73- After Party

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We all arrived back at our house and gathered together in the living room.

"Okay!" Alice yelled as everyone settled down. "Preset time!"

"What are you talking about?" I asked her.

"We all got you guys presents for graduating," Esme told me as everyone pulled presents out of nowhere.

I leaned into Jasper as he wrapped his arms around me. One by one, everyone started handing out presents to each other. Everyone got the others something small, seeing as they had graduated a few times already and owned everything they could ever want.

The pack's presents made me laugh a little. They had all pitched in to buy one gift for each person, except for Jasper and me. They got Alice a cute necklace, Noah some old books, and Edward a new journal. The presents they got for Jasper made me laugh a lot.

"Here, open mine first," Seth begged as he handed a rather large bag to Jasper.

"It's really from a few of us," Embry told Jasper. "But Seth did come up with the idea."

Jasper set the bag down and started pulling out tissue paper to see what was in the bag. "You're kidding," Jasper muttered as he looked from whatever was in the bag up to Seth. He started laughing as he pulled the present out of the bag.

"Oh my gosh!" I yelled as I saw what he was holding.

In Jasper's hands were a new pair of nice cowboy boots. Our entire family laughed as he held them, which made Seth look upset. "Do you not like them?" Seth asked Jasper.

"No, I do," Jasper said, with a smile on his face. "It's just funny because I don't actually own any cowboy boots anymore. This is a perfect gift, Seth. Thank you, guys." Jasper set the boots down on the ground and tried them on.

"Wait," Sam said, "I have a gift that goes with the boots."

Sam handed the bag over to the now-wearing cowboy boots Jasper. He opened the second large bag and pulled out a brown cowboy hat.

"This is the best day ever!" Emmet yelled, laughing at Jasper. "Why have we never bought him this stuff before?!"

"I don't know," Edward told him, laughing, "but I'm so glad it's happening now."

Jasper put the cowboy hat on and stood up to show off his new accessories. "So," he started saying, "how are we liking the new style?"

"Please say something, Texan," Emmet begged.

"Y'all are crazy," Jasper told him, a smile on his face.

Emmet screamed in pure joy as Jasper turned to face me with a smile on his face. "So, what do you think, Darling?"

"I think you look perfect, Cowboy," I told him as he sat back down next to me.

"We do have one last present for you," Leah told Jasper, handing him a small box.

As Jasper opened it up, a genuine smile spread across his face. I looked over his arm into the box and saw a picture frame with a photo of us all hanging out together. Jasper looked up at a smiling Leah and said, "It's perfect. Thank you guys for all of this. Really."

"Emma's turn!" Seth yelled, grabbing another comically large bag and handing it to me.

"Tell me it's what I think it is," Emmet asked, looking at Alice and Edward.

"It is," Edward told him.

I pulled the tissue out to see a matching pair of cowboy boots for me. "Oh my gosh," I said, looking up at Seth.

He simply smiled at me and said, "We figured you guys needed a matching pair."

I pulled the boots out of the bag and put them on, a stupid smile on my face. Jasper was laughing as Leah handed me another bag. I opened this one to see a cute cowgirl hat. I put it on as Emmet's laughter reached new levels.

"This is my new favorite idea," Emmet told Rosalie. "I will forever be buying you guys cowboy things."

"I need a picture of this!" Esme yelled, grabbing her camera and making us stand up.

The two of us posed together. Jasper had one hand around my waist and the other touching the tip of his hat. He looked natural with these accessories, and I couldn't help but smile at him. Esme took the photo of the two of us before we sat back down.

"We have one real present for you," Sam told me, handing me a box.

I quickly opened the box to see a framed photo of myself, Jasper, and the entire pack. "I love it," I told Sam.

Then my family gave me a few random presents while Emmet complained that no one told him about the cowboy-themed gifts ahead of time.

"We have one last present," Carlisle told me. "But it's a joint present from us and Sam."

I looked between Carlisle, Esme, and Sam as Carlisle handed me a small box. The three of them just smiled back at me as I started to open it. As I pulled off the lid, I gasped in surprise.

Sitting in the small box was a necklace with two pendants hanging from it. One pendant had the Cullen crest, while the other was the crest that the entire pack had tattooed on their shoulder.

I looked up at both families with tears in my eyes as I whispered, "What?"

Esme decided to explain. "We figured, now that you can go out on your own if you want, you should have something from us."

Carlisle continued, "And we wanted you to know you'll always have a place within this family."

"And within the pack," Sam finished.

I felt tears stream down my face as Jasper grabbed the box out of my hand. I jumped up from the couch and rushed to hug Sam first. As I hugged him, I told him, "I love you."

"I love you too," he told me. "You're like my sister."

I pulled back from our hug before rushing over to Carlisle and Esme. I pulled them both into a hug and said, "I love you guys."

Both of their arms tightened around me. "We love you too," Esme told me.

"More than you know," Carlisle said. As I pulled back from the hug, Carlisle gave me a small smile but pushed me back toward Jasper.

I smiled as I turned, seeing Jasper sitting on the couch with matching cowboy boots and that stupid hat on his head. I walked over to him, sat down with him, and wrapped him in a hug.

"I love you, Puppy," he told me.

"Love you too, Cowboy."

His Wolf Pup - a Jasper Hale StoryWhere stories live. Discover now