Visiting L'Manberg

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Part of you wondered how Dream even managed to set up a wedding in one day. And why? It was either he was very eager for it or is really worried it will be ruined. You assumed both. Wilbur would never forgive you, but this was for him. One day he'd get over you, one day. This wasn't because you wanted to marry Dream, but because you wanted your friends to be free and safe.

They would think of you as a traitor just like Eret and that thought almost shattered your soul. While lost deep in your thoughts, Dream entered your room. "I've changed the plans slightly. The wedding will be later tonight, and I've decided to let you visit L'Manberg one last time before the wedding takes place."

You felt your heart beating and you smiled like never before. "Thank you," You whispered. He shrugged. "No funny business with Wilbur," Dream warned. You nodded, and sat up right away. After being stuck here for so long, this seemed like a luxury to you. Maybe after the wedding, Dream and you could actually get along.

"When can I go?" You questioned. Dream opened the door with his axe in hand. "Now. Once it's time to prepare, Sapnap will come and get you," He explained. You stood there in silence with him. "Could I maybe have some clean clothes?" He seemed to be thinking about it for a moment. "What if I say no?" He smirked.

"Don't try me." 

Dream lightly rubbed his axe against your throat. "Don't get back to your stubborn self, Y/N." You slightly blushed but almost died of embarrasment. Why was he suddenly making you so nervous? Why did Wilbur and Dream both have to be in love with you? You wished you could just live happily without having both of them fighting.

"Ok fine, can I please have something to wear to L'Manberg?" You spoke with a deep breath. He smirked. "You were blushing when I did that, were you not?" Your face went bright red and you pushed him a bit. "Oh shut up." 

"Here," Dream said, throwing an oversized T-Shirt to you and a clean pair of pants. "Thanks. Your actually being helpful for once." He laughed and exited the room. After you got dressed, you got ready to sprint to L'Manberg. Sapnap held an arm in front of you. "I'm escorting you," He announced.

You rolled your eyes. "Of course you are. Let's go." He sighed and attempted to keep up with you. Sapnap was fast, but the speed you were running to your home was faster. You couldn't help but notice a bush moving and someone running nearby Dream's house. It was probably your mind playing tricks on you.

As soon as you entered your home, Sapnap left you to explore.  You smiled as you took in the familar smell of L'Manberg and saw the beautiful flag. The grass was a emerald green and it looked like Wilbur had fixed it up since the fight. You saw Tubbo in the distance playing with a bee.

"Tubbo!" You yelled, rushing over to hug him. He was shocked. "Y/N, what are you doing here? Of course I'm glad! Do you see my bee friend? I've got to tell Tommy!" He exclaimed. You smiled as you let go of the embrace. "Dream said I could visit before the wedding tonight, I think you may be invited." 

Tubbo's smile dropped. "You agreed to it?" You felt instant regret after you saw his sad face. "He said that if I marry him, L'Manberg will be free and unharmed. I want to protect you, Tubbo," You explained. He seemed a bit more relieved.

"You don't actually love him, do you?" Why were you hesitating to answer him? "No, of course not," You said nervously. Why did saying that feel wrong? Tubbo didn't seem to believe you. "Ok then."

As soon as Wilbur saw you, he ran over, alerting Fundy. "Y/N," He smiled, almost suffocating you to death with his hug. As he started to lean in, you backed away. "Wilbur, I can't," You whispered. He looked hurt. Betrayed. "Why?"

"Tonight I'm marrying Dream."

He clenched his fists in anger. "Why? You know I would save you. You know that you don't have to!" Wilbur yelled. He was shaking you with a firm grip on your shoulders and you backed away. "I had to do it!" You were trembling and Wilbur looked like he hated you. "Why? Because you love him, trust me I know!"

You looked at him with hurt. "Will! He said that he would give L'Manberg freedom!" Jack and Niki came out of Niki's bakery. "What in the world is going on?" Niki's soft voice asked. She made eye contact with you. "Y/N?"

"Y/N has betrayed us," Wilbur scoffed. As Tommy entered L'Manberg you looked at him hopefully. "Tommy! Back me up here!" You yelled. He looked at you in disgust. "I've seen everything Y/N. How sweet, you're wearing your wedding ring too." Niki put a hand on your shoulder.

"I know Y/N, Tommy. She wouldn't do this to us," Niki cried. Tommy shook his head. "Oh yes she would." The blonde boy stood with his red and white T-Shirt. Was the bush moving not in your head? Was Tommy trying to rescue you but saw your blushing with Dream? L'Manberg consisted of your friends, your family. And now they didn't believe you. What if they were right?

"Tommy, get the handcuffs," Wilbur ordered.

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