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Welcome to the sequel of Lucky, enjoy 🖤

It's been nine months.

Nine months since I packed up and left LA. Things have been going okay. I spent the first month or two moping around, mourning the loss of my soulmate. I deserved it though, since I was the one that broke it off.

After the first month I was fully back on my feet, able to ignore the pain that used to be so strong that I couldn't breathe.

I was slowly healing.

I've kept up with the girls and Sam though, keeping the conversations minimal so I wouldn't lead them to believe I was coming back to LA. At this point I didn't know if I would. I was happy here in Ohio for the time being.

Daisy's mom, Beatrice, helped me get a job at the Cleveland clinic, even though it wasn't what I was doing before.

I was basically just the baby sitter for the psych patients, which I was fine with. It got a little dangerous at times, but I understood that if they got violent it was because they didn't know what they were doing.

I was just grateful for the job.

I visited grams almost every day, which made her my best friend. Every day though she was getting worse, slowly forgetting every detail about me. I tried not to let it get to me, since it wasn't her fault, she was just sick.

"Knock knock." I said with a smile as I opened grams door. "Oh! You must be here for my appointment. Let me just get my-" grams started but was cut off by my laugh. "No, it's me grams. Violet." I said as her brow scrunched. "Oh! I'm sorry sweetie, I didn't even recognize you. You've gotten so big!" She remarked as I went over to the bed to give her a kiss on the cheek.

"How are you feeling today? How are your hands?" I asked, ignoring her comment. "They hurt a bit today." She said with a sigh as I sat down next to her. "Here, let me knit a couple rows for you." I said then took the needles from her.

"You remind me of my daughter, Gracie. She had the same brown eyes as you." Grams said as I smiled and looked down, focusing on the yarn in front of me. "Tell me about her." I said quietly as she sighed and put her hand on her chest.

She went off onto a tangent of stories as I quietly knitted the hat we've been working on. Every day I would prompt her to tell me about my mom, so she wouldn't forget her. It also brought me so much comfort, getting to hear all of her stories, even if most of them were the same stories over and over again.

We talked for a while before one of the nurses opened the door. "It's time." She said as I nodded. "I'll see you tomorrow grams, I love you." I said then kissed her cheek before standing up. "What's tomorrow?" She asked and looked at me with the blank stare that I knew all too well.

"Don't worry about it. I love you." I said then walked out of the room. As soon as the door closed I turned to the nurse, Josie. "She's getting worse." I mumbled as we walked to the lobby. "I know. You being here every day has been helping though, she's a lot happier." She said as we walked. "She's been helping me too." I said then pulled my keys out of my pocket.

"I'll see you tomorrow." I said then waved and went out to my car. Beatrice had it sent out here since she knew how important it was to me to have my car. It was still my baby.

I got about halfway home before I got my phone out and called Ki. It rang a couple times before she picked up. Instead of her answering though there was a bunch of people talking.

"Ki?" I asked as she shushed the people in the background. "Hey,V! How are you doing?! I miss you." She said as the background noise died down. "I miss you too, how's LA?" I asked and drummed my steering wheel with my fingers.

Ki decided to move out to LA and was actually doing pretty well since she started her own YouTube channel. It didn't surprise me that she was thriving in LA because she was so funny.

"It's great! I'm filming a video with Kevin right now, that's why it's so loud." She said with a laugh. "Tell everyone I say hi." I said quietly. "Will do. Have you talked to Colby yet?" She asked as I sighed.

"Not yet...I've been meaning to reach out but I don't know if I'm ready yet. I have a lot going on over here." I said then twisted my necklace. "Oh no, how's your grandma doing?" She asked as I pulled into the driveway.

"She's getting worse." I said and leaned my head back. "I'm sorry, V. I know that's gotta be hard." She said as I took a deep breath and got out of the car. "No, it's okay. I knew this was going to happen. I'm just happy I'm here for her." I said and went inside.

Beatrice worked most of the day, meaning I would have the house to myself until the evening. I would usually make some dinner for us then clean the house a bit since I felt bad that I was staying here basically for free. I would beg her to take my money every month but she wanted me to save it and told me that keeping her company was enough.

"Are you feeling a little better?" Ki asked as I put her on speaker and started grabbing ingredients for dinner. "I'm getting there. I should let you go though, everyone's probably waiting for you." I said and chewed on my lip.

"They can fucking wait. I'm talking to my best friend who lives across the country. They can suck my dick." She said as I laughed. "When are you coming to visit?" I asked and started to make a cheese sauce for mac n cheese.

"Right after you come visit me." Ki said as I sighed. "You know I can't right now." I said then chewed my lip. "Nobody hates you, V...we all love you and miss you a lot. I know you're doing this for yourself but we're just worried that you're lonely." She said with a sigh.

"I'm fine, Ki. I just need more time." I said quietly. "Okay, V. I'm gonna let you go, but I'm always gonna be here for you. Got that?" She asked as I hummed. "Love you, Ki." I said then grabbed the elbow noodles. "Love you too. I'll talk to you later." She said then hung up.

I sighed then closed my eyes. I felt bad that after all this time they were still worried about me. Any time any of them called me they would express their concerns but that was the last thing I wanted.

I just wanted to take care of myself.

I was almost done with dinner when Beatrice came home. "Hey, sweetie." She said and trudged into the kitchen. "Long day?" I asked and poured a glass of wine for each of us. "Yeah, long surgery. It was successful though." She said then took a sip of wine.

"That's good, I'm almost done with dinner if you want to just relax." I said and pulled a noodle out of the water so I could test the texture. "You're too good to me, Violet." She said as I grinned. "I could say the same to you since you're letting me stay here for free." I reminded causing her to stick her tongue out at me.

I finished up dinner as Beatrice got into her comfortable clothes. We sat and talked about the surgery she did as well as my grandma's condition. It felt good being able to talk to someone who understood what I was really talking about it.

It was refreshing.

Once we were done with dinner, I cleaned the kitchen then went to my room and grabbed my notebook and pen.

"I'll see you tomorrow!" I called out as I grabbed my keys. "Be safe!" Beatrice yelled as I walked out of the house.

I got in my car and drove to my destination as the sun fully set.

Almost every night I would come to this park that was down the street from our house. I had started writing poetry since moving back to Ohio. It was the first step I took in trying to find myself again.

The poems started off as love poems, about walking away from the one person who kept your heart beating. They slowly started shifting to poems about finding true happiness in yourself, and in nature.

I still felt the raw pain in my chest when I thought about Colby, but it wasn't as strong anymore. I knew I made the right decision when I left him, but it didn't make it any easier.

I wanted to call him or text him or even scroll through his social media, but I couldn't. I knew I would either crumble, or cave in by going back to him before I was ready.

I just had to be patient.

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