99- Little Sister

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I woke up still leaning on Jasper, who was holding a sleeping Charlotte in his arms.

"Good morning," I mumbled, looking up at the two.

"Morning," Jasper told me, placing a kiss on my forehead.

"How's Charlotte?" I asked him, looking at the sleeping girl.

"She slept through the night and fell asleep just after you did," he told me. "But everyone is waiting to meet her downstairs."

"Well, then we shouldn't keep them waiting," I told him.

The two of us got up, and as we did, Charlotte woke in Jasper's arms. The three of us made our way downstairs to see the family all waiting in the living room. As we walked in, everyone stood up, eager to meet her.

I introduced her properly, "Everyone, this is Charlotte Jasmine Whitlock Hale Cullen."

Esme and Rosalie walked up to us first, wanting to hold her. Jasper passed her to Esme, who gave her to Rosalie. Emmet walked up behind her, looking at Charlotte over her shoulder.

"She looks just like you guys," Rosalie said, smiling down at Charlotte.

Emmet asked the more important question, "Does this mean I can yell at you when you win now?"

"Emmet," Jasper groaned, wanting a normal moment.

"Yes," I replied, knowing that he really wanted to do that to me.

Emmet silently cheered as Rosalie passed Charlotte to Alice. She held her tightly as Noah joined her.

"You were well worth the wait, little one," Alice said, clearly being happy everything turned out alright from her vision.

Alice passed her over to Edward since Bree was wary of holding her yet.

"I don't want to drop her," Bree said, rejecting holding the baby.

"Well, come look at her," Edward said, securing his arms around Charlotte. "She wants to meet you."

The two made random comments about something before Charlotte reached her hand up to Edward's face. Edward simply smiled down at her while she showed him a memory of hers. As she pulled back her hand, Edward said, "I think she wants to see you two again."

"What did she show you?" I asked, taking her from his arms.

"A memory of you two holding her," he told me.

As I held Charlotte in my arms, I realized someone was missing. "Where's Seth?" I asked everyone.

"He's asleep upstairs," Esme told me. "He barely slept last night, so we didn't want to wake him."

"I'll go check on him," I decided, handing Charlotte to Jasper.

I walked upstairs and made my way to our room, where Seth was. He had fallen asleep in our bed, and he looked so small in our huge bed. I walked over to the bed and gently woke him up.

"Good morning," I said, shaking Seth awake.

"Morning, Mom," he mumbled, not really paying attention to what he said. Hearing him call me that so casually made me smile. He suddenly realized that it was me that woke him up, and sat up quickly. "Are you okay?" He asked me.

"I'm perfectly healthy," I told him, "and your little sister is waiting downstairs to meet you."

His eyes lit up as he remembered why he slept in the room alone the night before. He quickly jumped up from the bed saying, "Well we can't keep her waiting."

I followed Seth out of the room as the two of us made our way down the stairs together. As we walked into the room, Jasper was facing away from us, hiding Charlotte from our view. He slowly turned his head, smiling at Seth and me before saying, "Seth, meet your sister, Charlotte."

Jasper turned around to show Seth Charlotte as I placed my hand on his shoulder. A tugging sensation pulled on my gut as I felt an extraordinary amount of love coming from someone in the room. My eyes met Jasper's as we both realized what was happening.

Seth gasped before muttering, "Oh no," and sprinting out of the room toward the front door.

"No, Seth!" Jasper yelled, wanting to stop him but unable to do anything with Charlotte in his arms. He quickly turned to me and said, "Go stop him."

I knew Jasper as well as I knew myself, and I knew we were in agreement on what had just happened. I quickly made my way after Seth, following him out of the house and into the forest.

I sped past Seth, stopping him by grabbing his shoulders. "Seth, you have to calm down," I told him.

"I didn't mean to," he mumbled, not looking up at me.

I tried pulling him in for a hug, but he pulled away from me. I sighed saying, "Seth, it's okay."

"No, it's not!" He yelled. "I imprinted on Charlotte!"

"Seth!" My yelling startled him enough to look up at me, and I could see tears falling down his face. I felt his inner turmoil as he tried to wrestle with his feelings, something I remember doing when I fist imprinted on Jasper.

"Just send me to Sam's, and I won't bother you guys," Seth told me.

"We're not sending you to Sam's. You're coming home with us."

"I imprinted on your baby child," he said. "That's so weird."

I stepped forward, grabbing onto his shoulders once again. "Seth, imprinting doesn't mean you have to date her."

"It doesn't?" He asked, relaxing slightly.

"No. All you need is to be the best older brother ever. You protect her and care for her, and I know you can do that."

"That's what I was going to do anyways," he mumbled.

"Then it's perfect." I pulled Seth in for a hug, calming him down as best as I could. "Now, why don't we go back to the house, and you can properly meet her?"

Seth nodded slightly, pulling back from our hug. The two of us made our way back to the house, where Jasper was waiting on the couch for us.

"Everything all good?" Jasper asked.

"We're all good," I told him.

I led Seth over to the couch and sat him next to Jasper. He silently peered over Jasper's arms to look down at Charlotte as a smile spread on his face. I could tell Charlotte mirrored his expression as she reached both her arms out toward Seth.

"I think she wants you to hold her," Jasper said, slowly moving her into Seth's arms.

"Are you sure?" Seth asked, wrapping his arms around her.

"We're sure," I told him.

Jasper and I both watched as Seth sat there holding Charlotte. We could both feel how much the two already cared about each other.

We watched as Charlotte reached her hand up to Seth's face, showing him something. His eyes widened at whatever he saw before she pulled her hand away.

"I'll protect you forever," Seth told her, holding her closer.

His Wolf Pup - a Jasper Hale StoryDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora