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I didn't end up sleeping at all. I could feel myself on the cusp of sleep, but never fully let myself. I was afraid of any other animal coming. I was afraid I wouldn't wake up if one did.

I knew it was kind of irrational for an animal to come two nights in a row, but we were also on their turf. There was no way of telling what would happen.

As soon as the sun started to rise I carefully scooted out of Colby's embrace. I wanted to go watch the sunrise since I had memorized what every inch of this tent looked from staring at it for so long.

I quietly made my way out of the tent and stretched my aching back out. It's only been a couple days of being out here and I was already missing my bed.

I slowly made my way over to the cliffs edge so I could sit and watch the sunrise. It was always such a beautiful thing to welcome the new day by watching the sun peak up through the mountains.

I looked around as the birds started emerging from their nests to start their day. It was such a refreshing thing to see the world waking up around you.

I sat there for a while, getting lost in thought. My mind went back to Colby, like it usually did. I could wrap my head around the fact that I've known him for a year. It made me sad that most of that year was spent with me being afraid to love him.

I knew that I loved him and that he loved me but there was a part of me that was so scared. I was so scared that I was going to somehow fuck this up. I didn't want the happiness and love I was feeling in my chest to ever go away.

I was scared shitless that he would find someone else and that he would leave me in a heartbeat. It didn't make sense to think that though, because he waited for me when I left. Sure, he had Lucy but he left her as soon as I was back in the picture.

Did he want to though?

"Violet?!" I heard someone call out, breaking me out of my thoughts. "Over here." I said then stood up. "Thank god, you scared me." Colby said as he made his way over. "Sorry, I was just watching the sunrise." I said and held my hand out to him.

"You look exhausted, did you sleep at all?" He asked with concern in his voice as he took my hand. "A little bit, I'm alright though. What are we doing today." I said as we made our way back to the campsite.

"Well we have to go back into town so we can get some more food, then we were just gonna chill I think. Yesterday was exhausting." Colby said as we walked. "Yeah, it really was. Maybe we can watch the stars tonight." I said as he squeezed my hand.

"There you are! Colby was about to call the fbi." Ki said as we got back to the campsite. "Ha. She's being dramatic, V. I totally knew where you were." He said as I laughed. "Right." I said then sat down at the fire pit.

"So are we all going back to civilization? Or should some of us stay here?" Sam asked as Kat sat on his lap. "I think some people should stay here. Just in case something happens." Colby said as I grabbed a clean pair of clothes then started walking towards the direction of the river.

"Where are you going?" Colby asked as I shrugged. "To shower. I don't care who goes back to town, just bring fruit snacks." I said then continued walking down the path. "Wait! I'm coming with!" Ki yelled causing me to stop so I could wait for her.

"Aren't you scared of bathing with the fish?" Ki asked as she ran over with her fresh clothes. "I'm more scared of killing people with my wilderness stink." I said with a laugh as she rolled her eyes.

"We should have just made them get us a hotel so we could shower." She said as we walked down the path. "Come on, Ki! Let's be one with nature, it'll be fun." I said as we got to the river.

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