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"I can't wait to be home." I groaned as we drove to the airport. "I know, I love you guys but we all smell like ass." Sam said as he drove.

"I'm not talking to any of you for the next week. I hope you know that." Ki said as we all laughed. "Thank god." Colby teased causing Ki to lunge forwards and flick the back of his head.

When we got to the airport we got out of the car and made our way inside. "Do we have time to freshen up in the bathroom?" I asked feeling self conscious about how nasty we all looked and smelled.

"Yeah, we have plenty of time." Colby said and took my hand as we made our way to security.

We got through security fairly fast then went to the bathroom so we could freshen up.

"God, I can't wait to sleep in my bed and take a hot shower. That's gonna be so fucking amazing." Ki said as we all washed our faces and brushed our teeth.

When I looked in the mirror I was taken back by how pale I looked. The bump on my head was swollen and bruised, which also wasn't helping my appearance at all.

"I can't believe you guys are okay with being around me when I look this bad." I said and wiped my face with a makeup wipe. "You look fine! I'm honestly jealous that your hair still looks good." Kat said as I shrugged. "I think because it's short now it's easier to handle." I said then packed up my stuff.

"Let's go." Ki said and led the way out of the bathroom. When we got to the gate Sam, Colby, and Justin were already there.

"Hey, beautiful." Colby said as I sat next to him. "Hi." I whispered then leaned on his shoulder. "Did you have fun on the trip?" Colby asked as a girl wearing a 'take chances' hoodie came running over.

"Oh my god! I'm sorry for interrupting..I'm just a huge fan." She said as I lifted my head from his shoulder and looked down at my lap. "It's alright, what's your name?" Colby asked as he stood up to hug the girl.

"Anna." The fan said as I finally looked up. When I looked at her she was giving me cautious eyes as if she was trying to map out who I was and why I was with Colby. "Well it's nice to meet you! Sorry I smell like ass we were filming for 25x25." Colby said as her gaze finally moved from me to him.

"No way. What were you doing? Is Sam here too?!" Anna asked with excitement. "We were camping and yeah, Sam, Kat and Ki are all here." Colby said with a laugh as she looked around.

Sam, Kat, and Ki were over by the little shop getting some water bottles. "That's so cool! I'm gonna go talk to them but it was really nice to meet you!" Anna said as Colby gave her another hug. "It was nice to meet you too!" He said as she looked at me once more.

I could feel my heart beating out of my chest as I smiled slightly at her, not knowing what to say. Anna eventually turned around and skipped over to the others as Colby sat back down.

When he sat down he reached for my hand but I pulled it back from him. "Vi?" He asked as I looked at him. "I don't want her to see." I said quietly as he frowned. "I thought we weren't hiding this." He said as I nodded. "We aren't..I just...I didn't like how she was looking at me." I admitted and twisted my earring.

"You don't have to be scared, V. I'm gonna protect you." Colby said as I nodded. "I know." I said then sighed and took his hand. There was no point in being nervous over something so far out of my control.

We eventually boarded the plane then went through the whole flight. It felt so good to finally be back in LA. We dropped Ki, Justin, and Kat off at their places then finally went home.

"I'm going to take a year long shower, nobody bother me." I said then went to my room. When I got there I let out a small sigh of relief, knowing I was able to be alone for the first time in a week.

I didn't mind being around people but I missed my alone time.

When I got into the shower I moaned at how good it felt to clean all of the dirt and grime off of my body. We were able to bath in the freezing pond but there was really nothing better than a sugar scrub and a loofa.

I took my sweet time, making sure to really pamper myself before I finally got out.

I felt like a million dollars after I got out and towel dried my hair. I then went and changed into one of Colby's hoodies and some yoga pants.

"Feel better?" Colby asked as I walked into the kitchen. "So much better." I said then kissed his cheek and turned to the fridge.

"Would would you like me to make?" I asked as he came behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Whatever you want to make." He said and rested his chin on my shoulder.

"Maybe I'll make some soup. I'm feeling congested from the travel." I said then pulled out ingredients. "Sounds delicious." He said then kissed my cheek and backed away from me.

"Did you enjoy your shower?" I asked and got to work on making the soup. "Yeah, I didn't think a shower could feel so good." Colby said as Sam walked into the kitchen.

"Whatcha making?" Sam asked as I cut up some veggies. "Soup, I'm really congested." I said and rubbed my chest. "Oh no, do you think you're getting sick?" Sam asked as he sat down.

"I don't know, but I wouldn't be surprised after being in that cold ass water every day." I said and scrunched my nose at him.

"Well you don't have to be in cold ass water next weekend too if it makes you feel better." Sam said as I scrunched my brow. "What do you mean?" I asked as he looked at Colby.

"You didn't tell her?" Sam asked Colby as I raised my brows. "Haven't really had a chance. Sam and I are surfing this week for 25x25." He explained as I nodded.

"Sounds fun. You're already filming for the next one though?" I asked and turned to the stove. "Yeah, Sam turns 25 next month we have to hurry to get the last few done." Colby explained.

"Are you doing this in California?" I asked and turned to them again. "Yeah, thank god. I don't think I can travel again for a while." Sam said as Colby nodded his head. "I agree." He said then checked his phone.

I finished cooking dinner then served the soup to them. I could feel myself getting really tired and the tightness in my chest was getting worse.

I was definitely getting sick.

"So when are you guys uploading this video?" I asked and ate my soup. "Well, we sent the footage to the editor so it should be up next Sunday." Sam explained. "Cool, I can't wait to see the finished product." I said then looked down at the bowl of soup, suddenly not wanting to eat it.

"You feeling okay?" Colby asked as I stood up and poured the soup out, leaving the bowl in the sink. "I'm gonna lay down." I said then left to go to my room.

I could feel my body getting weaker and weaker by the minute as I crawled into bed. I knew that it was probably just a cold or the flu but I wasn't looking forward to feeling sick for the next few days, that's for sure.

"Baby?" Colby asked as he came into the room. "Hmm." I mumbled and looked over at him. "Are you sick?" He asked as I nodded. "Yeah, I'll live though." I said held my hand up as he came over to the bed.

"I don't wanna get you sick." I said as he laughed. "I'm not worried about it. I'm gonna get you some medicine and maybe some Gatorade or something, okay?" He asked and brushed my hair from my forehead and placed a kiss on it.

"Okay." I whispered then got more comfortable.  I haven't had someone that was able to take care of me when I was sick since my parents died. I usually just had to power through until it went away.

Colby was the sweetest thing though, constantly being there for me even when I tried to push him away.

I really didn't deserve him.

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