Chapter 21 - Play The Game

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The next morning Scarlett startles me as she grips my arm. "Hey Momma, it's daytime. Time to wake up!" She chirps.

I stir and slowly open my eyes while blinking through the blur; I squint and cover my face from the rays of sunlight glistening through the blinds. I sit up and glance at her, then over at the clock. As my eyesight comes into focus, I can see it's nearly 8:30 am. "Okay, baby, Momma will get up. Do you want me to make you breakfast?"

"Yes, please." She responds while bouncing on her knees, excitedly on top of the bed.

"Give Momma and Daddy a few minutes, and I will make us some breakfast."

"Okay, Momma." She cheerfully replies as she then focuses her attention on John Luke. "Morning, Daddy. It's sunny outside. Time to wake up!"

He stretches his arms up over his head and flips onto his back. "I see that baby girl. I'm going to get up with Momma."

She playfully flops onto my abdomen, temporarily knocking the wind from me, which has her screeching with laughter. Then she hops down from the bed and scurries out of the room. I gently pat John Luke's hand. "She's a ball full of energy in the morning, just so that you know."

He chuckles, "I can see that." he says as he rolls off the bed, sauntering towards the bathroom.

I turn my head and admire his body as he struts across the room, "Mmm... I'm never going to get tired of looking at you."

He turns to look back at me, puffing his chest while clenching his jaw. "Better be careful over there looking at me like that." He warns.

"Or what?" I question in a provocative tone.

"Girl, I'll tell you what; you are about to get it again. You are just askin for a poundin, aren't ya?" He jokes as he slowly strides back towards the bathroom while eyeing me intently.

Amused by his suggestive remarks, I turn to my side, resting my head on my hand, daring him to make a move.

He exhales audibly, "Baby girl, you are a killer." he says as he enters the doorway to the bathroom and slowly closes it while keeping his eyes glued to me.

After climbing out of bed, I slip my nightgown and robe on while patiently waiting for him to finish. As he struts out of the bathroom, he slips on a pair of sweatpants, and I sneak past him to freshen up.

Afterward, I quietly creep down the hall towards the kitchen and notice Scarlett is cuddled up with John Luke on the chair watching television, "You guys want eggs and bacon with toast?" asking as I approach them from behind.

"Sounds good; what do you think, baby?" John Luke asks while playfully squeezing Scarlett's shoulder.

"Yummy! Momma makes the best breakfast." She says as she pats her belly in a gesture to my cooking abilities.

"I bet she does," John Luke turns his attention towards me, making a sexual gesture of wagging his tongue between his two fingers. His gesture has me reeling as I feel a pool of wetness collect in my panties; I cross my legs and clench my thighs together to ease the tingling sensation.

I prepare eggs, bacon with toast this morning, and we gather at the table to eat. Once we finish with breakfast, I run Scarlett a bath and help her get ready for the day. I choose a cute little pink dress with white sandals and attempt to braid her hair as she whimpers and fidgets.

While I'm busy with Scarlett, John Luke showers and grooms himself, he struts out of the bedroom looking so fine when he's done; it's hard not to admire him. A mixture of soap, sandalwood, and leather invades my nostrils as he passes; it's so fucking intoxicating that I could eat him up! Since he wants to play that game, I can play it too! He entertains Scarlett while I get groomed and primped for the day. I choose a white t-shirt that ties in the front and cut off blue jean shorts. I lotion up my body and finish with body spray, his favorite scent, a blend of fruit and floral with a vanilla hint. I prance out into the living room and plop down next to him, fully expecting the aroma to linger. His body tenses as he audibly inhales through his nares and reaches out to squeeze my inner thigh. You aren't the only one who knows how to play the game, John Luke! I attempt to distract him now, "So, what should we do today?" I ask innocently.

Georgia On My Mind - Second Generation - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now