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Colby's POV

I opened my eyes only to see Violet standing in front of the mirror, putting her makeup on. "Morning." I croaked out as I rubbed my eyes. "Good morning." She said with a smile as she looked at me through the mirror.

"Come here." I mumbled and patted the bed next to me. "I have to finish my makeup, you dork." She said with a laugh as I groaned. "Noooo, come on." I said then patted the bed again. "Alright, for just a minute though." She said then closed her mascara and crawled into bed with me.

"What are we doing today?" Violet asked as she traced the tattoo on my chest. "It's a surprise." I said and rubbed her side gently. "Booo, you suck." She said causing me to laugh.

"Come on, where's my adventurous girl?" I asked as she shrugged. "I'm here, just wanna know where we are going." She said then sat up and got out of bed again. "You'll know when we get there." I said then got out of bed and stretched.

"Alright, go get ready then. I wanna goooo." Violet said as I reached down and grabbed my shirt so I could put it on. "I'm gonna shower, then I have to text Sam." I said and grabbed my phone.

"Sam's coming?" She asked as I nodded. "Yeah, we always go to the place we're going together." I said then kissed her cheek. "I'll be back." I said then left the room.

I was pretty excited about today, since Sam and I were taking Violet to the warehouse. It's been over a year since we went the last time so I was excited to see how much it's changed.

I quickly showered and dried my hair, then straightened it and went to get dressed. When I walked back into the guest room Violet was staring at her phone with an almost distressed look on her face.

"You okay?" I asked as she flinched. "Yeah..sorry. Ready?" She asked and stood up, locking her phone and putting it in her pocket. "Yeah. Let's go." I said and led the way downstairs.

"Good morning guys." Dad said as I went to grab my keys. "Good morning, dad." I said with a grin as Violet put on my jacket. "Where are you guys going?" He asked as I put one of my dad's jackets.

"On an adventure." I said as he nodded. "Be careful." He said then waved. "Will do." I said then took Violet's hand and led her to the car.

"You're not gonna beg me to tell you where we are going?" I asked as we got in the car. "No." She said and looked down at her hands.

"What's wrong, V?" I asked as I started the car. "Nothing." She said and looked up at me. "I know you're lying, just tell me what's up." I said and looked over at her. "I kinda want to contact Daisy." She said causing my heart to stop.

"No." I said and looked forwards, then back out of the driveway. "I had a dream that she needed to talk to me...I can't shake it." Violet said as I shook my head. "It's a horrible idea, Violet. Do you not remember what she did?" I asked and kept my eyes on the road.

"I remember, but maybe she's changed. What if she wants to apologize." She said quietly. "Would you really forgive her?" I asked as she shrugged. "I don't know, Colby." She said with a sigh.

"I can't believe you're even considering this." I said feeling the annoyance building in my chest. "Woah, relax." Violet said and crossed her arms. "I can't relax, V! If you do this it will be a huge mistake. She's not your friend and she never was, whatever she has to say isn't important. You're just going to end up getting hurt." I said and focused on the road.

"I just feel like there's unfinished business there...I don't know. If you don't want me to talk to her I won't." She said and looked out the window. "I'm not in charge of you, but I think it's a bad idea. You have no idea what could happen and that scares me." I said and reached over and took her hand.

"I understand." She said as I pulled up to Sam's childhood home. Sam came jogging out of the house and got in the backseat of the car.

"Hey guys." He said as Violet looked out the window. I could tell she was still bothered by our conversation but I didn't want to pry. She was an adult, she could make her own decisions.

"Hey, man." I said as he pursed his lips. "You guys okay?" He asked as I pulled out of the driveway. "We're great." Violet said and turned to him. "How was your Thanksgiving?" She asked as he grinned. "It was good. I'm more excited about today though." He said and clapped his hands together. I looked over at Violet to see her still looking down. "V." I said, breaking her from her thoughts. "We can talk more about it later." I said and took her hand. "Okay." She said with a sigh.

When we got to the warehouse we got out of the car. "This just looks like a field." Violet said and looked around. "It is." I said causing her to laugh. "You really hyped up a field?" She said as Sam shook his head. "This isn't the adventure, V." He said then started walking down the path. "We aren't gonna get murdered or anything, right?" Violet asked as I took her hand. "I mean it's always a possibility." I said as she rolled her eyes.

"That's comforting." She said but walked with us without hesitation. "We won't get murdered. We may get arrested though." Sam said as I laughed. "I think that would be worse than getting murdered." I said as Violet looked around. I could tell she was still caught up on the whole Daisy thing but I didn't want her to worry about that right now, I wanted her to be able to let it go and have fun with us.

We continued walking until we got to the building that I knew all too well. "Violet...welcome to the warehouse." I said then gestured to the rundown building. "Wow, this place is huge." She said as we walked towards the entrance. "It used to be a jewelry factory." Sam said as I looked around.

There was much more graffiti than I remembered, which didn't surprise me. I've been here hundreds of times and every time it looked and felt different. My brother used to take me here when I was in elementary school. It was the first place I ever explored and it was the sole reason I was so into exploring.

This building basically shaped my career.

"Hey guys!" Violet called out from a couple feet away. "What's up?" I asked and walked over. "Someone was here for you guys." She said and pointed to the ground which had 'We love Sam and Colby' written in blue spray paint. "Aw!" Sam said and pulled his phone out to film an instagram story.

"Maybe we shouldn't show where we are." Violet said quietly. "Oh shit, yeah...maybe that's a bad idea." I said as Sam looked at me with confusion. "Daisy is free from prison." I said as his mouth dropped. "What the hell?" He asked as Violet nodded. "She got out from good behavior." She explained as Sam shook his head. "That's bullshit." He said angrily. "Yeah, but she's going back to Ohio. Beatrice is going to watch her. It's fine, I just don't want her to come here if she knows I'm here." Violet said then turned to go explore a different part of the building.

"She okay?" Sam asked as I sighed. "She wants to talk to Daisy for some reason. She thinks that this was a sign." I said and kicked a loose pebble that was on the ground. "Is she crazy? Daisy literally tried to kill her." He said as I nodded. "She's not crazy, but she definitely isn't thinking straight." I said and ruffled my hair as we walked in the direction Violet went in.

"Maybe it would be good for her to talk to her." Sam said as my eyes widened. "Are you crazy?" I asked and ran my fingers along the wall. "No, maybe she needs some closure...they were friends for a really long time." He said then sighed. "Imagine if it was us, wouldn't you want some closure?" He asked as I groaned. "It's different and you know it." I said as he shook his head.

"Just think about it. Nothing can happen to her if you are there for the conversation." He said as we made our way over to Violet. "I hate that you're always right." I said as Violet looked up at us. "Just think about it." Sam repeated as a smile formed on Violet's face.

"Can we go up there?" She asked and pointed upstairs. "Yeah, that's the best part." I said then took her hand.

As we walked I thought about what Sam said. I seriously didn't want her to talk to Daisy but he was right, when you're friends with someone for a while it's hard to let it go. Friends don't shoot each other though, especially over a guy. I just didn't want Violet to be disappointed if Daisy didn't have the right reaction to their talk. The last thing I wanted was for Violet to be upset.

It was just a lot to think about.

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