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I woke up entangled in Colby's embrace. The sun was shining brightly in the room which made my heart so happy. I was so excited for the day even though I had no idea what we were doing.

I laid there just enjoying the moment while Colby slept. I don't know how long it was before Colby finally woke up but he was now stirring.

"Good morning." I said and kissed his jawline as he smiled and rubbed his eyes. "Good morning." He said with a gravely voice. "What's on the schedule today?" I asked and sat up.

"Hmmm, well we have to get breakfast first, that's for sure." He said and grabbed his phone. "Then we have to be somewhere at 3 so we can try to see the northern lights tonight." Colby explained as he got out of bed.

"I'm so excited!" I said and jumped up and down as he laughed. "You're so adorable." He said and got our bed as he stretched. "I know, you tell me all the time." I said and winked at him then grabbed an outfit.

"If you need me I'll be in the shower." I said then shimmied my hips as I walked towards the bathroom. I heard him laughing at me but I ignored him and went into the bathroom.

When I got in the shower I melted under the hot water for a second before I felt Colby open the shower curtain. "Oh! Hi." I said and turned to him. "I don't want the hot water to run out." He said as I laughed.

"Right, I totally believe that." I said then handed him the shampoo. "I also just wanted to see you naked." He said causing me to giggle. "See, that makes more sense." I said then turned to get back in the water.

After our shower we got ready to go to breakfast. I was grateful that Kat packed my bag because she put in some stylish clothes that was also good to wear in the cold.

I was wearing thermal leggings, a sweater, and a puffer jacket with some snow boots. I also decided to wear a beanie since my hair was a mess after blow drying it.

"We won't be back here tonight so make sure you have everything." Colby said as he grabbed his keys and wallet. "Phone, wallet, you. Got everything." I said with a smile as he opened the door. "Good." He said then playfully pulled my hat down so it was on my forehead more.

We got in the car then drove to a little mom and pop diner. The little restaurant was decorated with Christmas decorations while classic Christmas carols played on the radio. It was so picture perfect that it felt like we were in a movie.

"This was so good." I said as I danced and chewed on the last bite of my waffle. "These are the best kind of restaurants, I wish there were more places like this in LA." Colby said as I nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, I totally agree." I said and took a sip of my coffee. "Are you excited for today?" Colby asked as I nodded. "You have no idea. I've been waiting my entire life for this." I said with a small smile.

"I've always wanted to see them too, when Sam and I came here a couple months ago it was too cloudy to see them." Colby explained as I frowned. "I hope that doesn't happen." I said as Colby paid the bill.

"I hope it doesn't either, baby." He said then stood up. "Are you gonna tell me where we are going now?" I asked as stood up, taking his hand. "Nope, I can tell you that you're gonna love it though." He said as we walked to the car.

"Fiiine." I whined as we got in the car. "How long is the drive?" I asked as he took my hand and started driving to the destination. "About an hour, why?" He asked as I looked out the window. "It's just cloudy." I said with a frown. "It might clear up baby, we have a long time before the sun goes down." He said as I nodded.

We sang along to music as we drove an hour to the destination. I kept my eyes on the clouds above us, praying that they would go away so I could see the lights tonight.

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