face. I made my way over to my couch, where I had my shoes ready to go.

"I can't believe you convinced Alice to let you wear those," Bree told me.

"This is the only instance where I agree that heels are the wrong thing," Alice told Bree.

I slipped my cowboy boots on under my dress. You could see them peeking out from under the dress, and I knew it would make Jasper laugh. It was the one thing I had insisted on.

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