Chapter 5 - Friendly Friends

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I lay in bed and stare up at the ceiling when I hear my phone vibrate; it is a text from John Luke.

(John Luke) Let's go to the movies.

(Me) Want me to come to pick you up?


(John Luke) Yes, please. I need to get out of this house. Dad is harping on me again.

(Me) On my way.

I roll out of bed and walk towards the kitchen, where Momma stands near the sink rinsing the dishes from dinner time. "Hey Momma, can I borrow your car to go to the movies?"

She looks back at me while holding a dish over the sink. "Sure. Who are you going with?"

"John Luke," I reply.

She nods in the direction of the key hook next to the door. "Of course, well, you guys be good and stay out of trouble."

I walk over and grab the key from the hook. "We will, Momma, I promise."

I leave the house and climb in the Jeep to drive towards John Luke's house. When I get there, I pull up and honk in the driveway to let him know I have arrived. After a few moments, he opens the front door and struts towards me.

I can't take my eyes away from him right now! He looks up and notices that I am watching him intently, so he flashes me a sexy grin in return, runs up to the Jeep, and climbs in the passenger seat, quickly.

When he shuts the door, I look over at him, admiring how delicious he looks. I inhale, breathing in his cologne's intoxicating aroma; because it is my favorite scent in the entire world, and he knows this.

He seems irritated tonight. "You okay?" I ask curiously.

"Yep, it's just Dad and I are at each other's throats again. He hates I'm hanging out with Wyatt all the time." He confesses.

"Why do you hang out with Wyatt if he's always getting you into trouble?" I ask.

"Because we have known each other for years. He's my best friend, Georgia." He responds defensively.

I sigh in frustration because I know where this conversation's headed, but I can't keep my mouth shut. "Well, my parents can't stand his parents, but you already know this."

He rolls his eyes. "Oh, I know, my parents don't like them either, but I'm not friends with them. I know they are bat shit crazy. I am friends with Wyatt and his sister; she's my friend as well."

Just mentioning Stella Vance is enough to make my blood boil. She is always hanging around John Luke and Wyatt like a third wheel. It gets under my skin even though I have no right to feel that way. John Luke and I are not together, technically. We are friends who make out now and then. Well, we never officially worked out what we were yet because if we did make our relationship known, Daddy would flip out and probably forbid me to see him again since he hangs out with the Vances.

He looks over at me with those beautiful hazel eyes and notices I'm feeling insecure, "You have nothing to worry about, Georgia. She is like a little sister to me. Not to mention I only have eyes for you."

I snort. "Who's worried? I'm not!"

He rolls his eyes and smiles ear to ear. "Okay. Whatever you say, baby."

I know he doesn't believe me, but regardless, I try to keep a straight face. I have no right to dictate who his friends are. So, I attempt to change the subject. "Anyway, what are we going to see?"

Georgia On My Mind - Second Generation - Book OneWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu