Boyle's Hunch Part 3

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Y/n, Jake and Charles were visiting Genevieve at the prison.

"Interesting. Interesting. Yeah, something definitely doesn't add up" said Charles into the phone. He turned to y/n and Jake. "Did you know there's a sausage you can drink?"

"What?" you asked.

"Are you even talking about the case?" asked Jake.

"We got distracted. She has an amazing tongue. Strong, supple, great bud density" said Charles, smiling at Genevieve.

"Okay, I'm gonna take over the questioning" Jake said, taking the phone away from Charles.

"Yeah, I'm too close to this" Charles said.

"Disgusting eating habits" said Jake. "Hi, Genevieve. I'm just gonna ask you a couple of questions now, and Detective Boyle will just sit there and keep waving at you, I guess. Now then, is there anybody you can think of besides yourself that has access to the gallery after hours?"

"No, just me, and the vault is only accessible through fingerprint ID" answered Genevieve. "Does Charles have a girlfriend?"

"I just saw her mouth my name. What did she say? Is she asking if I'm circumcised?" Charles said.

"What? No. Who asks that? Stop interrupting" Jake said. He began to talk to Genevieve again. "Sorry about that. Okay, next question. Can you think of anyone that might be trying to set you up? Maybe an employee or a rival of some kind?"

"Maybe my ex-boyfriend Nick. He's an artist, a terrible one. He was always in debt and begging for money. That's why we broke up. Maybe he's resentful" Genevieve said.

Jake turned away from the phone. "Jerk ex."

"Oh, that was my theory, remember? Tell her it was my theory. Wait, give me a second. I want to look smart when you say it"  said Charles. 

"Uh, hey, Genevieve, Detective Boyle wanted me to let you know that he, a college graduate, had a similar theory that it could have been an ex-boyfriend" Jake said.

"Wow. He is so smart" Genevieve said.

"Wow, it actually worked. I've got to hand it to you, buddy, whatever you're putting down, she is picking up" said Jake.

"Oh, good. Oh, one more thing" Charles said.

"Boyle has another question" Jake said.

"Tell her, when this is all over, I'm gonna rub her body in pate, and then rub it off her with a cornichon" said Charles. 

"How about you tell her?" you asked, grabbing the phone from Jake and handing it to Charles.

"Okay" said Charles.


Y/n and Jake were waiting for Charles.

"Guard got nauseous, so we had to stop" said Charles, walking out to meet y/n and Jake.

"Understandable" you said.

"Hmm, that's weird. Do you think it's because you're the two most disgusting people in the universe?" asked Jake.

"Could be" Charles said thoughtfully.

"Yeah, check this out" you said. "Remember the ex boyfriend, Nick?"

"Call him Mr Butthead" said Charles.

"Oh, okay. Well, apparently Mr Butthead just brought a brand new gallery in Dumbo to showcase his art, which is weird, because Genevieve said he was always in debt. Looks like he just came into a ton of money" you said.

"Oh, and you think she's gonna want to get back together with him now that he's rich. Damn it" Charles said.

"No, Boyle. He probably got the cash from selling the stolen art. Your hunch was right" said Jake.

"Yeah, it was" said Charles. He began to sing. "My hunch, my hunch, my lovely case-y hunch." He stopped singing. "Come on, Jake, sing with me."

"That's not gonna happen. I will literally never..." said Jake. Jake began to sing. "Whatcha gonna do with all that hunch. All that hunch inside your brain."

Charles joined in. "We're gonna solve, solve, solve this case. Solve this case right in your face."

They stopped singing.

"We should probably leave this prison" said Jake.

"Yep" said Charles.

I have to self isolate. Yay.

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