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When I woke up I felt like I was hit by a truck. The funeral was in a couple hours and I hadn't fallen asleep until 4am so I was exhausted.

I groaned and stood up, stretching my back out. I sighed then went to the guest room so I could wake Ki up.

"Wake up sleepy, we have to get ready." I said then shook her shoulder gently. "Mmm five more minutes." She grumbled as I laughed. "We're leaving in an hour, do what you will with that information." I said then left the room.

I then went to the bathroom so I could start getting ready. When I looked in the mirror I flinched at how disgusting I looked then washed my face. I felt a little bit better after doing that then did my makeup.

I wanted to look pretty enough to look presentable but not have so much makeup on that it would streak from the crying I would be doing.

I ended up curling my short hair then went back to my bedroom. I still had some time before I had to her dressed so I decided to go on my phone. I had a couple texts from people asking about the funeral but one message stuck out to me.

Colby: It was really good to see you, V.

It was such a simple text but it had my heart beating against my rib cage. "No." I said, scolding myself for feeling so happy about the text.

I couldn't understand my emotions right now, and today wasn't the day to delve into that. It was going to have to wait.

I responded to a couple texts then got up so I could get dressed. I slipped on the black dress and some heals then grabbed my bag.

"Let's go, Ki!" I called out as I walked down the hallway. "I'm coming, I'm coming." She said then opened the door. "Aw! V, you look so pretty!" She said with a smile.

"Thank you, you do too." I said then made my way towards the stairs.

When we got to the church I felt the sadness building up in my chest, knowing that I was going to have to officially say goodbye to my grandma today.

"You okay?" Ki asked as I nodded. "Yeah, let's go." I said then started walking into the church. A couple people were already here, but as many as we were expecting.

"Hi, my dear." The priest said as he came over to give me a hug. "Hi, how are you?" I asked and hugged him. "I'm okay, how are you feeling?" He asked as I shrugged. "I'm sad but ready to just celebrate her life." I said with a sad smile. "That's a good attitude." He said then rubbed my back.

Ki and I sat down in the front row of pews as people started filing in. Our friends came in and sat behind us which was good because I was going to need all the comfort I could get.

The service started and was absolute beautiful. We had a couple of the nurses she was close to give their eulogies before it was my turn. Ki took my hand and squeezed it, giving me a reassuring smile. I nodded then stood up and went to the podium.

When I got up there I scanned the crowd, feeling my nerves pick up ever so slightly. I looked over at my friends, seeing them smiling at me and giving me thumbs up. My eyes fell onto Colby's as he nodded reassuringly, then mouthed 'you got this'.

I nodded then took a deep breath.

"Grams was such a special woman. She was someone who could get along with everyone. I remember when I was a kid and she would take me all over town, spoiling me rotten. She would make friends at every single place she went, whether we were at the dollar store or at a fancy tea place." I said with a small laugh.

"There were so many good things about her that I could talk about but we would be here all day. She was kind, brilliant, and absolutely beautiful." I said then started to cry.

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