There's No Escape

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Thank you all sm for all the support :)
I will be away for a bit, so I might not update for a while, but the story isn't over.

You gasped, and almost fainted, but Sapnap caught you. "Dream, listen. I know I'm usually on your side, but isn't this a bit much?" Even Sapnap agreed that he should not be doing this without your permission. "I don't want to," you whispered. Dream smirked. "I'm afraid you don't have a choice," He said, putting his hand in yours.

With a look of disgust, you tugged away and got up, starting to run. As he got up, you jumped back. "Stay away from me!" Dream did not listen, and he started to chase you down the long tunnel that led to the cave area the meeting was held in. He slammed you against the rocky wall,  as you attempted to hit him in the face.

He smiled. "You'll look lovely in the wedding dress we've picked out for you. There's no escape, Y/N," Dream said, releasing you. You stood stunned until he led you back to the room with the others. While his back was turned talking to Sapnap, you sprinted over to Wilbur and fell into his arms.

"Please help me," you whispered, burrying your head into his chest. "I will try. Y/N, I love you," He said, while starting to lean in. "I love you too," you said, started to lean in as well. As your lips were about to touch, Dream dragged you out of the way. "You can't kiss another man when you're going to get married to me," Dream hissed, shooting Wilbur a threatning glare.

"Wilbur!" You screamed, as Punz and Sapnap grabbed you. "Get off of me!" You yelled, kicking Punz to the ground and punching Sapnap in the face. "Oh you little-" Sapnap started, almost running into you. Quickly, you slid past him, and Tommy grabbed your hand. "Tommy!" He smiled, as you two started to run out of the tunnel. "We need to get out of here!" He yelled to you. With a nod, you ran into the direction of the forest.

"Dream is going to catch up to us," You whispered. The two of you entered the dark forest that was shaded even darker due to the night. Tommy stopped you for a moment, pacing back and forth. "Where are we supposed to go?" You questioned. Tommy thought about it for a second. "I don't know, Y/N. Dream will always find you."

That sentence scared you to death. It was as if he were to never leave you alone again. But you felt at peace with Tommy, alone and away from him. Tommy pulled your sleeve up. He looked horrified. "What is that?" 

"He carved the thing into my arm with a knife," You whispered, recalling the painful moment. Both of you went silent when you heard noises in the forest. "Y/N, come out wherever you are," A familar manipulating voice echoed.

"Tommy, run."

The blonde boy started to run as Dream grabbed you by your hood. "You helped Tommy get away, but you stayed for me to come and retreive you. So sweet and loyal of you, Y/N." You shivered as he circled around you, while starting to taunt you. You stared longingly at Tommy in the distance who was frozen in place.

"Let's go home," Dream said, interlocking his hand with yours and walking out of the forest.

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