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Colby's POV

When I woke up I looked over to see Sam sleeping on Violet's shoulder as she held a tissue to her nose while reading on her phone.

I opened my mouth to tell her to get some rest but started coughing instead.

"Shit." Violet said and reached over to grab my water. As she stood up she carefully cradled Sam's head so he could sleep as she brought the straw to my lips.

I took a couple sips then looked up at Violet as she smiled softly at me. "Thanks." I said as she sat down and laid Sam's head on her shoulder again.

"How are you feeling?" She asked then set my water cup on the table next to her. "Everything kinda hurts." I said as she frowned. "Let me get the nurse in here." She said then reached for the call button.

"Have you slept?" I asked with concern in my voice as she sighed. "Don't you dare worry about me right now." She said as the nurse came in. "What's going on?" She asked as Violet pointed at me slightly.

"He's in pain, is there anything you can give him?" She asked quietly. "Hmmmm." The nurse said and went to grab my chart. "Yeah, it looks like he's due for more. I'll set that up for you." She said then left the room.

"Are you hungry?" Violet asked and took my hand again. "A little. You didn't answer my question." I said as Sam stirred in his sleep. "What do you want to eat? I'll order it for you." Violet said and grabbed her phone.

"Violet. Don't do that." I said as she sighed. "I'm not doing anything, Colby." She said as the nurse came in.

She changed out my IVs and gave me pain killers while Violet scrolled through postmates. I could tell she still wasn't feeling well because she was sniffling and her skin was extremely pale. Her eyes were also lacking the sparkle in them that was usually there.

"Can you check her temperature?" I asked the nurse and nodded towards Violet as best as I could. "Colby." Violet said and glared at me.

"Yeah, open." The nurse said and grabbed the thermometer and shoved it into Violet's mouth. I grabbed the phone from her and started ordering myself some food as Sam started waking up.

"Hey, man." I said quietly as the nurse checked Vi's temperature. "Oh...102.." The nurse said as Violet shook her head. "I'm fine." She grumbled as Sam stood up and stretched. "Just go home and rest, baby..please." I said as she shook her head.

"I'm fine. Please don't do this right now." She said as I looked up at Sam, giving him the hint to help me. "He's got a point, V." Sam said as she huffed out a breath. "Just order your food." She said then handed me her phone.

I sighed then looked at the screen only to cringe at the pain in my head. "It hurts to look at it...you can just order for me." I said then closed my eyes. "Okay." She said then grabbed her phone from me.

"So people want to visit you. Who do you want to see first when Violet and I go home?" Sam asked as Violet looked up. "I'm not going home, Sam." She said as I sighed. "You need to rest." I said as she clenched her jaw and stood up.

"I'm gonna go wait for the food in the lobby." She said then started to leave. "Vi-" I started but couldn't finish her name before she slammed the door.

"Oh, she's pissed." Sam said as I sighed. "Yeah. She needs to be taking care of herself." I said as he rolled his eyes. "Says the person in the hospital bed." Sam retorted as I sighed. "I just don't like watching her put herself aside for me." I said as he pursued his lips.

"She was terrified of losing you though. She doesn't care about her health when you're on your deathbed." Sam said as I chuckled. "I'm not on my deathbed. I'm fine," I said then wiggled my toes and fingers.

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