Chapter 11 - The Big Lie

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I still haven't been to the doctor about the baby, nor have I told anyone yet. I'm starting to show a little; luckily, it's getting colder out since it's Fall now, and I've been able to hide it. I haven't heard from John Luke since the day he left. I am praying that it's because he is still in training. I have texted his cell phone a few times to check in on him with no response.

I can't bring myself to tell anyone he's the Father, but I decided that when he called me that I would break the news to him. I don't have class today, so I made up my mind last night to tell Momma the news and see how she reacts. I remain in bed, waiting until Daddy and Benny leave. I walk out into the kitchen to see Momma sitting at the table drinking coffee and reading a magazine. She turns around as I approach her. "Hey, sleepy-head. You hungry?" she asks.

"Ummm... yes, but Momma, I need to talk to you. It's important." I say hesitantly.

"Uh oh, what is it?" she asks with a worried tone. I swallow hard and sit down at the table next to her.

She eyes me intently and lays her hand over mine, "Whatever it is, sweetie, you can tell me."

"Momma, there is something I have been keeping from you and Daddy for a bit," I confess to her.

She removes her hand and grabs her coffee mug. "Oh?" she asks as she takes a sip.

"Momma, I'm pregnant." I blurt out.

Her eyes get big, and she spits coffee across the table. "Shit! What did you say?!" she asks as she wipes the coffee from her mouth.

"Momma, please, I'm sorry it was an accident." I cry out.

"Shit Georgia! I didn't know you were sexually active. Oh my god! Who's the Father?" she asks in a worried tone.

"It's a Ummmm...Ummmm.." I stutter. Then the biggest lie came right out of my mouth before I could stop it. A lie that is so out of character for me that it's worse than the truth, but I had to protect John Luke. All of hell's fury would rain down on him if Daddy knew it was him, and he put trust in him. "It's Ummm... Ummm... I don't know. Some guy I met at a party. I don't remember his name." I confess with tears streaming down my cheeks.

"Georgia May Hudson! I can not believe you would do such a thing! How could you have sex with someone that you don't know?" Momma asks, covering her face.

I start to sob, "Momma, I don't know what to do. I'm scared." I plead to her, hoping for some guidance. She is the kindest and most loving mother a girl could ever ask for; she can tell me what to do now.

She uncovers her eyes and takes a deep breath. "Honey, I can't blame you completely for this mess. You are a teenager, and you are experimenting. I blame myself partially for not getting you on the pill."

"Momma... Daddy is going to kill me." I sob.

"Ahhh, sweetie. Shhhh... It's okay. Daddy will be mad, I won't lie to you, but he will get over it and be okay. Daddy loves you." She says, reassuringly as she squeezes my shoulders.

"I feel like a failure. I feel like I've let everyone down." I choke out as tears stream down my cheeks.

"Oh, no baby girl. You're not a failure. You have been a very good girl for a very long time. It was bound to happen sooner or later, having the urge to get out there and experiment with sex. Heck, up until now, I thought you were saving yourself for marriage. I never wanted to pry, though. I figured you would come to me eventually. I wish that you would have come to me sooner if you were thinking of having sex. It could have been prevented; I would have gotten you on birth control." She says as she belts out an audible sigh, "Nevertheless, we will get through it. Do you want to keep the baby?" she asks.

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