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It's been a couple days since Colby and I officially got back together and I think it was safe to say that we are still fully in the honeymoon phase.

"You guys make me actually sick." Ki said as she walked into the room that Colby and I were cuddling in. "Oh? This makes you sick? What about this?" I said then grabbed Colby's jaw and pulled him in for a kiss.

"You're an asshole." Ki said with a laugh and plopped down next to us as we pulled away from eachother. "That's me." I said then sat up. "Ready to film, Colbert?" Ki asked as I stood up to stretch. "Yeah, I'm ready." He said then fixed his hair.

"Where are you going?" Ki asked as me as I started to leave the room. "I'm gonna try and get my job back." I said then left to go get ready.

I walked into my bedroom and grabbed one of my black dresses and a blue blazer. I knew that Sophia already knew who I was and that I probably didn't need to dress to impress but I was doing it anyways.

I straightened my hair then did my makeup and got dressed. I felt really pretty and confident which gave me a false sense of hope that they would take me back.

I wasn't expecting them to give me my job back by any means but it was worth a shot.

Once I was fully ready I walked back into the living room where Ki and Colby were filming. "Wow." Colby said with a grin as Ki looked over. "Damn mamas you look hot as hell!" Ki said as Colby got up and walked over to me.

"Thank you, thank you." I said as Colby put his hands on my hips. "Let me know how it goes." He said then placed a gentle kiss on my lips. "You got it." I said with a smile then turned away.

"Y'all have fun!" I called out then grabbed my keys and walked to my car. I got in and rolled down the windows, feeling a sense of happiness that I haven't felt in a really long time.

I blasted music as I drove, holding my hand out of the car and feeling the wind. It relaxed me since I was a little nervous about asking for my job back. I knew that if it wasn't possible it was gonna be okay, but I still wanted to get back to where I was before everything crumbled.

When I got to the hospital I got out and walked into the building with my head up high. My dad always told me that confidence was key whenever you were interviewing for a job or trying to sell yourself at all.

I walked into the hospital and went up to the front desk. "Hi, how can I help you?" The red head that was behind the desk asked.

"I need to see Sophia." I said as she scrunched her brow. "Do you have an appointment?" She asked as I shook my head. "N-" I started but was interrupted.

"Violet?" Aisha asked as her eyes widened slightly. "Aisha!" I exclaimed then opened my arms for a hug. "What are you doing here?! When did you get back? I missed you!" She said as I laughed. "I'm trying to get my job back. I got back a couple days ago and I missed you too." I said as she pulled away.

"They better give you your job back! You were so great! Let me page Sophia. You have to talk to her." Aisha said then pulled her pager out.

A couple minutes later Sophia came to the waiting area. "Violet?" She asked as I smiled and nodded. "Come on back." She said then waved her hand so I could follow her to her office.

"How have you been?" She asked as we walked. "I've been okay. Better than before, that's for sure." I said as she unlocked the office door. "Were the family issues sorted out?" She asked as we sat down.

"My grandmother passed away. I went back to Ohio to take care of her while I could. That's why I'm back." I said as she frowned. "I'm so sorry for your loss." She said as I nodded. "Thank you." I said and sighed.

"So I take it you want your job back?" She asked and reached over to open the file cabinet. "If it's possible. I obviously don't expect anything since I gave you absolutely no warning whatsoever." I said as she grinned and pulled my file out.

"I didn't fire you for it though, I put you on freeze, so that you could get hired back. Unfortunately right now there aren't any positions available." She said with a sigh and typed something into her computer.

"Give me a couple weeks, then I think there might be a position open." Sophia said as she read the screen. "I'll take anything...just nothing with psych please." I said as she laughed.

"Is that what you were doing in Ohio?" She asked as I nodded. "I couldn't get an echo job out there so I was a care taker on the psych floor." I said as she cringed. "How many times were you punched?" She asked as I laughed. "Elbowed a lot but only punched once." I said as she nodded.

"Nice work." She said then gave me a fist bump as her pager went off. "That's my cue. I'll call you when something opens up, it was great seeing you." Sophia said as she stood up and gave me a hug. "Good to see you, too." I said then walked out of the office.

As I drove home I felt a small sense of relief that I had a possible job lined up. I was eager to get back to work but I was also excited to just be able to spend time with Colby and our friends.

We had a lot of time to make up.

When I got home, Sam, Colby, Ki, and Kat were sitting in the living room. "Hey, guys." I said and waved as I passed by them to go get changed.

I quickly changed into comfortable clothes and threw my hair into a half bun, then went back out to the living room.

"How'd it go?" Colby asked as I plopped onto the couch next to him and scooted into his embrace. "She doesn't have anything for me yet, but she said she'll call when something comes up." I said as Sam clapped once.

"That's perfect because you're coming camping with us." He said as my brow scrunched. "What?" I asked as Kat giggled. "25x25!" She said as I shook my head.

"I don't think I should be in any videos right now." I said as Colby rubbed my side gently. "I know you're nervous but that's why we want all three of you to come." He said as I shook my head.

"I don't know. I've been out of the picture for so long that people forgot about me, I don't want them getting any ideas." I said and picked at the hem of Colby's shirt.

"I think it will be okay if we're all there. We can just say that you're our friend." Ki said as I shrugged. "Where would we be camping?" I asked as Sam typed on his phone.

"Montana, we'd be going to Beartooth Mountain." He said and showed me a picture of it. I knew why he was showing me a picture of it, and it was because he knew it was beautiful.

"You're a douche, Sam." I said and rolled my eyes. "What?! Why?!" He asked as Kat laughed. "You're using the beauty of this mountain to try and convince me to come with you guys. It's cruel." I said as Colby chuckled and kissed my head.

"Come on, babe. It'll be fun. Think about the stars. They're gonna be beautiful out there." He said as I rolled my eyes. "You're just as bad as him!" I said and smacked his chest.

"We won't let them hurt you, V. Remember they aren't like Daisy...they may be mean sometimes bu they won't hurt you." Kat said as I groaned.

"Fine. When are we leaving?" I asked as Colby chuckled and rubbed my side soothingly again. "Friday." He said as I nodded. "Okay." I said then rested my head on his chest.

Part of me was really excited to go and to adventure again but the other part of me was extremely nervous. I knew that the fans wouldn't hurt me but it was still a sore subject since the Daisy incident.

I didn't know what she said about me and what people thought about me. Maybe me being away for so long was a good thing and that they would back off of me for this trip.

It didn't really matter though.

I was going to Montana with them.

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