chapter 13 : Shadow Love

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Authors note

This chapter contains examples of stalking and manipulation that should not be replicated in real life . As well as emotional triggers . Enjoy!!!!!


Tino's POV:

It's been a while since I've seen ,
Or actually I should say it's been a while since I've talked to Busisa. The only times I see her is when she is pulling away from her house and making her way to Mr Sidorov's company headquarters. It would make sense if she was working for one of the biggest 'marketing companies' in South Africa. Honestly I wonder if she knows that he is planning to leave her with the company because he does not trust his daughter to do manage it well .
This all sounds perfect till you count the fact that Busisa is not the best at accounting ,and people don't really take her seriously because she is so small . Another thing is when she takes over she will want everything to be perfect or she does it herself which leaves her to do everything .
 Then she ends up tiring herself out and being miserable . I just hope my little psychotic penguin will be ok once this happens . Sidorov told me he's planning on doing it tomorrow night at his company's 15 year anniversary ball.
Of course I'll be there because I'm Sidorov's biggest investor and I was personally invited by him . I know that Chloë will be there as well , accompanied by her tall boyfriend. Busisa will be accompanied by that cazzo she calls Danny. This will be a very eventful night if anything goes wrong I might actually not be at fault .
Busisa's POV:
Stress , stress, stress. That's all that I feel right now . It's funny Chloë , Danny , Brandon and Arny are going to the same party I'm going to but they're not even stressing about what there going to wear . Oh yeah , I know the reason why there not stressing , it's because I'm the one getting them there outfits . I mean if I wasn't controlling the outfits Arny would and we would look amazing , but since he did the outfits for my birthday party I offered to do it this time. Bad mistake , but its le least i could do to show my gratitude .
Since the theme of the party is midnight blue , burgundy and grey it was really easy to get the guys and Chloë outfits , but mine was proving very hard to find . I only have today to find it and to be honest , nothing is too my liking . I might as well just go in my pyjamas and shocks everyone . I mean that would be funny , but no . I just hope I find a dress , then again I'm known to have bad luck .
Arny's POV
The little penguin . She's good at planning for sure but she seems stressed . Why I'm not sure , but if anything goes wrong I already have a backup plan for everything . It's not like I don't trust her . It's more of a gut feeling .
After a good night's rest I've managed to wake up only to find Busisa rocking herself back and forth on the living room floor. In this situation I can only think of 3 things to do .
1. Call Danny and hope for the best .
2. Call a therapist .
3. Ask what's wrong and try to help or leave her .
Choosing option 3 I went over to the little woman and asked what's wrong . The reply she gave me made me rethink option 2 ," I'm a mess how can I find outfits for every human on earth but myself.... Perché non posso farlo giusto ?" She said as tears brimmed her eyes." Look sweetness, it's fine really. You don't have to stress yourself about something so small , lovely." I said trying to calm her down which sort of worked since she was now just laying on the floor while I was now on my knees .
" Arny you say this but I don't think it has registered in your mind that I only have 2 hours left to find a dress . That's not a lot of time and on top of that j can't find my phone so I do not have any music to calm me , and before you ask . No me and Chloë do not share the same playlist . She calmed herself with sad songs and I  mainly use classical music to calm myself ." She said with a hint of anger in her tone . Why does she have to be so cute ." Firstly sweetness I have your phone right here and I've already found you a dress . All you have to do is put it on." I said while handing her , her phone .
She hot up of the floor and waited for me to do the same before embracing me in one of the best hugs I've ever reserved. Her sweet scent filled my nose . Her tinny chubby frame against mine . Something tells me I won't be able to forget this hug for a while ." Thank you Arny ." She whispered into my shoulder. Softly pulling away and placing a kiss on her forehead , I wiped the tears from her eyes and spoke in a gentle tone ." Sweetness it's my absolute pleasure , all I want is to make sure there's a smile on your face at all times ." She smiled at me then gave me another hug which made my heart flutter . This little ice cube would be the reason I can't stop smiling . She's just perfect.
1½ hours later
Busisa's POV
Thirty minutes till the party and I'm grateful that I now have a dress . But it was a mess in the house right now , I was looking for the keys to my car and I still have to get dressed , Chloë is doing her hair , Brandon is eating something that looks like soup? Danny is still getting dressed , Arny is relaxed on the couch waiting for all of us , and William got sick yesterday and is now in bed fast asleep . If we make it to this party then miracles truly do exist.
(20 minutes left till party begins )
Luckily I managed to find my keys and get dressed , so did the rest of these people . To be honest everyone was looking amazing , but two people who stood out was Arny and Charlie , self praise sometimes is a must . I really did do a good job . Charlie has been a friend of mine since high school, and to be honest I'm glad that her and Arny met . Because in a way they are more compatible than a lot of married couples I know , but they have only just met .
Charlie was wearing a blue of the shoulder dress , while Arny wore a blue suit .
Picture of Charlie's dress
Picture of Arny's suit
Assuming they were now fed up with having to wait for me to come down the stairs , I quickly applied dark red lipstick and grabbed my cluck bag and phone then went down the stairs . Everyone looked at me with wide eyes and a smile when they saw me walking down the stairs . But the only person I could look at in that room was James .
In a very odd way k was expecting him to not be here or to have already left with Amanda, but unlike everyone else he had what looked to be tears brimming his eyes . He either ate something wrong or found out he's dying because he has never cried when seeing me . Not even on our wedding day . Strange. He had on a grey suit , his black hair left in natural curls . He looked rather charming , but not to forget he's no longer mine . Were only bound by documents at this stage , not love .
James POV:
As I stand here in the living room the sight of my little dark angel lighting up the room made me almost want to cry . Key words almost . She was wearing a burgundy dress with a high neck and long sleeves . Mesmerizing was the only word to describe how she looked , but sadly she her dress goes with Tino's suit which I feel like is not a coincidence because they've been really close recently, and I've learnt not to trust him .
Well it's more like I have many reasons not to trust him given he almost ended my life on my wedding night because I married Busisa. He was and still is a absolute prat and I don't think any of us in this room should be near him . But it's not his night today it's my love's night . My darling . My wife . Nothing shall harm her tonight , not while I'm around . I might not be holding her arm , but I will protect her to my best abilities. No matter what , she will always be precious to me .
Brandon's POV:
As we all walked outside each entering out a car already chosen for us . I can't help but admire the little black haired woman tightly gripping onto my arm for balance . Chloë sometimes was just too cute to handle , but also very explosive when it came to anything to do with those she loves . I'm still questioning if I'm one of them but I do know she cares for me . Seeing as her birthday is in 3 months , the surprise I planned for her will have to wait for the longest of times . But I know she'll love it .
As everyone got into there cars and left Chloë's dress took our poor time management to it's advantage by slightly getting stuck on the door . Getting it off of the handle and locking the house , I got her into the car and we left .
Picture of Chloë's dress
Picture of Brandon's suit
Danny's POV:
As we arrived at the humungous hall we were one again greeted by valets, who then took the keys and parked the cars . Entering the hall it was decorated with grey and burgundy . I'm coming to think Sidorov either values Busisa a lot , or is one of the only CEOs to know all of his employees well . Just as I was about to turn my head to talk to Busisa, I see her talking to Mr Sidorov and his wife about something . Walking over to them I notice Busisa's face light up at the sight of me . Is she really that exited to see me ?
Her expression instantly turned into one of worry as something behind me distracted her . "Sweetheart you look like your constipated , relax ." I whispered into her ear . She started giggling at my words and continued to talk to her boss and his wife . Mrs. Sidorov had on a blue mermaid dress with lace accents, while Mr. Sidorov had on a blue suit . They both looked good . But not as good as my little petardo .
Out of the corner of my eye I see none other than the prat, Tino. Standing with Krislin another one of Busisa's friends . They were both wearing burgundy , just as me and Busisa did . If Tino was going to try and pull a move on Busisa tonight . I might just end his here once and for all . It wouldn't be that hard either .
Tino's POV
There she was , stood next to that cazzo named Danny. She looked stunning tonight , and I don't only mean her dress . Tonight her lips were painted a shade of dark red that seemed to match with her dress perfectly . This little woman has just made me want he even more , with only a different shade of lipstick .
Walking over to her I stop dead in my tracks as I feel someone's eyes piercing the back of my head . Turning around only to find its James. He was stood next to Amanda who was wearing a grey mermaid dress . I don't understand why he would leave Busisa for suck a wash out of a woman , but who am I to judge his poor life choices. I gave him a sly smirk which made him look away instantly .
When I got to Busisa I was greeted by another foul look , this time from Danny. I gave him a warm smile and asked to talk to Busisa. We went of to the outside of the hall and talked for hours . For every time she smiled at me my thoughts clouded by lust even more . I hope I'll be able to stay calm , because I don't want to harm her . When lust controls me , I tend to become a bit unbearable .

Hi guys I'm sorry this was such a bad chapter but hopefully I'll do better in the next one . Till next time .


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