82- A Birthday

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Days passed in a blur. Every moment I was awake was spent with the Cullens and the Quileutes. I felt like I was living in a daze, and nothing felt real. I ignored everything everyone said about trying to stop my old pack. I knew none of it would work. Instead, I just pretended as if that day would never come.

I wanted to enjoy my stupid birthday. Was that too much to ask?

I woke up to Jasper gently kissing my forehead. "Morning, Puppy," he told me as I opened my eyes.

"Morning, Jazzy." I slowly got up and changed into clothes for the day.

The two of us made our way downstairs, where the entire family was decorating the living room. I sat down at the dinner table and ate breakfast as I watched Emmet get into an argument with Alice over the decorations.

"This is enough, Alice," Emmet said, throwing himself on the couch to stop decorating. "We have been decorating all night."

"I just want everything to be perfect," she told him, continuing to put decorations up. "And you're taller than me, so I need your help."

"Jasper is taller than both of us; make him help."

"He has already made it very clear that he is not leaving Emma's side, and I am not about to get in a fight with him."

Jasper shook his head, pulling me closer to him. "I love you," he whispered to me.

"I love you too," I whispered back, finishing up my food.

We got up and walked into the living room to see the extent of Alice's decorations. Every inch of every wall was covered in some kind of decoration. There was everything from balloons to photos to streamers. It looked chaotic, but I wasn't going to tell Alice that.

"Happy birthday!" Alice yelled as I walked into the room.

"Morning, guys," I replied, continuing to look around the room. I got random replies from everyone as I took a seat on the couch.

"So," Alice began, "the Quileutes will be here any minute, and we have a full day of fun planned."

"Sounds good," I told her, leaning into Jasper, who had sat down next to me.

I could tell everyone was looking at me weirdly, but I was trying my best to ignore it. We all knew this would probably be our last day together, but no one was going to say it out loud until we had to.

The front door was thrown open as Seth came running into the house. "We're here!" he yelled as he ran straight at Jasper and me. He threw himself at us, wrapping his arms around us in a hug. "Happy birthday," he told me.

"Thanks, Seth," I told him, wrapping him in a hug.

Everyone else piled into the house, sitting in random places. "Seth," Sam said, walking in, "help your sister bring in the presents like you were supposed to."

Seth groaned as he walked away from us to help Leah.

Everyone got settled, presents were set off to the side, and our day of hanging out began. We all just enjoyed each other's company while playing random games. We had lunch all together, one that Esme had made for everyone, and just talked.

As we finished eating, all of the Cullens tensed up.

"Why is she here?" Emmet groaned, looking over at Edward.

"This cannot be my fault every time she comes over," Edward told him.

"Who is here?" Sam asked, not understanding the problem.

The doorbell rang, letting everyone know that someone was here. Edward started to get up, but I beat him to it and ran to the front door.

I opened the door to see Bella and Jacob looking worried. Edward ran up behind me, ready to yell, but I put my hand on his arm to stop him. I felt his power wash over me, but I blocked it out, not wanting to hear into Jacob or Bella's minds right now.

"Look," Jacob began, "I know we're not your favorite people in the world, but we wanted to come over and at least give you our gift."

Edward answered, saying, "Great. You can give it to me, and then you can leave."

"Edward," I said in a warning tone. "Stop it."

"No, it's fine," Bella said, looking from Edward to me. It was the kindest voice I had ever heard her use, and I was surprised to hear her say that. "I know I don't deserve to be forgiven, but if you really do end up leaving tomorrow, I want you to know I'm sorry for everything."

I looked between Bella and Jacob before smiling. "She really can be nice sometimes. I thought you were lying when you told me that, Jacob."

Jacob smiled back at me. "And why would I lie to you about something like that?"

"Who knows," I replied before stepping back from the door and pushing Edward back with me. "Why don't you guys come inside? I think we're about to open presents anyway, right Alice?"

"Right!" she yelled from the living room where she was organizing the gifts.

Jacob and Bella walked into the house as we gathered in the living room. I could tell everyone was confused with my actions, Edward especially.

I looked over at Edward as I sat between Jasper and Seth. If I'm going to be gone tomorrow, I don't want to waste time being angry right now.

'I understand that.'

The two of us moved on as Alice started handing me presents. I opened gifts from everyone, enjoying the random things they had bought me. Every present made me feel sad, but Jasper kept trying to take all my sadness from me. I was going to miss everyone so much.

After presents, we hung out and just talked about random nonsense. Bella and Jacob stayed, and everyone was slowly getting more comfortable with them around. Rachel was so happy that I had even let Jacob in the house in the first place and kept teasing him as we hung out.

As the night rolled around, Paul asked me the question I was dreading, "What is the plan tomorrow?"

"Paul," Sam growled, trying to get him to shut up.

"It's okay, Sam," I told him. "I guess we do need to talk about it. Alice?"

"They'll be here at 9 am," she replied. "I see a few outcomes. None of them are certain. Most of them involve us fighting."

"See," Emmet said, looking over at me. "I told you we should fight."

"On one condition," I told him. "If he tells me to fight you, you stop and let me go. I can't live with myself if I hurt any of you."

"No!" Emmet yelled, "We will not stop fighting. We can't."

"Emmet," Esme said, grabbing his hand to calm him down.

"We promise," Carlisle told me. "But maybe he won't think of that, and we can overpower him."

"And you won't have to go," Seth told me.

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