I Object

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Wilbur's brown eyes looked into yours. You adored his fluffy and curly brown hair. Everything about he was perfect and everything just felt so good.

Then a horrible gut feeling arose. You chose to ignore it, because this was supposed to be the happiest moment of your life. Wilbur was about to kiss you for the first time as your husband.

"Beautiful vowes. Are there any objections?" Eret asked, his crown proudly resting on his head.

This was the one time you had seen him take his sunglasses off. It was clearly out of respect for his leader and his friend.

There was a silence. "I now pronounce-"

There was a giant boom. Bits of the building were thrown, and the venue was filled with smoke and ashes. It was a massive explosion tearing through the L'Manberg Church.

"y/n!" Wilbur shouted, putting his arms around you protectively.

The explosion destroyed the entrance of the church L'Manberg managed to settle the wedding in. Beyond the flames, there were four visible figures. You knew exactly who they were once you got a good look at them.

A shorter one stood with glasses on his face, another one with a lighter, and the other with a chain necklace. And then there stood the tallest of them all; he held an axe and was wearing a mask. And not just any mask... a smile mask.

"You better stay back!" Tommy yelled, standing in front of the Dream Team.

Dream laughed mockingly, and pushed Tommy to the ground. He's so sick and twisted., and you couldn't believe your eyes. His warning was real. Tommy, Tubbo, and Fundy are children; they don't deserve any of this. You and Wilbur don't deserve this.

"Attention L'Manchildberg!" Dream yelled.

Wilbur gave him a dirty look for the nickname. As he walked closer to everyone , you hugged Wilbur tighter and gave Eret a look of fear. Would everyone be safe?

"Eret, do you have your sword with you?" You whispered.

Eret sighed and looked at you and Wilbur sadly.

"Don't come near her!" Wilbur hissed, immediately noticing Eret's hesitating eyes.

"Leave your fighting for after y/n and I get married."

Dream stepped closer to you and placed a hand on your chin. "What if I don't grant permission for her to marry you?" Dream smirked.

You looked up at Wilbur in horror. "As I said Dream, we aren't backing down. L'Manberg is a free nation, so we can do whatever we want," Wilbur scoffed.

"We'll see about that," Dream said, motioning to his friends. Punz was also there, probably for extra help. Wilbur pulled out a weapon and looked at Eret.

"Keep her safe, and most importantly, away from Dream!" He yelled, the tip of his sword clashing with Punz's blade.

Eret gave a grinned, but not in the sense that he was happy. He gave an evil grin. "I'm afraid I can't do that, Wilbur," Eret said, now holding you in place with his arms.

You struggled against his grasp. "Eret, what are you doing?" You cried.

"A traitor!"

Tubbo, Tommy, and Fundy looked at him in fear and betrayal. "It was never meant to be," He shrugged.

You looked up at Eret, who was a filthy traitor.

"Why?" you said, choking on your tears. "What now?" All of your anger was firing up inside of you.

"We fight. And we take you with us."

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