40- Stupid Vampires Make Stupid Decisions

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I don't know how long I sat in my room crying, but the sun was now long gone. It wasn't until I heard yelling and footsteps that I finally came to reality.


The voice sounded familiar, but I couldn't place it. My head was hurting from how much I had cried, and my chest felt like my heart was missing, so my brain was a little preoccupied.

I heard the front door get thrown open as multiple people entered.

"Are you sure she's in the house?"

"Her scent led us here. At the very least, she was here sometime today."

"We won't be able to smell her with all the vampire smells in here."

"Then we search the house."


I couldn't respond to the voices, but I was happy to hear them getting closer.

Someone opened my door, gasped, and ran to my side. "Oh, Emma," he said as he wrapped me in a hug. "She's in here!"

I looked up to see who had found me. "Embry," I said, finally recognizing who had found me.

"It's okay," he told me. "We're here."

"Oh my gosh." Another person has entered to room. I looked to see Sam at the door before he rushed to my side as well. "Those stupid Cullens."

"They left," I told him.

"I know," he told me. "But it's going to be okay. We'll figure everything out."

As the rest of the pack entered my room, I felt a little happiness, knowing they still cared for me.

We all ended up going back to Sam's house, where Sam told me I would be staying from then on. He told me I was part of the pack now, and they would help me through the heartache I was feeling.

The pain never eased as days and weeks began to pass, but the boys got better at distracting me. They learned my favorite things and took me to random places on the Rez to try new things. I tried to fill my days with laughter and smiles, and I tricked the boys into believing everything was getting better.

The nights were awful, though. I spent many lying in silence just thinking over everything I had done with the Cullens. I couldn't figure out how much of it was a lie.

Had they ever liked me? Did they ever like my company? How often was Jasper doing the mood control thing? Why did he say "I'm sorry"? What was he sorry for? Leading me on? Leaving? Loving me?

No matter how badly I was hurting, I tried not to show it to others. I tried to move on, but that was hard when every day I spent away from my imprinted, I felt like I was actually dying.

Sam had once explained finding you're imprinted as the world finally coming into balance and everything making sense. I had decided that losing them caused the world to feel wrong and off-balance and made you feel like you were actually dying.

Even while I was dealing with all of this, I continued to go to school. I didn't want to redo high school, and Sam had convinced me to keep going so I could see other people. He thought it would be good for me. Seeing as Sam had become like an older brother to me, I did what he said.

Being at school didn't make things better. Everyone was confused about why the Cullens had left, but I was still here. Bella was also sulking every minute of every day, so I tried to avoid her at all costs. I didn't need any more of her questions or problems, seeing as she was at least part of the reason I had been left behind.

September came and went with nothing to show for it.

October was boring, except for the pack's attempt at having a Halloween party. That was soon ended because they couldn't get through the night without making fun of vampires, which pushed me over the edge.

As time passed, I improved at pretending to be okay. No matter how happy I looked, I still felt like I was dying. The longer Jasper was gone, the worse I felt, and the more I doubted our relationship. But I never reached out to any Cullens. If they didn't want me to be part of their stupid immortal lives, I wasn't going to bother them.

His Wolf Pup - a Jasper Hale StoryWhere stories live. Discover now