chapter 12 : Past Protagonists

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Contains strong grammar mistakes as well as spelling errors , a small amount of intimacy , and very little effort to censor mature language
Chloë's POV
Waking up I was actually really confused as to why I'm sleeping on the couch as well as why I'm sleeping on a bag of chips . "Wow , I just remembered . Hold on the reason I was fast asleep on the couch is because I tried watching those boring programs about WW2 that Busisa alwase watches . Ugggg now my neck hurts , "She will pay for trying to educate me ." I muttered into thin air "Listen I never told you to watch them you just went of and did, plus you look really cute when your asleep so I just did not wake you up . But they was talking about how Hitler killed himself this time and to be honest it was kind of funny." Busisa said with a small giggle at the end . She had a her signature British accent back from the dead and here to haunt me .
I propped myself up on my arms and looked at her with wide eyes then said ." Ehhh?! , woman how do you find suicide funny and since when is it funny?"
She looked at me with amusement in her eyes before it was replaced with tint of evil and the most sickeningly evil laugh saying , " Since me and my mom saved my grandfather from comiting suicide , killing his wife and kid by laughing at him and leaving him to his thoughts then let life play it's role in the situation . Leaving his brother to die and him to hold up his suicide plans to console his family . Quite hilarious if you think about it , isn't it?" The words of the british dwarf in front of me made me almost want to throw up , but then I remembered she's my best friend and we act alike so really if I kill her I'm killing myself . This is not fair .
"Your a psychopathic woman with bipolar, you know that , right ?" I said with an expression of disgust on my face . "Yes and your a insomniac who's friends with a psychopathic woman with bipolar. "She said with a sinister smirk on her face before changing it into a warm and loving smile when Arny walks past and up the stairs .
" Come on you butt I made you break- well technically lunch because its 2PM so wake up let's go . I promise I did not poison you Brandon was watching me cook the whole time , let's go ." She said with that same warm smile on her face . I'm friends with a psycho. "You promise, and wait its 2PM? Ehhhhh? Did I really sleep that long ?" I said while getting up and walking to the kitchen .
Busisa gave me a laugh that sounded so much like spongebob's laugh that I almost choked on my hashbrown . She gave me water and continued to laugh to the point where she was laid out on the white floor . Her laugh changing from spongebob to a cat choking on a hairball as she rolled onto her left side now facing my foot .
 This woman would be the reason that I die , she for sure did not poison me but she will kill me with her show on the floor ." What in the world is going on here?" Danny came running in with a look on his face that was a mixture of anger , worry and irritation which sent me into a fit of laughter.
With Busisa dying on the floor and me holding my hands on the air while we both fell into a even worse fit of laughter All I was trying to do is not lay beside her and laugh . She started choking when she opened her teary eyes only to see Danny's confused expression . Sometimes I can't with this crackhead of a best friend I have .
Danny's POV:
As I stand here in front of the two laughing idiots , one with choking on her tears and the other slowly leaning to the floor but trying not to fall . I can't help but smile at them because they look so stupid right now. But besides the point , I manage to put a blank expression on my face and almost instantly Busisa stops laughing and gets up the wipe her tears then shortly after Chloë does the same .
"I really am sorry to interrupt you two , but we have to be leaving soon to go see the optometrist." I said with a bit of a British accent which made Chloë shift uncomfortably in her chair and a sinister smirk creep up Busisa's lips ." Little lady please do tell the reason behind you wanting to laugh ." I said in a dark tone that seemed to wipe her smirk clean of her face .
I looked her in her eyes and she spoke in the most innocent manner." Yes sir , we'll be waiting in the car for you and Brandon. Come on Chloë.... let's go ." I almost wanted to grab her and fúck her brains out with her best friend watching , but instead choosing to wait for Chloë to leave the kitchen before grabbing her arm . I spoke in a tone that made my intentions obvious ,"Now , now sweetness you know your not suppose to call me sir .... unless your ready to bear the consequences of your actions. Now you don't want me hurting you on such a relaxed autumns day , do you ?" Her breathing has started to become faster and feat now evident in her tone , but her response leaving me puzzled yet extremely aroused." No sir ... I-I don't want to upset you , my apologies." She said in a soft whisper.
" Sweetheart , there you go again . I don't want to punish you , but your repeating your mistakes too much . Tonight I want you in the main bedroom by 9PM not any later or I'll have you wherever I find you , understood ?" I said while softly biting her earlobe. She nodded as a reply to my command. This woman was begging for me to have her in this kitchen , without even knowing it.
I was now softly panting in her ear aroused by her subtle disobedience . Pinning her against the wall with her back facing me I growled into her ear before speaking in a tone that read 'I'm loosing it woman' ,"Fúck, Darling if you don't stop what your doing to me you'll be going to the optometrist slightly paralyzed ." My now hardened member pressing against her backside , her breathing had become faster and my panting much louder .
Tilting her head to the side and gently kissing and biting her soft skin , the quick rising and falling of her chest turning me on even more while her plump rosy lips were slightly parted to let more oxygen into her tinny body. 'She's so cute when she’s scared yet craving for more of what makes her scared. ' I said to myself as my hands went from her neck and arm , to wrapping around her tinny chubby frame .
By this rate we would be late for the visit to the optometrist so it would be best to leave her a little frustrated. Pulling back in a almost instant movement I turned her around and looked into her beautiful eyes then spoke ." Sweetheart , Brandon and Chloë are waiting for us in the car we should get going before we become late for the appointment." Adjusting my pants I left the small woman alone in the kitchen to wait for her in the car , shortly after she appeared with her handbag and phone and we left .
Once we got back to the house from going shopping for 5 hours after Chloë and Busisa's appointment was done, William and Arny had already ordered pizza for dinner . Since it was already 6 PM we all ate and had a long debate about what TV show to watch .
Busisa and Arny went of go do the dishes while me , Brandon and Chloë watched a history program that Busisa talked us into watching . Five minutes into the program Chloë was fast asleep on Brandon's lap and I was just irritated at how boring this was .
Deciding to leave the sleeping couple I went into the kitchen only to find the dishes washed and packed away , but the sight which enraged me was Arny with his arms wrapped around my little gattino speaking in a tone loud enough to break up there little cuddle session, with rage evident in my voice I said, " What the héll is going on here ?" They both looked like little school children who had just been caught hugging behind the classrooms during break time ." You . Bedroom . Now ." I said while looking at Busisa ,she left almost instantly and swiftly ran up the stairs ." You . I don't ever want to see that happen again , understand?" I said to Arny as I left for the bedroom .
Making my way up the stairs I knew I was going to go off on her on something this small . The question is , will she fight back? The answer lies behind the door of her room . As I open the door I find the very small woman sitting on the bed patiently waiting for me , the look on her face insinuating that she has chosen violence as the solution to this argument. Closing the door and giving her a death glare which she shrugged of and replied to with a smile . She spoke with confidence evident in her tone , "So you want to try and argue with me because I hugged another man who so happens to be your friend ."
She said with a look of amusement I'm her eye . I almost wanted to scream and yell at her for taking this matter so lightly , but then again it is really petty of me. Though I can't help but feel betrayed by such a small thing.
She laid back on the continental pillows with a very smug smile on her face before speaking ,"Lovely , you won't dare to lay a hand on me tonight and that's a command , Sí ? Or I'll have PJ on your case for the rest of your life ." She then stood up and kissed my cheek before leaving me alone in her room . The only thing I could think about was ,'Who the Fúck is JP'.
The only way to find out was either to ask her or to track down all her contacts till I find a JP . Or I just ask Chloë. Choosing to ask Busisa I sat down on the bed and started to drift of into thought 'and if she lies to me I can always track him , which would actually be much easier than asking her.'
Not realizing that I had now laid back onto the soft mattress. I fell asleep and awoke only to see that it's 5 AM and my little gattino was fast asleep next to me . ' No matter how cute and innocent you may seem . I will find out your secret . '
I thought to myself as I looked at her sleeping figure then let myself fall back to sleep , with the little angel next to me . This tinny woman is proving to be very challenging to live with . But I like having a bit of a challenge , with this one though all the odds are in my favour, and I love it .

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