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I woke up in Colby's arms with the sun was shining in the room as the smell of bacon wafted through the air.

Colby was still asleep with his arm draped lazily over my waist. I didn't want to wake him but I felt weird being in his bed while his parents were awake. I didn't want them to think we did anything.

I carefully crawled out of bed, luckily not waking Colby up. I then carefully slipped out of the room and back to the guest room. I decided to get ready before presenting myself to whoever was downstairs.

I sat down at the desk that was in the room then did my makeup and straightened my hair. Once I was done with that, I went to my suitcase and pulled out the outfit I was going to wear.

I brought some skinny jeans and burnt yellow sweater with some thigh high boots. I put half of my hair up in space buns and pulled a few pieces of hair forwards to frame my face.

I felt pretty.

When I was done I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth then made my way downstairs.

"Good morning, honey." Mrs. Brock said as she flipped the bacon in the pan. "Good morning." I said and sat down at the table. "How'd you sleep?" She asked and turned to me. "I slept well, thank you." I said with a smile.

"So what do you need for your dad's sweet potato recipe?" She asked and poured me some orange juice. "Just sweet potatoes, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, raisins, and butter." I said as she nodded.

"Well we don't have cloves or nutmeg so you and Colby might need to make a trip to the store." She said as Colby came into the kitchen.

"Good morning." He said then came over and gave his mom a kiss on the cheek. "Good morning." She said then handed him a plate of food. "You look beautiful." Colby said then came over and kissed my cheek.

"Thank you." I said and took a bite of bacon. "When are people coming?" Colby asked as Gage and Colby's dad came into the room. "2, so we have a lot of work to do." Colby's mom said and handed Gage and Colby's dad each a plate of food.

"You know I can't cook." Gage said with a laugh as he sat next to Colby. "Yeah, that's why you're setting up the table." Colby's mom retorted and winked at him.

"Nice one, Lesa." Colby's dad said and gave her a high five. It felt so foreign having this type of family setting but I wouldn't say I was mad at it. It felt good to have a little family again.

We ate breakfast then went to go get ready. I stayed in Colby's room and started packing his stuff up for his mom while he showered.

"Ready to go, babe?" Colby asked as he finished straightening his hair. "Yeah." I said then stood up and brushed my pants off. He smiled at me as he turned around. "You really do you look beautiful." He said then came over and put his hands on my hips.

"Thank you, you look beautiful too." I said as he chuckled. "Yep, that's me. Beautiful as ever." He said then kissed me, moving his hands to my ass.

I kissed him back for a second then pulled away. "Not in your parents house." I scolded, then slapped his chest. "Fine, let's go." He said with a laugh then took my hand and led me out of the room.

When we got to the store I grabbed a little basket and took Colby's hand with my free hand. "We only need a couple things." I said then started going towards the spices.

"We should get some Oreos." Colby said as we walked. "For thanksgiving?" I asked as he laughed. "No, for our adventure tomorrow." He said as I shook my head. "What adventure?" I asked as I picked out the spices I needed. "You'll see." He said with a grin as we walked to the Oreos.

We grabbed the cookies then headed to the register only to get stopped by a tall guy. "Colby Brock?" He asked with amazement in his voice. "Yeah, what's up man?" Colby asked as they exchanged a bro hug.

"Long time no see! This your girl?" He asked and eyed me up and down once. "Yeah, this is Violet. Violet, this is Brent. We went to high school together." He said blandly.

"Nice to meet you...I'm gonna go check out." I said to Colby then gave him a small smile. I wasn't in the mood to be looked at like a piece of meat, so I was going to step away from the situation.

"Okay, I'll be over in a minute." He said as I nodded and smiled before walking away. I could feel Brent's eyes on me as I walked, which sent a shiver down my spine but I didn't let it show.

I was going to be walked all over again.

I paid for the groceries then walked out to the car. "V!" Colby called out as he jogged to me. "You okay?" He asked as I nodded. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I asked as he fished his keys out of his pocket.

"I don't know, I just know that paranoia can get bad." He said as I nodded. "Oh, it's not that. I just don't like getting looked at like I'm a piece of meat." I said then got in the car.

"Trust me, I didn't like that either. He's a douche bag though. He always has been. He used to bully Sam and I when we first started doing YouTube but now he wants shoutouts." He said causing me to scoff.

"I hate people like that." I said as he laughed. "Yeah, me too. Sorry he made you uncomfortable." He said and took my hand. "Don't worry about it, I'm okay." I said as he started driving home.

When we got back to the house everything was basically set up. Colby's parents were in the kitchen cooking thanksgiving dinner together which was a sweet sight to see.

"Oh! We have some counter space for you sweetie." Colby's mom said and pointed to the free space on the counter. "Thank you." I said with a smile and went to get cooking.

I found myself zoning out as I got to work, focusing on the recipe that I learned all those years ago.

"V." Colby said, breaking me from my thoughts. "Sorry, what's up." I said and shook my head as I put the potatoes in the oven. "My family is here." He said with a laugh as my eyes widened. "Already?!" I asked and looked at my spice covered hands.

"Yeah, you've been in the zone." He said as I washed my hands. "I guess I have been....I'm nervous." I said as he handed me a towel to dry my hands with. "Don't be, they will love you." He said and kissed my head. "Come on." He said then took my hand and led me to the living room.

"Cole, you've gotten so big." An older woman said as she walked over to us. "And you've only got more beautiful." He said and hugged the old woman. "Oh stop it. Now who is this?" She asked and looked at me.

"This is my girlfriend, Violet. Violet, this my grandma." He said as I smiled and waved. "It's nice to meet you." I said as she smiled. "Well aren't you a pretty girl." She said and opened her arms to hug me.

"Thank you, Colby's right..you're beautiful." I said as she laughed and looked at Colby. "I like her already."  She said causing my heart to swell. We walked around the room, getting me introduced to the family.

Everyone was so sweet and seemed like they were liking me but I was worried that they secretly hated me.

"Are you getting married?" Colby's younger cousin asked me. "Huh?" I asked as he pointed to the ring on my right hand that Colby got me. "Oh! No, this is just a promise ring." I said with a laugh and admired it. "It's really pretty." One of his other cousins said.

"I agree." I said then grinned at Colby. "I can't believe you actually got a girlfriend." His oldest cousin said and looked at Colby. "Yeah yeah, I get it." Colby said as his mom came over.

"Violet, I'm horrible at carving a turkey, will you help me?" She asked as I nodded. "Of course." I said then stood up from the couch and followed her into the kitchen.

I couldn't get over how weird it was having an actual family to be with for the holidays.

I was grateful for them though.

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