chapter eighty five.

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"That's his house?"

Nate looked around a wealthy neighborhood. Several expensive looking cars were parked outside a large house that had white, black and gold balloons decorating the front gate. He felt like an outsider with his beat up truck that he bought with a watch that he sold. It wasn't the nicest car, but it was the only thing he could afford at the moment.

"Yeah, it's his parent's anniversary. He invited me, but I told him I was going to London to meet Ben's parents." Claudia explained. She was out of her loose t-shirt and pajama bottoms and wore her usual Jean's she stole from Janis and a shirt that Ben had left one night.

"So what you're trying to say is things are getting serious with you and someone who looks like they recite Shakespeare regularly."

Claudia scoffed. "He doesn't recite Shakespeare. It's only sometimes, get it right."

"Good for you two. After all the shit you've been through, you deserve to be happy." Nate said.

"Technically, all the shit you have put me through." Claudia smirked.

Nate choked. "So are we doing this or did you back out already, Clodia?"

Claudia groaned. "I was learning how to write! Little kids are shit at writing, okay?"

It was a joke between the family. Claudia was learning how to write and had spelled her name c-l-o-d-i-a instead of the correct spelling. After that, she couldn't escape the horrible and wrong spelling of her name.

Nate parked the car a few streets away from Garrett's house. She could hear music and laughter coming from it. Nate followed behind her, a look of determination on both of their faces. Once Claudia and Nate walked past the gate, she got to the front door and knocked several times.

This was it. She was going to confront Garrett. Maybe she was crazy for thinking he would get her fired, but there was always a possibility. Garrett was her friend, or so she thought. That was all theh ever were, although Garrett didn't like the idea of friendship that much. He would rather call it a relationship, even if it wasn't. He just couldn't back down from it.

"Let's say we do end up in jail, not confirmed, but a what if situation. Would this make your record look bad? Wait, don't answer that, it sounds stupid because of course it would. Teacher in jail never sounds good." Nate looked around the house while he spoke. He had a feeling of deja vu . . .

"Nate . . . Please shut up, I'm having a breakdown and I want to punch someone so shut up before that someone is you." Claudia said angrily.

Nate backed off. "Right, shutting up!"

The front door had opened. Garrett was standing feet away from her with a smug smile on his face. Claudia couldn't help it, she had no control over herself at that point. So she did what she always wanted to do. She punched Garrett's nose with her fist. Nate gasped, but watched attentively as Claudia entered Garrett's house.

"Tell me what you told Howard." Claudia glared at Garrett.

The brown haired man groaned, holding his now bloody nose. "The fucking truth, that you're an irresponsible lying bitch."

Claudia then kicked his leg, causing his to fall to his knees. "So I'm the irresponsible one? Lying I get, I never knew my fucking grandma Donna."

"I'll call the cops." Garrett tried to crawl away, but Claudia kicked his leg again even harder. "What the fuck!"

"Yeah, one of my kids is on the soccer team. He showed me some moves now go tell Howard you were being a selfish, childish twenty nine year old man that can't get over a crush and accept the fact that the girl he likes doesn't want anything to do with him." Claudia crouched down so they were eye to eye.

From behind her, Nate popped up. "And to give her the job back!"

"Nate, I appreciate you, but please," Claudia looked back at him. When Nate nodded understandably, she looked back at a bloody Garrett. "Yeah, what he said."

"I'm not scared of you, Claudia," Garrett wiped his nose.

"I'm not trying to scare you, but I am trying to get my job back. Unlike you, I actually care about my kids. I don't even know how many times your kids sneaked into my class because they love me and think that I'm the better teacher."

Garrett scoffed. Just as Claudia stood up, he heard his mom's voice and her heels against the hardwood floors.

"Garrett! Oh my boy!"

Then Nate froze. He heard that voice before.

"Oh shit." Nate mumbled then grabbed Claudia's arm, pulling her away from Garrett. "We need to leave now."

"I know it was you that threw the essay in the floor you little shit! I know where you live!"

An: pls i was watching shameless while writing this so yeah <3 inspired by the scene where fiona punches robbie 😍

okay enough let's go back to fluffy ben and claudia 😩☝🏼

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