32- Prom

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Prom was perfect. We all arrived just as it started and decided to hang out around the edges of the dance floor for a while. When Edward and Bella showed up, I saw her looking around at everything, trying to take it in. I made eye contact with her and sent her a warm smile before Edward whisked her away outside.

"Dance with me?" I turned to see Jasper with his hand outstretched toward me and a smile on his face.

"Of course," I told him, taking his hand in mine.

The two of us took to the dance floor, where we circled each other for hours. With his hand around my waist and a smile always on his face, it felt like the perfect night—one where we just enjoyed ourselves and had fun together.

Of course, there was also a lot of nonsense dancing where we just jumped around to the music. Emmet liked that music the most, and Rosalie and I laughed at him when he accidentally knocked Mike over during an upbeat song because he was too enthusiastic.

As prom slowly came to an end, our night had just started. Our family drove back home, where prom part 2 began.

"You are the worst!"

"This is all your fault!"

"Are you kidding me, Emmet?!"

Our intense Mario Kart game was going terribly. Emmet kept cheating and blaming it on Noah, and it was causing the whole family to yell.

"That's it," Esme said, standing up from the couch. "Game over."

All of us with controllers immediately turned toward her. "No! I promise we'll be good," Emmet said.

"No, we need a different game," Esme said as she turned off the TV, much to Emmet's disappointment.

"How about a game we can all play together?" Carlisle suggested.

"How about Monopoly?" I suggested.

"Oh! Get ready to lose, Lucky!" Emmet yelled, zooming out of the room to set up Monopoly.

Soon enough, we were all sitting around the dinner table playing Monopoly in our prom clothes. Almost two hours later, we were still going strong.

"Okay, my turn," Jasper said, grabbing the dice. He was sitting to my right, and his pawn was two spaces ahead of me. "I rolled a six. Alice, move my pawn."

Alice did as he said as Carlisle, who was the banker, asked, "Okay, do you want to buy Park Place?"

"Yes," Jasper replied, handing money to Carlisle.

"What?!" I yelled at him.

"What?" He asked, looking at me as he accepted the card from Carlisle. "I want it."

"But that was the last one I needed. You're supposed to be helping me."

"Why am I supposed to be helping you?"

"Because we're working together."

"We are not working together."


Jasper laughed at my ridiculousness as he set his new card down, proving he owned Park Place. "What would make you think we are working together?"

"Isn't that what boyfriends and girlfriends do? They help each other in Monopoly?"

"No," Jasper responded with a stupid smile on his face.

"Wait," Emmet said, looking up from the tower he was building out of tiny houses. "Rose, are we working together?"

"No?" She responded, looking at him like he was crazy.

"What?!" He yelled, accidentally knocking over his tower. His eyes went wide as he looked straight at her. "Why not?"

"That's not how Monopoly works," Alice said, looking straight at me with a devious grin, obviously seeing something funny going down in the near future.

"No, no, no," Edward complained while putting his head on the table, reading Alice's mind.

"Lucky," Emmet said from across the table, pulling my attention to him once again. His eyes were laser-focused on me, and his face was devoid of emotion. "Will you be my partner in Monopoly?"

"Of course," I said, smiling slightly. "Seeing as you're the only normal one here." I grabbed the dice from Jasper before rolling them myself.

30 minutes later, Alice went bankrupt and decided to help Noah.

10 minutes after that, Rosalie went bankrupt.

Then Carlisle, then Noah, then Esme.

Two hours after Emmet and I joined forces, Edward finally went bankrupt.

"Are you kidding me!" Edward yelled, landing on Pennsylvania Avenue.

"You owe me $10,000, Eddie boy," I said with a smile.

"You know I only have $1,000. Just take it," he said, handing me the remainder of his money. "I am bankrupt."

"Ha! Ha!" Emmet said, laughing at him. "Your turn Jasper."

"You know," Jasper said, looking at me. "It's pretty late; maybe it's time for you to go to bed, Emma."

I felt a sudden wave of exhaustion wash over me before Edward hit Jasper's arm. "No mood manipulation, Jasper. It's your turn to lose."

"Fine," Jasper replied, rolling the dice. "I rolled a two."

"Ha! Ha!" I told him. "You landed on New York Avenue, you owe me $200,000."

"Come on," Jasper said, looking at me. "Can't you let me off easy, Puppy?"

"No, no, no, no, no," I said. "You told me we weren't a team. You owe me $200,000."

"Here," he said, handing me the remainder of his money. "And here is Park Place. You win. I'm bankrupt. Are you happy now?"

"Very," I said, moving in my seat. I gave Jasper a quick kiss on the lips before taking the Park Place card and setting it in my pile.

"We win!" Emmet yelled happily before flipping the board over.

"Emmet!" I yelled, taking cover behind Jasper as pieces of the board game rained down on me.

"What? That's the only way I know how to end a Monopoly game."

"You are the worst," I told him. Suddenly, another wave of tiredness came over me.

"Okay," Jasper said, "now it's actually time for bed."

"Yeah, I think you're right," I told him. I stood up from the table with Jasper, getting ready to go upstairs. "Goodnight, everyone, tonight was fun."

I got a variety of versions of 'good night' as I made my way up to our room with Jasper for the night.

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