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Colby's POV

"So are we going to Tao's for Ki's celebration?" I asked Sam as I closed my laptop. "Yeah. At 7." He said as I checked my phone.

Lucy: can we hang out tonight?

I chewed my lip then looked up at Sam. "How mad do you think Ki would be if I invited Lucy?" I asked as he laughed. "She fucking hates her, how do you think it will go over?" He asked as I shrugged. "I'm gonna ask her." I said then jogged out of the room.

I heard Kat and Ki talking in the kitchen so I made my way over there.

"Hey guys is it okay if Lucy comes tonight?" I asked as I walked into the room. Ki tensed up then turned around, looking at me with wide eyes. I glanced over at the phone that was propped up on a glass.

"Sorry are you-" I started but stopped when I saw who she was talking to on the phone. My heart stopped when my eyes locked on the beautiful brown eyes that I knew all too well.

"Violet." I breathed out as a smile formed on her face, I noticed it didn't fully reach her eyes. "Hi Colby." She said quietly as I looked at every feature of her face.

She had cut her hair to be shoulder length, which made her even more gorgeous in my eyes. I let my eyes move to her freckles, all the way down to her plump lips. I felt a tinge of anger when I saw her bottom lip was busted open and her chin was bruising.

My thoughts were interrupted by Kat nudging me. "How've you been?" I asked then cleared my throat. "I'm okay, how about you?" She asked and looked away from the camera.

I could tell how uncomfortable she was from how she was acting. It made my heart break in my chest again, reminding me of when she left.

"I'm good, sorry for interrupting." I said as she nodded "It's okay." She said then looked back into my eyes, causing my breath to hitch in my throat.

"Oh my god! Did you hear the doorbell? Ha..let's go get the door, V." Ki said then snatched the phone up and walked out of the room.

"Smooth." Kat said said as I rolled my eyes. "Who hit her?" I asked feeling the anger filling my chest again. "What?" She asked and walked to the fridge to grab a water bottle. "Why was her lip busted? Who hit her?" I asked as she breathed a laugh.

"Calm down. She got attacked at work." Kat said so nonchalantly it concerned me. "Attacked? Where the fuck is she working that's getting her attacked?" I asked as she sighed. "I thought you were over her." She teased causing me to roll my eyes.

"I am...kinda. I don't know. I don't like knowing she's getting hurt." I said and ran my fingers through my hair. "She's fine. She works at the hospital, she works in the psych wing." She said then took a sip of water as Ki came back into the room.

"You're fucking annoying." She said and glared at me. "I didn't know you were on the phone with her!" I said and held my hands up in surrender. "It doesn't matter. You're annoying for asking if Lucy could come." She said then went to grab a water bottle.

Shit. Lucy.

"Oh shit, yeah. Do you mind if she comes?" I asked as she rolled her eyes. "I don't care what you do. I have to get ready." She said then left the room.

I could tell she was annoyed with me but I texted Lucy the address and time. Kat looked at me for a second then turned to leave. I sighed then went upstairs so I could get ready.

I found myself thinking about Violet though as I straightened my hair. Seeing her brought back the fire in my stomach that I had let die down. I had tried so hard to just push her out of my mind, because I knew that she needed to be away and find herself.

It's been nine months though.

I shook my head then got dressed and went downstairs. Sam, Kat, and Ki must have already left because the house was silent. I sighed then grabbed my keys and headed to the restaurant.

When I got there everyone was waiting outside, talking to eachother. I sighed when I saw Lucy standing off to the side, holding her elbow and standing awkwardly.

"Hey." I said causing her to look over and smile. "Hey! I was starting to think you were going to stand me up." She said then linked her arm through mine. "Sorry, I'm here now." I said as Sam and Jake came over to me.

"Took you long enough to get here! What were you doing? Jacking off?" Jake asked as I chuckled and bro hugged him. "Shut the fuck up. No I just got..sidetracked." I said as the group started going into the restaurant.

"So jerking off, got it." Jake said as Sam laughed. "Were you?" Lucy asked quietly as I chuckled and shook my head. "No, I wasn't." I said with a laugh as we got to the table.

I sat down next to Sam and Lucy and across from Ki. She was staring at Lucy's arm which was still wrapped around mine. I could tell she was annoyed that I invited her but she was a friend, I was allowed fo bring her along to things.

It's no big deal.

We all ordered our food and drinks then started talking. "Are you guys gonna take me rock climbing?" Tara asked and looked at Sam and I. "If you wanna come, the more the merrier." Sam said as I nodded. "Yeah, we're going on Thursday." I said then took a sip of my drink.

"We should all go this weekend too. Rock climbing sounds so fun." Ki suggested and clapped her hands together. "I have a show this weekend...I was wondering if you guys wanted to come." Lucy said as Ki smiled blankly.

"Actually I think I'm going to visit Violet this weekend. Sorry, Lucy. Maybe next time." She said then reached for her drink. I squinted my eyes at her as Lucy looked at me.

"Who's Violet?" She asked and put her hand on mine. "A friend. A friend that lives very far away." I said and glared at Ki as she smirked and took a sip of her drink.

I loved Ki like a sister but she seriously knew how to piss me off. I knew that she was just taking Violet's side since she was her best friend but she really had to make sure I couldn't forget about Violet.

"Oh..okay." Lucy said as Kat cleared her throat. "Anyways, I wanna make a toast! To Ki, for getting 500 thousand followers in less than a year!" She squealed and held up her glass. "To Ki!" We all yelled then clinked our glasses together.

We spent the rest of dinner goofing off and celebrating. It was honestly so much more fun than I was expecting. We decided that everyone was going to come back to the house so we could party.

"I think I'm just gonna go back home." Lucy said as I walked her to her car. "Are you sure?" I asked as she nodded. "I just don't fit in. Is it because of that Violet girl? Do people think I'm replacing her?" She asked as I sighed.

"No, why do you think you don't fit in?" I asked as we got to her car. "You don't see the way they treat me? Or do you just not care?" She asked and looked up at me with sad eyes.

"I care, I just...they're always a little cautious when people try to join the friend group. They'll warm up." I said knowing full well that they weren't going to warm up to her.

"If you say so...it doesn't matter. I'll see you on Saturday." She said then grabbed my face and gave me a kiss. I closed my eyes and kissed her back.

It always felt a little weird kissing her but this time it felt even weirder.

This time when I closed my eyes all I could see was the beautiful brown eyes that belonged to someone that was across the country.

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