Chapter 7 - Break Ups Are Never Easy

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My secret relationship with John Luke was a roller coaster ride over the next couple of years. Momma and Daddy were constantly questioning me as to why I was always going out with John Luke but never dating anyone. Momma says an essential part of growing up is putting myself out there to date around and experiencing love and, unfortunately, heartache. She says it's what helps you grow and molds the person you become as an adult. I just kept coming up with more excuses to keep my relationship under wraps as I couldn't bear the thought of losing him due to my Father's constant need to protect the women in his life. I knew that he had the best intentions to keep us from getting hurt, but I grew to resent him for it.

Eventually, John Luke and I hit a rough patch in my senior year of high school. He couldn't seem to stay out of trouble with Wyatt, and I had reached my breaking point, so I finally ended things with him. The pain of losing him that year was excruciating. I endured many sleepless nights during that time. Even if I did sleep, it resulted from crying so much that my body, mind, and heart just gave out. It was as if my heart was being ripped from my chest, and not a soul knew about it, but I vowed to suffer in silence.

That year, I was captain of the cheerleading squad, and I was at the top of my graduating class. Anyone from the outside looking in would see me and think that my life was perfect, except it wasn't. It didn't have John Luke in it, and I missed him terribly. I missed him so much that it was physically painful for me, but I couldn't keep him from experimenting with drugs or hanging out with Wyatt, so I knew that I needed to move on. That wasn't the kind of life I wanted for myself, so I knew in my heart that I made the right decision to end things.

That year, Daniel Arlington asked me to Prom, and I accepted. He was the most popular guy in school, and he was easy on the eyes. The girls on the cheerleading squad were envious of me. Little did they know that deep down inside, he made my stomach turn. The thought of Daniel Arlington and I together completely repulsed me. He was the most arrogant son of a bitch I had ever met in my life. However, I put on a show for everyone because I felt like that is what people expected of me. If they only knew who held the key to my heart.

When it got closer to Prom, Momma took me shopping to pick out the perfect prom dress. The one I chose was a sparkly navy blue two-piece detachable dress with a silver belt. I picked out matching silver heels that completed the entire ensemble. Momma was overcome with tears when I came out of the dressing room to showcase my new dress. I tried it on for Daddy when we got home. He wasn't too happy, but I was able to keep it after Momma, and I put our foot down. Daddy was content having me to dress like a nun.

On the day of the Prom, the plan was that Daniel, Tracy, and Scott would meet at my house. Daniel's Father had ordered us a limousine for the night. My parents were so excited; they took several pictures of us together around the entire property.

Eventually, my parents got over their little picture-taking spree, and we climbed into the limousine and headed for the Banquet Hall, where the Prom was being held.

On the way there, I sat next to Daniel on one side of the limousine. Tracy and Scott sat across from us on the other side. They were all over each other and not a bit shy about it.

I notice out of the corner of my eye; Daniel slides closer to me. He gets so up close and personal to me that I can feel his breath on my ear. "You look beautiful, Georgia." He whispers.

"Thanks," I respond quietly.

He clears his throat. "Let's put those fuckers over there to shame. What do you say?" he asks as he puffs out his chest and messes with his tux.

I stare at him, dumbfounded. "No, thanks. I have no intention of putting them to shame," I respond with a snarky undertone.

He huffs and moves in closer to me. "Listen, I got us a limousine because I wanted this night to be special. Not to mention, I asked you to Prom over every other girl I could have asked. I think you owe me, sweetheart."

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