Chapter 3 - Death Is A Part Of Life

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While I sit at the table doing my homework, the phone rings, and Momma picks it up. I can hear her in the kitchen. "Hello?" she answers. Then I hear silence. "No! Oh, my God! Dylan!!!!," she cries out. I jump up from the table and run to the kitchen.

When I get there, Momma is sobbing. "Momma?" I ask curiously as I approach her. Just then, I'm startled when Daddy runs up behind me into the kitchen. "What is it?"

Momma has tears streaming down her cheeks, and she shakes her head at Daddy. "Dom just passed away!"

Daddy puts his hands over his face. "No!" he cries.

I can hear Momma talking on the phone. "Where is she?... Should I go over there?...No?...Call me and let me know," she says as she wipes the tears from her eyes and hangs up.

I look up at Momma and Daddy; they are both sobbing. I walk over to Momma. "Momma? What happened?" I ask.

She kneels in front of me, "Listen, baby; Uncle Dominic is in heaven now taking care of his and Aunt Maggie's first baby who passed."

Tears start to well in my eyes. "Oh. Why did he die, Momma?"

"Uncle Dominic had cancer. He was extremely sick, his body just got worn out, and he couldn't go on anymore. Death is sometimes just a part of life, baby." She explains as she brushes the hair out of my eyes. "Aunt Maggie is going to be incredibly sad for a long time now. Plus, she is having two babies here in a couple of months. We all need to help her out."

"Okay, I will help," I respond. Momma smiles at me with tears streaming down her cheeks and stands. Daddy walks over to her and hugs her tightly as she cries into his shoulder.

I walk back to the table and finish doing my homework. I wonder if Uncle Dominic will be an angel who watches over us? I believe he will be; I bet he is flying high up in the clouds with the other angels. I will miss him, but I know their first baby needed someone to look after them. Maybe that is why he died. They needed him in heaven to take care of their other baby.

The rest of the night was quiet, except for Benny, he is always loud. Momma and Daddy never talked to him about Uncle Dominic. Momma was on the phone with Brie for a while that night. She was crying a lot, and I was unsure of what I could do to make her feel better.

Daddy walks over and sits down next to me on the sofa. I was trying to stay out of their way, so I decided to watch Happy Feet to keep myself entertained. He wraps his arm around me and pulls me close to him, then he leans down and kisses the top of my head and brushes the hair from my eyes. "Are you okay, baby?" He asks.

I cuddle up close to him. "Yes, I'm just thinking about Uncle Dominic being an angel flying high up in the clouds with the other angels."

He pats my shoulder and grins. "Oh, he sure is. He's probably the one who flies the highest."

The realization that I will never see Uncle Dominic again hits me. "I will miss him," I say tearfully.

Daddy wraps his arms around me tightly. "I will too, baby. We all will." He implies.

After I finish watching Happy Feet, I approach Momma and Daddy to give them goodnight kisses; then, I get myself ready for bed.

I look outside my window throughout the night. I'm having trouble falling asleep. I wonder if I should talk to Uncle Dominic. I look up at the ceiling to talk to him. "Hi, Uncle Dominic. It's Georgia. I hope you are happy about being an angel. I hope you are flying high up in the clouds. Tell my Grandma Norma I said hi and I miss her. I promise to help Aunt Maggie with the new babies. If you are ever flying around here, come down and see me. I will miss you. I love you. Goodnight, Uncle Dominic." Then I blow a kiss upwards towards the ceiling.

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