The Pit

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As you woke up, you were lying on a cot next to who you believed to be Tubbo. It was blurry and you could see the outline of a shorter boy. From the other side of the cave, you could hear shouting and loud bangs. What was going on? Where were you? And how did you even live through that? Was Tubbo ok also? Well, you weren't completely fine.

Your ear was ringing and your vision was still adjusting. There were burns along your arms and legs and cuts scattered along your body. You still couldn't believe that Techno would shoot you and Tubbo. The betrayal hit you hard. Even though Techno didn't do well under peer pressure, you would have hoped he would have restrained from shooting his best friend.

Where was Dream? Where was Wilbur and Tommy? There was a lot of unanswered questions. Your eyes slowly opened wider and Dream was staring down at you. He moved his mask over so you could see his face. "Thank god, Y/N, darling, I was so worried!"

You took a deep breath and took his hand, attempting to stand up. You leaned on Dream for support as he walked you over to what seemed to be a giant pit. Techno's hair was messed up and tangled as he held his dirty fist out. Tommy had scars all over his face and wiped dirt off of his forehead.

He looked tired, but held out his fists in determination. His blonde hair was flithy from the dirt pit that was carved into the ground. "What is going on here?" You demanded. The brothers put their fists down and stared at you.

"Y/N? You're ok!" Tommy exclaimed.

You smiled at him brightly but then turned to Techno. Your smile dropped.

Techno looked down in shame. "Y/N-"

You gave him a death stare. "I know you don't do well under peer pressure, but you should have stopped yourself from almost killing your best friend and friend. Tubbo is supposed to be like a little brother to you!" Tears were streaming down your face and you hissed in pain at the burns on your arm.

Tommy and Techno climbed out of the pit.

"You could have resorted to talking, you know?" Tommy muttered.

"Now, we're going to loose the place we love the most. And Y/N, we've ran into a lot of problems when you were out," Tommy added.

"Tommy, the thing is, you're using words... but the thing about this world, Tommy, is that the only universal language is violence... and we've had that conversation. We've spoken that language in the pit. It's over, Tommy. Onto a new day. A new plot to destroy Manburg," Techno spoke.

You couldn't keep it together.

You were going to loose everyone you loved and the place that you loved.

Your brother was going to be killed.

What he did may be considered unforgivable, but you still loved him. He's family. Schlatt would always be your brother. He's just a different brother from the one you knew many years ago. 

Two different figures on the side of the cave caught your attention. Niki and Quackity. "When did they get here?" You whispered to Dream. Your head was resting on his shoulder. "Quackity was sick of Schlatt's horrible ruling, so he joined us. And Niki was tired of pretending to like him and being tortured, so she came to us." You nodded.

Wilbur came up next to you. "Hey, Y/N. Are you ready?"

You raised an eyebrow. "For what?" He smiled.

"To get rid of L'Manberg."
"For the final battle."

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