Deja Vu

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As you Dream dragged you along, you paused for a minute. "Let me talk to him!" You demanded, as Dream wrapped his hand around your wrist. "I'm not doing this to torture you, Y/N, I'm sorry. I'm going to have to take you back to my place with no consent. You rolled your eyes. "Again?" "Stop it you-" 

Dream scooped you up bridal-style and threw you into a room with a lock at his house. "Deja vu," You scoffed. Dream smirked. "This time I'm not doing it for my enjoyment. Listen, you can't go talk to Schlatt. Just because he's your brother doesn't mean he won't hurt you or lock you up," Dream pointed out.

You sat down on the bed in the room. "You're the one to talk about locking people up and hurting them," You spoke, revealing the mark on your arm. "Oh, that? That just shows that I got to you first."

With a smirk, you raised an eyebrow. "I'm yours?" Dream smiled. "Exactly." You two talked more and Schlatt was still on the hunt. As night fell, Dream returned to the room he had put you. "It's time for you to get some rest." Was he serious? "I'll go to sleep when I want to."

"Whatever you say. Goodnight, love," He said, kissing you quickly. You blushed. "What was that for?" Dream smirked under his mask and leaned against the door frame, his arms crossed. "A goodnight kiss." He left the room and locked it." So, this was your fate? At least Dream had everything you needed in the room unlike last time.

Tonight gave off too much deja vu. But apparently Dream had decided that it was your bedtime. You rested your head on the soft pillow and gave into your tiredness. Hours later, you awoke to screaming. You ran to your window, and saw the distant forest on fire. "Shoot." You opened the window. You guessed Dream had forgotten to lock it.

You climbed outside and ran toward the direction of the fire. It had to of been Sapnap. He set things on fire for fun. It was an odd hobby. Flames were taking over the forest and you had your fists out. "Sapnap, it's not nice to set forests on fire. Wilbur or Tommy could be in there." 

A cold hand rested on your shoulder. "He knows that they could be in there," Dream's voice spoke, running a hand along your cheek. 

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