One Percent

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Dream ran his cold hand along your arm. "It's not like that," You whispered. After everything you had been through, you had discovered that there was no escaping Dream's sick manipulation. But you could tell that he was once manipulated and tortured himself. He grew up alone, wounded, and antisocial.

But now, he was the man he feared he would become. Even though a lot of the things Dream has said and done were part of his game, you could tell that he had real feelings for you. But looking back at everything, were those feelings love?

Playing with Wilbur's heart and blushing as Dream got close to you were like playing Dream's game but with your first love, Wilbur. And there was no denying that you had feelings for both of them at this point. But the only way it would work out is choosing one. And if you were to choose Will, you had a feeling it would make things worse.

And if you chose Dream, Wilbur would be completely heartbroken and L'Manberg would hate you. After Wilbur had said it, you had convinced yourself that you wouldn't get manipulated by Dream or even have slight feelings for him, but you had failed. What had made you even love Dream? That was a mystery.

"I thought you chose, Y/N. I thought you chose me." You looked at his mask and then back at the L'Manberg flag shining in the moonlight. "Please, can you just let this go for now?" Dream looked at you in anger. "You know how easy it is for me to overpower you."

Those were the last words he had said before you walked back to Dream's house in silence. As morning came, you walked to L'Manberg, being forced into the crowd around the podium. Dream had decided that you were coming with him apparently, because he woke you up early by shaking you as hard as he could.

Now that you had a moment of silence to think about it, when Dream was calm he wasn't so bad. But if his power felt threatened or he was angry, things would get intense. The crowd started cheering loudly as Wilbur stepped onto the podium with his blonde brother.

Coconut2020 had gotten 4th place. A smile formed on Niki's and Fundy's faces.

Schlatt2020 had gotten 3rd place. Thankfully.

Swag2020 had gotten 2nd.

Wilbur smiled while reading the results. "And with 45 percent of the popular vote, Pog2020 wins." Tommy started cheering and reached out to his brother for a high-five. Wilbur looked at him sadly. "Please calm down Tommy," He whispered.

Tommy frowned and looked at him in confusion. "Party leader Quackity has made a deal with party leader Schlatt that any of his votes will go toward Schlatt2020. And this means that Schlatt2020 wins with 46 percent of the popular vote." Tommy gasped.

You gasped. 

There were faint cheers from Quackity and Schlatt as your brother took the stage. "Wilbur are you sure? By one percent?" Tommy questioned nervously. Schlatt gave an unfriendly smile to Tommy. "Get off of my podium."

Wilbur rushed off, dragging his younger brother along with him. 

"Well... That was pretty easy. Y'know what I said, the day I got unbanned from the Dream SMP? And the day I said I was running? An election that I won, by the way... I said things are gonna change. I looked every citizen of L'Manburg in the eyes and I said, 'You listen to me... This place will be a lot different tomorrow.' Let's start making it happen. My first decree, as the President of L'Manburg... The EMPEROR, of this GREAT COUNTRY! IS TO REVOKE!! THE CITIZENSHIP OF WILBUR SOOT AND TOMMYINNIT!"

Gasps were heard from the crowd and you screamed in horror as Dream restrained you from running after them.

 "GET 'EM OUTTA HERE! Also, would my lovely sister like to join me on the podium?" He smiled, making eye contact with you. Dream's expression under his mask was a look of pure fear for you. 

"We need to go, now," Dream demanded, grabbing onto your hand.

"I want my sister back to me, alive. Kill the other two."

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