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Colby's POV

"You guys didn't have to come, you know." I said and messed with the IV that was connected to my arm. "Of course we did. When Sam told us what happened I couldn't stop your mother from buying tickets." Dad said as I grinned at my mom.

"I'll pay you guys back." I said as mom stood up and smoothed my hair back. "No. I'm so glad we are here, did they mention when you might be able to leave?" Mom asked as I shook my head. "No, they might have told Sam or Violet though." I said as mom took my hand.

"I really like her so far." Mom said as my heart swelled. "I can't wait until you can really get to know her." I said as my parents smiled at me. I think they could tell how hopelessly in love with her I was.

"I can't wait to get to know her." Dad said and patted my leg as the doctor came in. "Hey, Cole." The doctor said and grabbed my chart. "Hey, Doc. What's the verdict?" I asked as he chuckled at me.

"Well. I think we are going to be able to take the neckbrace off since most of the injury was on the lower spine." He said and set my X-ray up on the light board.

"We replaced these disks here with titanium plates, and these should heal on their own. I don't want you doing any form of physical activity for two weeks. Then we can start with walking with a brace for four to six weeks, then you should be good to go again." He explained as I laughed to myself.

I was getting serious deja vu from when Sam broke his back. We make fun of him now for jumping off the roof but I knew how much pain he was in during the healing process.

"What about the concussion?" I asked as he came over and started undoing the neckbrace I was wearing. "Well, that should go away with time, it's your first concussion, yes?" He asked as I nodded slowly. "Yeah." I said as he released the neck brace giving me a sense of relief.

It reminded me of when Violet had to wear one for weeks. She was always complaining about it which I now understood why. They were hella uncomfortable.

"Then yeah, just avoid looking at screens as best as you can. It will make the process go faster. Take some Tylenol if it starts bothering you." He said then read my chart again.

"I'll also prescribe you with pain killers for your back. I still want to keep you here overnight just in case." He explained as I nodded, bringing my hand to my neck so I could rub out the kinks.

"Any questions?" The doctor asked causing me to shake my head. "Nope. Mom? Dad?" I asked as my mom chewed her lip.

"What are the long term effects of this?" Mom asked as the doctor breathed out a laugh. "Well, he's gonna be more susceptible to back pain when he's older, he might have lost a couple brain cells but honestly the only side effect he needs to worry about it the cool story of how he survived." The doctor said then patted my leg.

"Get some rest." He said then left the room. When he opened the door though I saw Sam, Kat, and Ki pass in front of the window. "Sam?!" I called out as they paused and looked at eachother.

"Hey, man." Sam said and peaked his head into the room. "I thought you guys went home?" I asked as he scratched the back of his head.

"Yeah, I did. We came back though." He said as Kat and Ki popped their heads into the room also. "Is V here? She's supposed-" I started but was interrupted by Ki. "Calm down, Mr. Protective. She's resting." She said with a laugh.

"Right...well did you guys want to come in or?" I asked as Kat and Ki looked at eachother. "We were actually gonna get food. Did you want anything?" Kat asked as I squinted my eyes at them. Something was up with them but I couldn't figure out what.

"No....what about you guys?" I asked and looked at my parents. "I'll check out what they have down there." Mom said and stood up.

I watched as she left the room with Ki and Kat, then looked at Sam. "What are you hiding?" I asked as he laughed. "Nothing! We just wanted to surprise you." He said then sat next to my dad.

"Somehow I don't believe you." I said as he shrugged. "It's probably the concussion, right Mr. Brock?" Sam asked then nudged my dad. "Yeah, right." Dad said then laughed.

"So tell me about this series you're doing. I've seen all the episodes but I want to know what's coming next." Dad said and leaned back in his chair.

"Hmm..well if we told you we'd have to kill you." Sam said as I laughed. "Honestly plans have changed so much, we have no idea what we're doing." I said as he nodded.

"Have you guys ever thought about slowing down?" Dad asked as Sam and I shook our heads at the same time. "No, life's too short to be afraid." I said as he sighed. "You're gonna give your mother a heart attack, you know that?" He asked as I laughed.

"We've been doing this since high school, she should be used to it by now." I said with a small shrug. "We're usually pretty lucky but obviously sometimes it doesn't work in our favor." Sam said and gestured towards me.

"Yeah you could say that." I said as the door opened.

Kat and my mom came into the room with no food. "Didn't like anything?" I asked as they settled in. "No." Mom said simply then sat on the edge of my bed.

"Ki went to go get us Taco Bell." Kat said and sat in Sam's lap. "Mom, you hate Taco Bell." I said as she laughed. "Cole, if you don't stop questioning every little thing I'm gonna hit you." She said as I sighed.

"Sorry! Something just seems off." I said then picked at my blanket. I couldn't help but think they were hiding something from me. It didn't make sense as to why they were here without Violet.

I knew she was gonna be pissed they they came back without her, even if she was sleeping. "Colby." Sam said bringing me from my thoughts.

"Did you tell Violet you were coming back?" I blurted out. "Huh?" Sam asked with confusion. "Sorry." I said then shook my head.

"Uh...did you tell Violet you were coming back? I just don't want her to be upset." I said as my mom took my hand. "Don't worry about her. You know she hates that." Kat said quietly.

"You're right. Sorry." I said then looked at my mom. "How long are you staying?" I asked as she smiled. "Just a couple days, we are actually really busy with moving." Mom said as I smiled sadly.

My parents were currently moving from my childhood home, which made me sad but I was also happy for them. I knew they've been wanting this for a while but it was still bittersweet. I was gonna miss having a home in Kansas.

"Maybe we can come for Thanksgiving as a last holiday there." I suggested as my parents smiled sadly at me. "Of course. We'd love to have you." Dad said with a grin. "Both you and Violet." Mom said and winked at me.

I loved that my mom was already forming a connection with Violet even though they barely knew eachother.

I was excited to see how their relationship would bloom. It made me excited for the future.

I didn't know what Violet and I had in store but I knew that we were going to be together for a while.

"You must be tired, sweetie. Why don't we let you sleep for a while." Mom said and stood up. "I'm not that tired." I said with a shrug. "Maybe not yet, but in a minute you will be." Mom said as they all got up.

"Get some rest." Dad said and patted my shoulder as they all filed out of the room. As they walked out I noticed my mom mumbling something to my dad.

I didn't know if I was just paranoid but it felt they were all hiding something from me.

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