PART - 25

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Maan was sitting in a single sofa when khushi asked this question the expression which Maan had scared everyone.

Maan, do you think I will leave him just like he is where he should be and moreover I am happy that he is bachelor if not he would have been spared just like that.

Arnav, but what is the problem with the guard? But you had guard from can I know from when if I am not nosy about that?

Dadi, yes just like arnav asked what about the guard?

Khushi, Arnav as for you we had a guard from the time we came to India and dadi we will say what happened and then you tell me what I did is right or wrong?

Dadi you know we were never in front of media so it was easy for us to come to India and bhai said he will send only one guard with us in case of emergency so that he can be tensed free, but we didn't know that the reason itself will be risking my life. Arnav you remember the car accident which was about to happen in the parking lot of your company that was planned by the guard he was asked to do so we didn't know that until I overheard him speaking him to someone saying that the job is not done yet. So I just said that bhai is asking you to come back so that he can revise the salary for him without even asking for more details he went back. When he got ther he came to know that was tricked to go back and I sent an mail to bhai saying the details and that is what happened.

Maan, that is not over dadi you when I filtered and sent a guard for her again she sent him back how is that ok for us when she knows that anything happens to them we are going be suffered with them why can't she accept that what we do is for their safety.

Payal, bhai god save you for your dear doll.

Khushi was fuming seeing Maan acting innocent infront of dadi that is when

Khushi, ALEX ALEX ALEX come here right now......

Everyone was thinking who is this Alex that she is shouting standing in the middle of the living room. Maan was thinking how doss she know that the guard is here in this house. At the same time the gardener comes inside the house when

Anjali, yes murthi what do you want is there any emergency that you have come?

Khushi, Yes murthi when I called Alex why did you come any emergency that you have come here. Bhai can you explain WHAT THE HELL IS HE DOING HERE? Do YOU THINK I DONT KNOW WHO IS HE?

Maan, when you know everything then why the hell are you asking me again and again.

Khushi, I need an answer why the hell did you send a guard when I said not so that and what is the emergency that you have come early when you are supposed to come next week I need an answer now?

Maan, he escaped from jail that is the reason I have come early here to solve the case.

Arnav, who escaped from jail? What is that you are hiding form us khushi?

Dadi, there is a lot that we like to talk to you so can everyone be free tomorrow so that I can discuss with all. Maan go get fresh up and come lets have lunch and get some rest.

Everyone assembled in the dining room and had their lunch with the inquiry of the health and men started their talks about business and everyone retired to their respective room to take some rest after sometime khushi goes to kitchen to make some snacks for pari as she is jetlagged so she did not have her lunch when she was making preparations payal and Anjali joined her to make tea and snacks for the others as well and they were chitchatting this is how sheetal saw them and she made Aarav to go to his room for freshing and asked him to come after changing into his casual dress. She doesn't know that Maan has arrived.

Mean while Pari gets up from her sleep and she searches for her bua has she knows that she is in her bua house. She has seen the house in the video call which she use to make while coming down she collides into aarav and he starts shouting...


sheetal (comes there), what happened Aarav why are you shouting?

Khushi is seeing Everything from the kitchen but Sheetal doesnt know that

Aarav, Mom when I was climbing the stairs this girl came and dashed me purposely and she is not even asking an apology for that

Sheetal, Hey you ask sorry to my son and who the hell are you and what are you doing here

that is when a thunderous voice ask

when sheetal heard the voice and turned her head to see who is that she got a high voltage shock to see the Great Shanthivan according to her he is suppossed to come next
week what is he doing here she came out of her trance with a loud shout


Sheetal saw the girl running to Maan calling him has DAD and that broke her trance.

Maan, what happened Pari why is the boy shouting at you (by this time everyone came down)

Pari, DAD just now I got up from Sleep so I was searching for Kitchen to ask somebody for water when I was walking down the stairs I dashed this boy.

Maan, did you ask sorry for hitting him

Pari, DAD before I could say anything the boy started shouting So I couldnt do anything.

Maan, Now Miss Who the Hell are you and How dare you shout at my daughter (Just then Arnav comes there)

Sheetal, Hello sir I am Friend of Arnav and employee AR Designs

Arnav, Friend who is your friend MSKshe is just an employee of AR who was homeless its my wife who brought her here we are looking for accomadation in AR Quarters so at present she is here.

Maan, First of all its Bhai not MSK and ask this employee of yours to be in her limit. Her son orders as if he own the place it it would have been my place I would have given a slap across his face no one talks to my family like this and gets away so ask him to mends his ways by way I am very hungry come lets have some snacks.

Khushi, Maanji everything is ready lets have some ginger tea and snacks

Maan, wait what is this Maanji and all call me bhai when my brother can call you di then you are my sister ok.

when everyone settle in the living room. Sheetal fumes in anger for being insulted like that but she cant do anything because She has to wait for the instruction from the concern person only then the can start her revenge is waiting for that she will never leave anyone. she goes to her room to freshen up.

When they were talking casually Khushi gets a call.

Khushi, Hello who is this

Person, Man she has come to consicous she wants to see you will you please come now

Khushi, we will be there is 30 mins

Dadi, Khushi has she woken up?

Khushi, yes Dadi Doctor said she wants to see us it seems can we go. Arnav we have to go please dont ask anything we have to go everyone get ready HP please dont make dinner for us we are going out we will be late take care of the house everyone go and get ready we have a long night ahead.




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