A Visit

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You felt like you were about to faint. Wilbur's kiss had left you breathless. Dream was going to kill you. But he would probably kill Wilbur first. You hadn't exactly kissed WIlbur back. But Dream had no right to be mad, right? He didn't control you, and the two of you weren't exactly together yet.

But Dream had kissed you, and that made you realize that you had fell in love with him. You and Wilbur used to be perfect together, but the evil plans of your brother and all of the stress must be driving him insane. He wants to blow up L'Manberg. He wants to be the bad guys as he said to Tommy.

He was even convinced that Tubbo and the others would betray us. You were in many situations of your own. The love triangle with Wilbur and Dream, the return of your brother, stopping Wilbur from blowing up L'Manberg, and so much more. It was a lot of pressure. There was one thign Dream forbidded that you did, and you were going to do exactly that.

You were sorry to Dream, but it was for the best. You rode off on one of the horses Techno had brought, and headed toward L'Manberg. The horse waited outside as you walked into the new president's building that Schlatt had made.

As you entered, a suspenseful silence filled the room. Out of nowhere, the man you believed to be called Quackity shook your shoulders. "Did I scare you, mi amor?" Quackity's black hair was mostly covered by his blue beanie and outfit. "Yes, you did. I need to speak with Schlatt." Quackity stared at you.

"Wait a minute. You're Wilbur's girlfriend! But wait you got taken by Dream and fell in love with him, correct? It's complicated, so I'll say that you're single," Quackity winked. You facepalmed. "Who else am I?" He was thinking a little too hard.

"Oh my gosh! You're the sister of Schlatt!" Quackity exclaimed. You shook your head. "Shh. Yes, I am. I need to speak to my brother," You requested. Quackity nodded, unlocking the door to Schlatt's office. "Go ahead, mi amor."

You saw your brother sitting on his dark red office chair. Ram horns stuck out of his head. Somehow he was a ram hybrid, but you weren't. "Brother," You greeted. He smiled at you with a hint of evil. "Hello, sister. I have many things to discuss with you. Take a seat."

You sat down in front of his desk. "You changed my country," You responded, breaking the silence. He tapped his fingers on his desk with a smile. "I did indeed. What do you think?" You rolled your eyes. "I hate it. I lived in this country, you know? You changed our name, burned down our flag, and you destroyed our walls." Schlatt looked out the window at the new flag waving in the wind. Sunset was approaching.

"A new beginning is always best. I'm asking you to join me, sister. Help me lead Manberg." You looked at him in disgust. "L'Manberg. This nation can't run on a drunk and selfish leader, brother," You scoffed.

He threw the bottle of alcohol he was drinking onto the ground. As glass shattered, you stepped back. "This is giving me deja vu to our days when you started drinking because of dad." Schlatt slammed his fists against the table. "Don't speak about our dad like that. Being drunk doesn't make you a bad person," He hissed.

The two of you circled each other around the desk. "I wanted to come here to make peace!" You shouted. Schlatt paused. "You are with them. You're gaining information for the enemies." You froze. There was an immediate prediciton about what would happen next.

"Lock her up!" He ordered. Quackity came running from the other room, and locked arms with you, as did another boy. Fundy. You gasped. "Fundy?" The ginger stared at you in horror. "This is for revenge, Y/N. This is to keep me alive," He whispered.

As they started to get closer to the cells, you kicked Fundy to the ground, and threw a punch at Quackity. You ran past them, but when you reached the stairs back up to the main building, you were faced with a group of guards. Quackity and Fundy were catching back up. And Schlatt would be closing in.

What was the best option? An axe went through two of the guards. You looked up to see Dream. 

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