Chapter 13 - Fate

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John Luke's POV

A couple of weeks after my second tour of Afghanistan ended, I sat at home watching television while drinking a beer when my phone rang. I looked down to see who it was, and it was my commanding officer. I immediately picked it up. "Do you know a Brie Madden?" he asks.

"Yes, sir, that's my mother," I tell him.

"Funny thing is, I got a call from a recruiter in Mississippi. He said that she showed up claiming that she hasn't heard from you since you enlisted, but I can see she is on your emergency contact list. Is that true?" he asks curiously.

"Yes sir, I had a falling out with my parents after I enlisted," I explained.

He continues, "Well, she wanted you to know that your Father had a heart attack. I'll leave that information with you so you can do whatever you want with it. I just figured I'd let you know."

My heart sank. I thanked him and hung up. Shit! I need to see them. I can't hold this grudge anymore with them. I'm going to have to visit or something. I pick up the phone and dial my Mom's number. She answers after a couple of rings. "Hello?"

"Mom, it's me, John Luke," I reply.

She starts sobbing on the other end. "I missed you so much!!! Are you okay?"

"Yes, Mom, I'm fine. Is Dad okay? I heard you were trying to reach me because he had a heart attack."

"Yes, honey, he did. He's home resting for a few days. What happened? We tried to contact you over the years. Your phone is disconnected." She questions.

"Well, it's a long story, but I went several months with no money coming in because there was a huge mix up in my pay. That's why my cell phone was disconnected." I explain.

"Oh, good lord! Why didn't you write to us and tell us? We would have helped you out." she asks.

I hesitate for a minute. "Mom, honestly, I just couldn't bring myself to contact you guys. I was very bitter for a long time."

She begins sobbing., "Ahhh... Don't cry, Mom. I'll take a plane home as soon as I can to visit." I assure her.

"Good, sweetheart. I can't wait to see you. I love you." She says, her voice cracking.

"Love you too, Mom."

As soon as I hang up, I start planning to go back home for a bit. I'm going to have to bite the bullet and do this. I was able to get online and book a flight back home the next day from Charlotte. I packed my things up that night and went to bed.

The next day I got on the plane early in the morning and flew home. I rented a car at the airport and drove back to Laurel, arriving around 10:00 am.

Driving through town again brought back a lot of memories. Those memories of Georgia flooded my mind. What if she is married by now and has kids? I don't understand why she would never write me back. I mean, one letter would have made a huge difference.

I pull into the driveway to my parent's house. Mom runs out and greets me at the car. "John Luke, you are so handsome! I missed you!"

"Hey, Mom!" I say as I embrace her.

She grabs my face, kisses my cheeks, and then takes my hand, leading me inside the house. "We are all happy you are here."

I walk in behind her and see that nothing has changed. Harper is sitting on the couch on her cell phone. She looks up. "Hey, big brother!" she says as she jumps up and hugs me.

"Hey, sweet girl! You've been good?"

She shrugs, "Ahh..hit or miss."

Mom rolls her eyes. Rhett comes up and gives me a fist bump. "Hey, bro. I missed you."

Georgia On My Mind - Second Generation - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now