..... mini update on character lives......

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Authors note

Yall thank you so much for reading . This chapter is basically just explaining how it ended and the final bits  of the story sort of , since so many people are confused ..... love yall

This will be short .... be warned


Busisa's POV:

" Charity Josephine , leave your brother alone ." I said to my now 15 year old daughter . Yes , it's been 15 years and ever since James has came to work at one of my companies and my twins are 15 . Dont get me wrong but t it's been akward , most definitely . Though I have reasons to believe he knows .

Danny had left to visit his parent , and I was left to deal with the two people who can never seem to get along . "Mom tell him to give me my phone back and I'll stop ." Cj said whiles sitting on her brother and pinning his right arm to the floor , while the  left held her phone . Jason then replied with the same chuckle father posses when he steals my stuff . "Never !" He said while laughing at his angry sister . I love my life .

Brandon and Chloë had gotten married 2  years ago and now have a beutifull baby boy named Connor . Charlie and Arny are getting married in 3 days  in Washington D.C. . Seeing that it's July  and America normally be hotter than a oven at this time of year , I will love this .

The night quickly drew to a close , with CJ gettkng her phone back and Jason laughing the whole event off with me . I had already packed our bags for the flight tomorow and all we had to do was  actualy make it on time for the flight . Easier said than done .

*Time skip , day of wedding .*

It .... is ..... chaotic . Kids are screaming , people are still making it into the venue , the pastor is running late . Yet I'm sat down listening to music in my car , with Chloë next to me holding her sleeping baby . This baby is bewitched , how can you sleep through me blaring music at full blast , with the base making my liver vibrate ? Nah something is up with this baby . Plus Chloë has also been ranting on top of that .

About 10 minutes after Connor had woken up Danny called to tell us to come inside . So we did , and since Baby boy had already been fed and changed  there was no reason for us to worry .

After entering the hall I sat down near the front row , Danny was Arny's best so I'd get to see him in a suit once more . Appetising . Funny enough , I had made an effort to look good , and I was loving myself for it . J was wearing a black lace dress that might have been a bit too revealing for my liking , but I had been told I look good . CJ and Jason both wore grey and the best man and groomsman wore black ( Danny , William , Brandon ) . The bridesmades wore knee length white dresses , and the maiden of honor wore a white lace dress . Chloë had on a black mermaid dress that was just wow . Connor wore a black suit that looked just too cute to live for .

Arny's POV:

This is it . It's now time for me to walk down the ails . My hands have already began sweating and all I can do is hope Charlie is not as nervous as I am . Danny , William and Brandon are already at the end along with the bridesmades . I know this is how its supose to be , but I did not sighn up for this .

Right as I walk out the only thing that caught all of my atention was the back of CJ's head . Why , I have no clue . When I reached the end , Danny  gave me a handkerchief and winked at me . Psychic Danny ?

Minutes turned to hours .

Hours turned to externities .

Well , at least that's what it felt like .

Just as I had thought Charlie had left me at the altar , there she was . She was beutifull . Just as I felt a tear stream down my cheek , I quickly bowed my head and brushed it away . Just as I lifted my head , she was infront of me . Veil over head and white roses in hand . Soon after the ceremony began .

Time skip to vows ( just Cuz weddings are long )

"Now if anyone objects , please speak now or forever hold your hostility ." Said the priest , thereafter was a long silence before he continued .  "Alright then , since our bride and groom have prepared there own vows I'll let them take the floor . Now I know normaly its ladies first , but today Sir Arnold will go first . " He said with a small smile . If I could kill him I would .

Alright . Here goes nothing .

"Charlie my love .

I love you,
Not only for what you are,
But for what I am
When I am with you.
I love you,
Not only for what
You have made of yourself,
But for what
You are making of me.
I love you
For the part of me
That you bring out;
I love you
For putting your hand
Into my heaped-up heart
And passing over
All the foolish, weak things
That you can't help
Dimly seeing there,
And for drawing out
Into the light
All the beautiful belongings
That no one else had looked
Quite far enough to find.
I love you
Because you have done
More than any creed
Could have done
To make me good,
And more than any fate
To make me happy ."

Placing the ring on her finger , my loving wife . Her eyes brimmed with tears as she began to speak .

"Arny , my love to whom I hope you take me , your loving wife . To love and to hold , nor to what my words to follow speak to your heart . Keep me to be yours .

I choose you. To stand by your side and sleep in your arms. To be the joy to your heart and food for your soul. To learn with you and grow with you, even as time and life change us both. I promise to laugh with you in good times and struggle alongside you in bad times. I promise to respect you and cherish you as an individual, a partner, and an equal, knowing that we do not complete, but complement each other. May we have many adventures and grow old together.”

She slipped the ring onto my finger , tears streamIng down her rosy cheeks . "Arnold , Charlotte . J now pronounce you husband and wife . Sir , you may kiss your bride ." With the priest's final words said , charlie and I shared a deep and passionate kiss ( of course the veil was removed first ) . Finaly I get to call the woman I love , My wife .

Attendez et voyez .

And dass about it ladies and gents , hope yall are having a nice life and thank you all for reading .... as well as the support ..... I really do appreciate it . Love youssse


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