75- One Perfect Moment

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With all our free time, Jasper had decided to take me on a picnic. It had become his favorite way to spend time with me away from everyone else. Esme also loved helping Jasper pack the food for it, and Jasper thought it was amusing how excited she got while doing it.

The two of us sat on a soft blanket in a field of flowers while I ate random snacks. Jasper had a stupid smile on his face while we were setting up the picnic, and I finally questioned him about it.

"What is up with you today?" I asked him.

"I'm just happy," he told me, moving closer to me. "You make me happy, Emma."

"You're such a dork," I told him, leaning into him.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

We sat in silence for a moment, just enjoying the peaceful moment. I started eating something random that Esme made me. We spent some time just talking about nonsense while I ate. Then Jasper suddenly leaned over and kissed me on the cheek.

"Okay, seriously, Jasper, what is up with you?" I asked, looking over at him.

"I was just thinking," he told me.


"Remember the first time we met?"

"You mean when I thought you were going to kill me?" I smiled at him as I spoke.

"Yeah, that time," he told me, smiling back at me. "Life seemed so much simpler then."

"That's because it was. The worst thing that happened back then was I told you I imprinted on you." Of course, there were worse things going on in my life at that time, but I decided to forget that any of that had ever happened. After spending so much time with The Cullens, it was as if my life before them didn't exist.

A breeze blew through the field, making Jasper's hair go wild. It had grown out a little over the years, but he never let me braid it no matter how many times I begged. At this moment, he was watching me carefully, and I couldn't help but revel in the simplicity of the moment.

"Emma, I have something really important to ask you."

"Okay," I replied, setting down the random snack that was in my hand. I turned my full attention to Jasper. "What's up?"

He was looking at me with a stupid grin on his face, and I had never seen him happier. "We've been through a lot over the years, and the longer we've been together, the more I've realized how much I love you. I don't want to spend a second away from you anymore, and I'm hoping you feel the same."

"You haven't asked me a question yet, Cowboy."

"I will," he told me. "I promised you forever and always a long time ago, and I think it's time I follow up on that promise." He reached his hand into his pocket and pulled out a small box. As he opened it, he asked me, "Emma, will you marry me?"

I should have looked down at the ring and been blown away by its beauty, but all I focused on was Jasper and the way his honey eyes widened as he looked at me. I had found the person that made me happiest in life, and he wanted to marry me.

I could feel tears filling my eyes as I answered him. "Yes."

Jasper pulled me close and kissed me as I wrapped my arms around him. He pulled back slightly and placed the ring on my finger.

"I'll love you forever," he told me, holding my hand in his.

"And I'll love you always," I replied, pulling him closer. I wrapped him in a hug once again as I physically felt the love he held for me. I had never been happier in my life, and it seemed like things were finally looking up for us.

Of course, the world continued to try and ruin my life at every possible opportunity. We were so distracted by the happiest moment of our lives that we weren't paying attention to our surroundings. It shouldn't have mattered, Forks was a safe place, and we had dealt with all of our enemies. There was no immediate threat to be aware of.

That didn't stop Laurent from running through the woods, grabbing my arm, and pulling me away from Jasper as fast as he could.

Our perfect moment was ruined by the harsh realities of our world.

His Wolf Pup - a Jasper Hale StoryWhere stories live. Discover now