Chapter 37 - Georgia On My Mind

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John Luke's POV

It's the day of the wedding, and I am a fucking mess. I don't know what I am going to do when I see her. I slip on my nice khaki cotton suit. Mom has Scarlett dressed in a peach chiffon dress with her cowgirl boots.

Earlier that morning, Mamaw Lori arrives from Florida to attend Georgia's wedding. I have not seen her since she moved to Florida five years ago once she retired from the assisted living facility and split from Hank. Mom filled her in on everything. Lori approached me with a smirk. "Well, let's go and get your woman back."

It made me laugh. Mamaw was always good to me, and she always fights for her family. I definitely need her on my side today.

Everyone loads up the cars, and we set out for Gulfport. We have tons of people going today. It is me, Mom, Dad, Harper, Rhett, Scarlett, Lori, Mariah, Dylan, Bentley, Bentley's girlfriend - Allison, Nova, Earl, Maggie, Oliver, Gianna, Abrianna, Abel, Stacy, and Lucy. We all have the same intent today, and that is to bring our girl back home. Mariah's parents from Cincinnati and her brother and his wife and kids are meeting us there today as well. We got the whole crew showing up, and they are all aware of the situation.

It takes approximately two hours to drive to Mitch's parent's house. My stomach is in knots from the anticipation of seeing my girl today. Poor Scarlett has been a mess without her Momma home. I cannot imagine what Georgia is going through.

As we drive down the street where Mitch's parents live, there are men outside dressed in black from head to toe directing us where to park. They asked to see our invitations just to come through. After being directed, we walk up to the house amongst the other guests and around the side where the tents and chairs are set up.

As soon as I walk up, I catch a glimpse of Georgia being led into the tent. Holy shit! She looks fucking gorgeous! She doesn't notice me, so I quickly run-up to my parents. "Hey guys, I am going to see if I can talk to Georgia really quick and if she can give me a sign or something to get her out of here. I'm going to take Scarlett to see if that will help me get to her."

Mom lets go of her hand, so I pick her up. "Come on, baby; we're gonna see Momma."

"Momma?" she asks.

"Yes, I saw her. I'm going to take you to her."

"Yay! Momma." She squeals.

I hurriedly walk over to the tent with Scarlett in my arms and follow the walkway around to the back where she entered. There are two men in black suits standing in front of the entrance to the tent. "Hello, I'm here to see Georgia."

"Umm, are you the Father of the Bride, sir?" One of them asks curiously.

"No, I am the Father of the bride's child."

The second gentleman chimes in. "Sorry, sir. We are under strict orders from the Senator to not let anyone through except the wedding party."

"Why can't I see her? I have her child here."

She peeks out from the tent. Her eyes are red and puffy, and she has fresh tears streaming down her cheeks; she looks terrified. That is all the sign I needed from her, so I'm getting her the hell out of here.

The first man gets within inches of my face. "Sir, nobody but the Father of the Bride is allowed in here. Am I going to have to escort you off the property?"

I'm doing my best to keep my temper at bay when Georgia interrupts. "Let them in!"

"No, ma'am. We are under strict orders from the Senator." The second man coldly responds.

Scarlett sees her and cries out. "Momma!"

Georgia begins to sob, "Hi, baby girl."

I watch as she pulls something out of her dress and reaches her hand out for mine. I take her hand and quickly grab whatever is in her hand, then turn around and storm off. I don't even look back; it fucking kills me to keep walking, but I know I can't act irrationally right now and let my emotions get the best of me. Scarlett reaches out and cries for her, but I don't stop; I just keep walking away. I cannot let them escort me off the property, at least not yet anyway. Not until I have her back home with me.

Georgia On My Mind - Second Generation - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now