4- Imprinting

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I ran out of the cafeteria as fast as my feet would take me. My actual destination was unclear, but I needed to get far away from that table of wolf killers. The tugging feeling in the pit of my stomach was still there, reminding me of the awful truth.

Out of all of the billions of people on this earth, how did I imprint on him? Why did it have to be a vampire?

At that moment, I realized how much I hated the idea of imprinting. I had never given it much thought before, but it was now essential that I thought about every aspect of this situation.

Every wolf imprinted on someone, and that person would become someone the wolf wanted to be with and protect. Those who imprinted often got together and eventually married each other. I had never heard of someone breaking the bond between themselves and the imprinted individual-

I guess I would have to be the first.

My feet carried me to my next classroom automatically, and the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch. I walked into the classroom, trying to settle my nerves before finding my assigned seat. I sat down with my backpack and watched the door as people started filing in. I hadn't seen the Cullens all day, and I hoped they weren't in my grade, so I didn't have to see them in classes ever. Of course, luck was never on my side.

I watched the blonde vampire walk into the room. His gaze turned to me immediately, and the tugging feeling worsened as he made his way toward me. I looked down at the book on my desk, hoping he would not do anything irrational with so many humans around. I could feel his presence as he walked past me, turned behind my seat, and sat to my left.

Of course, he's sitting next to me. My luck could not get any worse.

I tried to ignore my feelings as I felt my heart rate speed up at our close proximity. Then Jasper leaned over to speak to me.

"Edward told us everything." His voice was quiet, but I could hear the Texan accent as he spoke. I wanted to melt at the sound of his voice, but his words caused me to go into absolute panic mode.

What did everything mean? That I'm a wolf, that he's my imprint? What did he say?

"I can feel your emotions," Jasper continued. "You don't have to worry about us. We don't drink human blood, and we won't kill you."

Well, that's a lot of information at once. Of course, the one person I don't want to know how I'm feeling is an empath. How many of them have powers?

I randomly felt my worrying decrease for no reason, and I figured he could also influence emotions. At least today won't be my last day on earth, but that didn't answer my most important question.

"I can feel your passionate feelings. Is the person you imprinted on in this room?"

I let out a huge sigh of relief. He didn't know who I imprinted on; I still had time to fix this. I looked up from my desk and turned to face him. I let out a quiet, "yeah," before my eyes focused on his face once again. He was so close to me I could see every detail of his face. What caught me off guard the most was the bite marks around his neck.

"Does the person know?" His words broke me out of my trance.


He nodded his head once and opened his mouth to speak, but the words never came. Right then, our teacher started talking, making us both turn to look at him. I don't know anything he said all class because all I could focus on was the blonde vampire to my left.

As the class came to an end, I gathered my stuff and got ready to run once again when I felt his hand on my arm. It was as if his hands were blocks of ice; they were so so cold. It startled me enough to get me to turn and face him.

"Can we talk after school?" he asked. "Carlisle wants to meet you."

"Carlisle?" My confusion must have been evident because his eyes furrowed slightly as I spoke.

"Yeah, our," he paused. He glanced around us, seeming unsure of something before deciding on saying, "Adopted father."

"Uh, yeah, sure." I really didn't want to go to a house full of vampires seeing as it would be the best way for them to kill me with no repercussions, but I knew I should go if I wanted to gain their trust at all.

"Meet us in the parking lot after school. We'll drive you there." Jasper spoke with such confidence that I felt everything would be okay.

He took his hand off my arm, and I left, giving a simple nod in his direction to show him I would meet them there before I left the room and went off toward my next class.

Having seen Jasper in my class, I figured the Cullens were all pretending to be sophomores, so seeing Emmet in my next class wasn't as big of a shock. He didn't really bother me the whole class, just sending me fleeting glances every once in a while. When that class ended, I could feel him following me to my next class. He only left when we both realized Alice was already sitting in my last class's room.

The small vampire sent me a wide smile as I sat in the seat in front of her.

Well, these vampires sure are complicating my life a lot.

His Wolf Pup - a Jasper Hale StoryWhere stories live. Discover now