chapter 17 : When the party's over

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Authors note

Hi guys this chapter will contain blood and mention of zodiac signs and or information . As well as mention of things that might trigger sensitive readers . Please note that this chapter will take a very strange turn and confusing turn that might confuse slow learnersTrust me it confused me very much . But other than that please enjoy and "I love you all  from the heart of my fókin bottom ." - Ben kim.



Unknown POV:

Busisa why did you have to make me do this to you ? I mean it's not your fault but ever since this Danny guy has come into your life you've been very distant ; baby I use to be your friend and the one you'd alwase talk to whenever Chloë wasn't around . 

I was the one whose alwase been there for you . Yet you killed my best friend without a second thought all because of some idiotic prick that just randomly showed up and claimed his place in your life . Not on my watch love .

"I want her dead , no questions asked ." I said to Ritchie and he gave one of our best snipers Damien the green card . All I herd was screaming in the small hall and the next thing I knew a little pool of blood formed around Damien's body . Another one lost . All I now car about is if she's dead or not , because PJ Rossi doesn't like half finished jobs .

Within moments Busisa comes out of the hall limping then collapse infront of the first chalet , with Danny clutching her side . That moron didnt even kill her . Oh well I can live knowing she had a permanent reminder to never cross me . Now , let the mind games begin .

Danny's POV:

Whoever did this must either hate me or mia bambino . Arny managed to kill the sniper , but I have a feeling he was sent by PJ . I don't know exactly what her has against me but I thought he was her friend . What is the meaning of this .

As I hold this tiny woman in my arms , watching her slowly bleed out while we wait for an ambulance . I'm still stuck at who . Who did this to her and why? Well all that matters now is that she is ok . Right?

Busisa's POV:

"Am I dead yet ? Ahh tell me I'm dead , wait angel lady can I go hug Him now ? Please?" I said trying to focus my eyes on one object . It's strange I never thought heaven would smell like a hospital . "Sorry Darling but your not dead yet . You still have to stay here with me ." I heard Danny softly whisper into my ear . Wait does that mean I'm in a hospital ?! No no no someone bust me out of this place . I  don't like hospitals . But how did I get here in the first place ?

As the memories from the party started flooding my mind I remembered being shot , and someone loosing there dog . Wait , shit ...... I was shot . Funny thing is I know that it was Calvin who shot me . I know because he works for PJ and because I remember seeing his neck tattoo when he dropped from the roof . Right before I blacked out , wow PJ wants me dead .

I'm not surprised , this isn't the first time he's tried to kill me . He also shot me 2 weeks before my wedding because he knew James was cheating on me with Kaitlin . He's a loyal friend but I've almost died few too many times because of him .

Bringing me out of my thoughts was the song of Danny's voice , I cant get over just how goofie and cute he sounded ." I love you minnie ." He said almost sounding like mikey mouce , all I could really do was giggle but then I thought of the best reply ever ." I LOVE TOU KING JULIAN ." I said in a accent imitating Mort . He burst out into laughter , and said the exact same line to me but still sounding like mikey mouce .

I started laughing to the point where I now sounded like I was twins with a windex bottle ." Dumbáss , I don't even know how I can live with you . Your so stupid yet so cute , it confuses me love ." I said to him while trying to calm myself down .

"Well my little idiotic crackhead , the answer is simply . You cant live without me ." He said while kissing my forehead . Fair play , but at the same time not fair . Forgetting that I had recently been shot I got up and almost instantly I clutched the side of my abdomen and fell to the floor ." Maaada of all cheesekackes , I forgot I got shot . Da gaaaaaaash . Yho." I softly whispered while grimacing at the pain in my side . "Sweetheart I'm supose to help you back into bed , but I cant if your going to keep sounding like a off brand Japanese impersonator. " He said while laughing . This man , if PJ wont kill him I will .

Arny's POV:

Danny had texted me earlier saying that Busisa had finaly woken up . I quickly got Brandon and will to wake up and we went to the hospital . It was currently 8:30 am , I'm shocked these two are still sleepy at this time . I mean the weather allows it but dwarflady is awake so we go see her now . I mean even I'm awake , that sould be enough sign  that today is spesial .

Before getting to the hospital I stopped to get some chocolate doughnuts and a can of switch . Seeing as little schizophrenic brussel sprout loves all of the above , I'll treat her only this once . Though it's only because I feel bad . I mean who gets shot at a party that they planned for there friend but never even got to tell Cuz they got shot .

"Hellow mader folkers....... I brought donughts and switch ." I said while bursting into the hospital room only to find Danny passed out on the chair next to the bed . Busisa was playing with is hair and she looked high , but regardless she was still really exited ." Floofels , and cheesestix  ." She said anesthesia works wonders  . I laughed and gave her the switch and set the box of donuts on the little table next to her ." He looks like a pom-pom , so peaceful . Like a balloon in a box ." Busisa spoke once more then she sneezed . To be truly honest she sounds like a drugged up baby , adorable  . Blush worthy .

"Sweet cheeks , what have you consumed that made you act like a twelve year old on ecstacy ?" I asked her , because there is no way she is just acting this out . I can see it in her almost clear white eyes ." The angel ladies gave me a cookie and I fell sleepy now . Me and Danny split it Cuz he was hungry and now he's sleeping ." She said while falling fast asleep . Seeing as Danny was still breathing I knew she was not dead . The Cookie might've just had some strong antibiotics or anesthetic . Obviously to help living chatterbox sleep .

At least I know her and Danny are ok , but I wonder why someone was trying to kill her . Well no matter the reason , I will find them and annihilate them and there entire legacy and all evidence of there existence on this earth . Attendez et voyez. 

Hi guys I know I haven't been consistent with my updates but just know that I am trying and the reason this is happening is because ...... well I'm currently faced with a wrighters block . It's bad and also mentally I'm not good but I'll try and update the book as much as possible . I love you guys and thank you for reading .

Oh and ...........



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