chapther 24 : The dark to dusk

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Authors note

This book will be ended on an uneven number . No WITCHCRAFT has been performed..... and yall might hate the ending because it will be confusing , do as you wish with that info . Also , this chapter will be short , not like the others . But this chapter will most likely be less than 2000  words so sorry not sorry . By love yalls .

Thank you and love yalls . And #smutwarning  or #vigorousgaysmex



Brandon's POV:

This . Is . One . Of . The . Worst . Thursdays . I've . Ever . Been . Alive . To . Witness . Chloë went to the mall , Arny is out of the country and so are Danny and Busisa . So I'm left alone with William and as of right now he is fast asleep . Maybe I should wake him up ? I mean if I don't he will complain about his back hurting , I wouldn't be surprised though . He either sleeps like he us in a coffin , or he will sleep looking like the letter ' e ' . I have the perfect way of waking him up , without violence or abuse .

Walking into William's room , I see him sprawled out on his bed . He had been hugging his pillow since the last time I came to check on him . He had since started quivering , though without a dought he looked adorable in his quivering state . I don't want him to be sick .

As I placed the thick blanket over his body , he began to move closer towards me till I could feel how cold his body truely was . Freezing .... I dont understand how a human can be so cold . Looking down at his face , his porcelain skin covered by his dark brown locks . Plump pink lips slightly parted , whilst the cold wind gently blew on his face ( the window is open ) . "Why can't I leave you ." I whispered into his hair while kissing his tempel .

"Because you know I'm freezing and that I sleep better when I sleep with somone ." William said while turning his head to face me . "Your right , you feel like a ice cold mimosa on a hot summer's day ." I said to the sleepy man before me . "Too nice to leave unattended , hmm? Now come on I'm sleepy and this room is cold ." He said with the cutest yawn as I got into the covers .

Hehe time skip , cuz I'm mean . Yes call me mean idc I've herd it enough to not care . But don't banish me to another realm . I like the dark pits of wattpad..... its calming .

Waking up only to find that William was no longer beside me . As I got up and checked the time only to find it was 7 am , I also noticed a text message from Arny .                   

*There conversation #inyourbuisnesssyindrome*

Hi brandon , I'll be coming over in two hours to come and collect a couple of jackets I had left behind .
6:59 am

Ok call me when you get here and maybe me , you and william can go out for some coffie .
7:01 am

Ok I'll call once I get there and coffie sounds delightful , see you then .
7:03 am

See you then .
7:03 am

The only problem is I dont know where William is . But I'll find him soon .

It had been no more than 5 minutes and William emerged from the bathroom , towel around his waist , hair dripping wet . There were still little drops of water on his shoulders . His lean figure glistening as the steam lingered on his slightly tan skin . Dare I say , but this man is a work of art . Chiseled with the precision of a poet wrighting a sonnet .

My unexpected visitor (dannyphantom.exe , brandonthelover, Williampapa , birlap)Where stories live. Discover now