60- Bella is the Worst

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After that weekend, everything was different once again.

I moved back into the Cullen's house, not wanting to spend any time apart from Jasper. After seeing him hurt, I realized once again how much I wanted him in my life. Sleeping in our room together finally brought me some much-needed peace.

I still went over to the Rez to visit the pack a lot, and Jasper almost always came with me. Leah and Jacob had calmed down and tried to avoid me as much as possible. That was fine with me, seeing as I was mad at both of them.

The rest of the pack was fun to be with. Sam and Jasper had gotten closer and actually enjoyed each other's presence. When they learned we didn't want Edward to turn Bella into a vampire, everyone got along a lot better.

Seth and I also started spending more time together. He didn't like how Leah was acting, and I wanted him to be happy, so our time was spent just having fun together.

At home, everyone was happy I had forgiven them. We all went back to our everyday life together, hanging out and playing games. My hand healed quickly, and Jasper's injury healed as well. He still had a scratch going down the length of his forearm, but we were unsure if that would ever fade.

Edward was weird during this time. He was always acting like he was walking on eggshells around us. He seemed even more unhappy than usual and constantly moped around the house. Everyone was upset at him and kept excluding him from fun activities, which was making him even more upset.

Making everything worse was Bella. At school, she would hang out with Edward, but I could tell she wasn't cheering him up. At lunch, he would often just watch us from afar instead of paying attention to Bella. She found out about the Victoria attack from Jacob after she came back, and she was concerned that she was a liability. I heard her ask Edward to change her into a vampire at least once a day. I heard she had come over to the house a few times, but I had never been there when she was there because Edward didn't want me to attack her in anger.

Then she did the unthinkable.

For the first time since Victoria attacked, our entire family was sitting in the living room together. Emmet, Noah, Carlisle, and I were playing a video game, Jasper was reading a book, Esme was sketching something, Alice and Rosalie were looking at a magazine, and Edward was writing. It felt peaceful.

Then I suddenly felt everyone else in the room tense.

"What is it?" I asked the family, setting my controller down.

"Why is she here?" Jasper asked out loud, looking at Edward.

"I don't know," he replied honestly. "I didn't invite her over." He got up from the couch, set down his journal, and walked up to the front door.

"Who is here?" I asked, looking at Jasper.

When no one answered, I turned my attention to the front door. Edward opened the door and said, "Why are you here?"

"I need to talk to everyone." Bella walked into the house with more confidence than I had ever seen. She had a stupid smirk on her face as she walked into the living room. Everyone was looking at her, and I could tell no one was happy with her presence.

Jasper moved closer to me, feeling how upset she made me by walking in like she owned the house.

Edward quickly walked up behind Bella, worry evident on his face. "Bella, what is going on?" He grabbed her arm, trying to pull her back, but she did not budge.

"We need to have a conversation, all together," Bella said. "Like your family meetings."

"About what?" Edward asked her.

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