83- My Old Pack

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As I opened my eyes, all I saw was Jasper's shirt. "Jazz?" I asked, trying to figure out what was happening.

"I've got you," he told me gently.

As I woke up more, I realized I was lying completely on top of him, and he was pulling me close to him. "Jazz, you got to let go so I can get up."

"What if we just don't get up? Or what if we run away?"

"Then they'll track me down. I'd rather just face them and deal with whatever happens today," I told him honestly.

He let go of me and let me pull back. The two of us sat up, but Jasper grabbed my arms to stop me from standing. "Just don't leave me," he told me gently. "Because I am coming with you, no matter what happens today."

"I love you," I told him.

"I love you too," he replied. "Forever."

"And always."

The two of us got up and got changed. I looked at the clock to see it was almost 8 already. We had just over an hour.

We went downstairs where everyone else was. Most of the family had gone hunting the night before, but everyone was back already. I could feel everyone's inner turmoil, and the reality of the day was crashing in on me, but I ignored it.

I spent an hour just sitting with my family, hoping for the best. Before I knew it, Alice said it was time to meet with the pack in the woods.

We had decided the woods were the best place for this to happen so no one would run into us or get in the way of whatever was about to happen. I had tried my best to stay out of Alice's head after her first vision, so I really didn't know what to expect when we got there. We ran the short way into the woods.

As we came upon the pack, we slowed our run. I could feel everyone's anxiety, but I could tell Jasper was trying his hardest to help me stay calm.

We all waited together for a few moments before I heard them coming.

An entire pack of wolves ran at us, stopping a few feet away in surprise. The biggest one stood in the front, and he phased quickly to greet us.

"Well, hello, Emma," He said, grinning at me.

"Hello, Jack," I replied.

"I see you heard we were coming," he told me. "Don't tell me you're thinking about fighting against us?"

"And why would that be so crazy?" Emmet yelled out, already eager to attack.

"You'll lose."

I could feel the anger radiating off of everyone, and I knew Sam was moments away from phasing, so I figured I'd cut to the chase. "I'm not going with you," I told him.

Jack laughed at me before saying, "I was hoping you'd say that." He phased back into his wolf form and jumped.

We were once again fighting for our lives. The Quileutes and I phased immediately, ready to attack, while The Cullens jumped straight at my old pack. Everyone was fighting, and no one was really winning.

I knew this pack better than anyone, and there didn't seem to be any way we were going to win until I felt a familiar pull in my gut. I looked around and realized Leah had imprinted on Nathan, one of the younger boys in my old pack. The two had stopped fighting, and both were just staring at each other.

I heard Jack growl at the two of them before turning to me. He walked closer to me as my friends continued to fight against my old pack. As I looked at him, I realized something I hadn't noticed until then.

I couldn't hear my old pack's inner thoughts like I used to.

I should have heard what they were all thinking, but I couldn't hear anything. The only thing I could hear was the sounds of the battle around us and a few random comments from Sam as he sent me direct thoughts from across the field.

As Jack continued to walk closer to me, I phased back to normal. I turned around, looking at everyone to make sure everyone was okay. I could see Jasper had someone pinned down, making me realize another thing, they couldn't hurt him.

Maybe we had a chance after all.

I turned back to see Jack growling at me, but I had no idea what he was trying to tell me. "Phase back," I told him. "I don't know what you're saying."

Jack phased in front of me and continued walking closer. "You are coming with us, Emma, and you are going to help us fight. Together, we will be unstoppable."

"No, I will not," I told him, making him falter in step. "You're going to have to do better than that."

His words turned darker and angrier. "You will come with us, now."

His Wolf Pup - a Jasper Hale StoryWhere stories live. Discover now