48- Unpacking

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Emmet decided to walk out into the backyard and join me. "Emma," he said, sitting beside me on the grass. "Please don't blame Jasper for any of this. We all basically forced him to come with us."

"You know, it's weird to hear you say my name." I didn't look at him as I spoke; instead, I focused on the trees outlining the yard. "I don't think you've called me Emma since I first phased in the house."

"I didn't think I deserved to call you anything else. I figured that was part of the whole trust thing."

I didn't know what to say, so instead, I let out a sigh and hung my head.

"Seriously though," Emmet told me. "I know you don't want to talk about it, but there is someone in there who has been wanting to see you for months, and we made him stay away. Don't blame Jasper for decisions we made."

"Where is he?"

"Up in your room, unpacking."

I looked up at Emmet and decided—against my better judgment—to give him a hug. As I did, I felt his arms tighten around me.

"I missed you, Emmet."

"I missed you too, Lucky." He gave me one tighter squeeze before letting go. "Now go talk to him."

I gave Emmet a small smile before heading inside. I walked straight up the stairs and was happy no one else stopped me on my way.

I made it to our door before stopping. The door was wide open, so I could see Jasper placing shirts in random drawers. He seemed peaceful, but I doubted he was.

"I know you're there," he said, stopping what he was doing.

"I wasn't trying to hide," I replied, walking into the room. "Just wanted to know if you needed help unpacking."

"You know, only some of your stuff is in here."

"A lot of it is at Sam's, but I didn't bring everything with me. Also, unless you've decided to reorganize, nothing is where it belongs."

Jasper sat down on the edge of the bed before looking back at me and saying, "I have no idea where any of this goes. Please help me."

I laughed slightly at his words before making my way over to him. I looked at the clothes that were still in his suitcases and the clothes he had already put in drawers. "Literally none of this is right," I said, looking back at Jasper.

"I usually can tell where everything goes based on where your clothes are," he told me with a slight smile on his face. "But all your clothes are gone."

"That sounds like a you problem," I said, turning back to the dresser. "Luckily enough, I like you enough to help you."

I started rearranging his clothes, putting everything where it was supposed to go before putting all his clothes away from his suitcases.

"I could have done that," Jasper said, sitting on the floor and leaning on the bed.

"You would have done it wrong, and then I would have had to fix it anyway," I told him.

As I put away the last of his things, I settled on the ground next to him.

"Thank you," he told me, leaning to look at me.

"Of course," I said, looking at him.

We both spent a moment just looking at each other, smiles on our faces, and we relished being with each other again.

"Jazz, can I ask you something?"

"Of course, Darling."

"Carlisle said you were physically hurting. How," I faltered, not able find the words I was looking for, but Jasper understood what I meant.

"It felt like my chest was on fire," he told me, shifting closer to me. He put his hand on his chest as if he were feeling it again. "It felt like I was dying, and I had no motivation to do anything." He looked me in the eye. "I really did miss you."

"I know," I told him. "I missed you too. And I'm sorry you felt all that pain as well."

"No," he said, holding my hand in comfort. "I thought it was just me. I didn't know you felt that."

I squeezed his hand before saying, "Sam said he's never heard of something like that before. We're more than just an imprinted couple. We're connected deeper than I thought we were."

"I love you," he told me, pulling my hand up with his. He kissed it gently, making me smile.

"And I love you," I told him. "But I'm still mad at you."

"I know, and you should be," he said. "I hurt you after I promised I wouldn't. And for that, I'll forever be sorry."

"I'm not going to be able to forgive you right away."

"I don't expect you to. Just give me a chance; that's all I'm asking."

"One chance," I told him. "You get one chance."

"That's all I need," he said, pulling me into a much-needed hug. "That's all I need."

Then Alice decided to ruin our moment of bliss by yelling up the stairs, "Emma!"

His Wolf Pup - a Jasper Hale StoryWhere stories live. Discover now