110- The Kids

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Days, weeks, and months passed in Forks with fun times. There were many video games, trips, celebrations, and adventures with our friends and family. There were also lots of sleepovers now as well.

Leah, Nathan, Seth, and Charlotte loved to have sleepovers at our house. While it only had enough rooms for the four of us, Leah and Nathan made it feel whole and filled to the brim with life. I was never totally sure what they did to pass the time, but they always seemed to be having fun. It made me happy to see them all getting along after returning from the camping trip.

One downside to the year was I realized Seth, Leah, and Nathan had not been going to school since they phased. This made me enroll them in online school that Jasper and I helped them with. Charlotte was also enrolled in online school, and she was learning at a way faster pace and didn't seem to need our help. She took some test that Carlisle set up for her that let her skip a lot of grades as well.

It was on a day that we were helping them with homework that someone decided to show back up in our lives.

Seth, Leah, and Nathan were all sitting together in the living room, attempting to do math while Charlotte read a book. Jasper and I were trying to help the three of them, but it was not going well.

"I don't understand any of this," Nathan told me, leaning back on the couch. "Why do we need to do this?"

"It's good for you to finish high school," I told him. "And I'm giving you an easy way out. Carlisle made me go in person, and that was way worse."

"You didn't like school?" Leah asked, surprised I was complaining about school.

"She hated it," Jasper told her. "But Carlisle wanted her to have a high school degree for real."

A knock on our door silenced our conversation. Jasper and I looked at each other in confusion, not expecting someone. If it were someone from our family, they would have just come in so that it couldn't have been them. I recognized the scent but couldn't place it. The four kids looked at us questionably as I stood up to see who was at the door.

I walked up to the front door, leaving Jasper with the kids. The closer I got, the more sure I was that I knew whoever was behind our door. As soon as I opened it, I stepped outside and shut the door behind me, not wanting her in my house at all.

"Go away," I told her, not liking that she was here.

"I'm here to apologize," she tried telling me, but I didn't wait to hear her out.

"You tried to get my entire family killed, Irina. I don't care why you are here. You need to leave now." I was beyond livid that Irina even dared to show up in Forks, let alone come to my house.

Within seconds, Edward and Emmet were standing between Irina and me, with more of the family close behind. I was sure either Jasper had heard what I said and called the family, or Alice had a vision.

"You need to leave, Irina," Edward told her, not wanting to deal with her as well. "I can see that you came here with good intentions, but you do not get to appear unannounced."

She sighed, seeing that we were being serious. "Can you tell me where my coven is, at least? They're not in Alaska where I assumed they would be."

"They're at Charlie's house, here in Forks," Carlisle told her, finally joining us. "And I don't think they'll be too happy about you being here either."

"We're not."

I looked at who had spoken to see Tanya, Carmen, Eleazar, Kate, and Garret. All of the Denalis had joined us, and they were just as angry as I was at Irina.

"Why are you here?" Kate asked, clearly agitated.

"I'm here to apologize," Irina told her, upset that she had to repeat herself.

"You tried to have us killed!" Tanya yelled, clearly upset. "You can't just apologize for that."

"I was trying to protect us from them!" Irina yelled back. "How was I supposed to know you would take their side?!"

The yelling got some of the kids' attention in the house. I could hear them clearly as they spoke. "Dad, who's outside?" Seth asked.

"It's nobody," Jasper told him, lying to keep them calm.

"It's Irina," Charlotte told him, able to hear our conversation like Jasper could.

"You need to leave right now," I told Irina, not wanting her close to any of the kids inside my house.

"Can we just talk?" Irina asked The Denalis.

"No," Kate told her. "You betrayed our trust and are not welcome with us."

"Is Mom okay?" Seth asked Jasper. I could hear a commotion and assumed Seth was coming outside.

"She's fine, Seth. Do not go outside," Jasper told him.

"You're kicking me out of our coven?!" Irina yelled angrily. "You can't do that!"

"I can," Kate told her, "and I will."

Irina turned to look at the rest of The Denalis, hoping they would back her up, but none of them did. We all had assumed we would never see Irina again, and they had all already been okay with her not being a part of their coven.

"Charlotte! Don't!" Edward yelled suddenly, looking inside the house.

In a moment, Charlotte was beside me, and our front door was wide open. Jasper and Seth were right behind her, trying to pull her back inside, but Irina had already saw them.

"You stupid children," Irina sneered. "You ruined everything for me."

She moved to attack, but we stopped her. I phased as Emmet, Edward, and Eleazar grabbed her. I pounced forward, ready to attack if I needed to. I remembered what happened to Jasper when Leah barely scratched him. I was sure an intentional attack could do a lot of damage if I had to.

"That is enough," Jasper said, standing in front of the kids. I saw Leah and Nathan stick their head out the door, seeing what was happening and ready to help if needed. "You are not welcome here. Either leave and never bother us again, or be ready to lose a fight."

Irina looked around at the rest of us, realizing we were all serious. She stepped back as the boys let go of her. She looked once at The Denali's, hoping they would say something. When they didn't, she fled the scene and ran away.

I phased back and turned to look at Charlotte. "Why would you run out when your father told you not to?"

"I wanted to see what was happening," she told me. "This is way more entertaining than school."

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